Dark Obsessions (Kate Barnes)
by Marie Sutro

Published: 2022-04-26T00:0
Kindle Edition : 387 pages
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"An especially gripping, well-researched tale from a formidable talent."--Kirkus Reviews

Reeling from the trauma of her last case, Detective Kate Barnes heads to the Olympic Peninsula hoping to heal the present by resolving the past. When the ravaged corpse of an unidentified teen ...

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"An especially gripping, well-researched tale from a formidable talent."--Kirkus Reviews

Reeling from the trauma of her last case, Detective Kate Barnes heads to the Olympic Peninsula hoping to heal the present by resolving the past. When the ravaged corpse of an unidentified teen is discovered, her search for personal peace takes a back seat to the quest for justice.

She soon discovers the victim was not the only one taken against her will. Racing against the clock to rescue the remaining girls, she uncovers a complex series of ever-increasing horrors. In the farthest reaches of Washington state, Kate will realize that the darkest woods hide the darkest of obsessions.

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DEPUTY JENNA WHEATON slammed the door of the patrol car shut. The sound bounced off the walls of the abandoned quarry, doubling and trebling before finally fading in the late afternoon stillness. Spinning on her heel, she cast a final warning glare at the two teenage passengers huddled in the backseat. Exhaling, she turned toward the abandoned warehouse which stood across from the edge of the vast mining pit. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. It is often said that setting can become its own character. How does the Olympic Peninsula influence the plot and the characters? Would either be different if the story were set in a larger city like Seattle?

2. As the plot unfolds, Kate realizes she is following a trail of breadcrumbs. How did each new piece of evidence change the nature of the case, or Kate’s perception of it?

3. Kate’s relationship with Chloe is volatile and complex. Are Kate’s feelings toward Chloe fair? Do they change? If so, how?

4. What motivates Kate to investigate certain lines of inquiry on her own? How do these actions affect her relationship with Tony and her ability to solve the case?

5. Kate is struggling to recover from the psychological toll of her last case. Does getting involved with this case help or hurt her recovery?

6. While at Beans of Mine in chapter 3, Kate tells Tony, “We’re cops, skepticism is in our DNA.” Are there other reasons why Kate is skeptical of others? If so, how do they influence how she relates to people?

7. Much of the emerging technology discussed (i.e. genealogical DNA and alkaline hydrolysis) have sparked powerful debates. Should both of these methods be common practice? Why, or why not?

8. Is Kate a different person at the end of the case than she was at the beginning? If so, why?

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