Chasing Ordinary
by Prissy Elrod

Published: 2019-04-20
Paperback : 0 pages
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Chasing Ordinary is about a Southern housewife who loses her way with the death of her husband. After the loss, through a series of unexpected events, and with courage, she rediscovers her confidence and happiness by becoming who she had forgotten she once was. Her journey is beautifully described ...
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Chasing Ordinary is about a Southern housewife who loses her way with the death of her husband. After the loss, through a series of unexpected events, and with courage, she rediscovers her confidence and happiness by becoming who she had forgotten she once was. Her journey is beautifully described through a collection of flowing true stories. Her description of each character and event is woven together to show how each contributed to and impacted her transformation. In this sequel to Far Outside the Ordinary, the story picks up a full year after the death of her husband when her college sweetheart, appears back in her life and she learns he is still in love with her. However, when it comes to parenting and relationships, nothing's ever that simple. As she attempts create a new life and have a second chance at love, she realizes extending her family requires courage to make the difficult choices that confront her.

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Lost in the Right Direction

To be honest, all I ever wanted was to go back to folding my laundry on a regular Tuesday afternoon. Back to the day when my life was simple and ordinary. But, as I sat on the ornate sofa inside the lobby of the Peabody Hotel, nothing was ordinary. Boone, my late husband, had been dead sixteen months. I hate the word dead. Passed. Departed. All vowels and consonants just synonyms for suck. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. Were you surprised Prissy invited Dale to meet her in Europe after only two days together in Memphis? Would you have done this?

2. After reuniting did the relationship move too quickly? If so, why do you think it happened?

3. Was Prissy selfish to choose her happiness and Dale over Garrett’s disapproval and unhappiness? What would you have done?

4. Accepting Dale’s marriage proposal only eight weeks after reuniting was sudden. Do you think she should have waited, to give Garrett longer to get to know him before saying yes? If so, why?

5. Do adult children ever support second marriages of single parents? If so, what is an acceptable time- frame to them?

6. Did Prissy spend too much time asking the universe for answers, believing in her signs, numbers, and fortune tellers? Have you ever put your faith in the unknowns in life?

7. Should Prissy have relocated to Indianapolis after they married?

8. What might she have done differently to acclimate to her new life in a strange city?

9. Should she have agreed to move to Indianapolis, rather than asking Dale to commute?

10. When Puddles, her seventeen-year-old Poodle, was ill do you think she made the right decision to end her life? What would you have done in this situation?

11. Did you agree with Sara Britton’s decision to donate her bone marrow and later her stem cell to save someone she never met? Have you ever considered donating, or would you?

12. Do you think bringing Du and Salli back into Prissy’s life when Dale’s mother had ALS triggered a form of PTSD for Prissy. Or was it something else?

13. Should Prissy have shared her nightmares with Dale rather than keep them to herself to protect him from worrying about her, along with his dying mother? What would you have done?

14. Why do you think it took Prissy so long to begin writing after Dale bought the tools needed early in their marriage? Was it procrastinating or fear? Have you ever wanted to write your own story? If so, why haven’t you?

15. Do you think Prissy’s discovering her love for painting happened by chance, through default, or was always there waiting to surface? Have you ever considered taking lessons in painting, writing, dancing, music, or acting? Would you, or rather, could you?

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