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Young China: How the Restless Generation Will Change Their Country and the World
by Zak Dychtwald

Published: 2018-02-13
Hardcover : 304 pages
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The Wall Street Journal: "Engrossing...[Dychtwald]writes with an infectious energy."

The Washington Post: "Enlightening...we learn that Chinese millennials, unlike their jaded American counterparts, are still dreamers and strivers, and have faith that they can achieve their dreams." ...

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The Wall Street Journal: "Engrossing...[Dychtwald]writes with an infectious energy."

The Washington Post: "Enlightening...we learn that Chinese millennials, unlike their jaded American counterparts, are still dreamers and strivers, and have faith that they can achieve their dreams."

Christian Science Monitor: "Fascinating... a remarkably revealing portrait of China's youngest generations."

Randall Stross, author of Bulls in the China Shop and Other Sino-American Business Encounters: "A rarity among books about China: Young China is a fun read."

Elizabeth Economy, C.V. Starr Senior Fellow and Director for Asia Studies at the Council on Foreign Relations: "An engaging read for anyone looking for an introduction to contemporary Chinese culture and society."

The author, in his twenties, who is fluent in Chinese, examines the future of China through the lens of the Jiu Ling Hou?the generation born after 1990.

A close up look at the Chinese generation born after 1990 exploring through personal encounters how young Chinese feel about everything from money and sex, to their government, the West, and China’s shifting role in the world--not to mention their love affair with food, karaoke, and travel. Set primarily in the Eastern 2nd tier city of Suzhou and the budding Western metropolis of Chengdu, the book charts the touchstone issues this young generation faces. From single-child pressure, to test taking madness and the frenzy to buy an apartment as a prerequisite to marriage, from one-night-stands to an evolving understanding of family, Young China offers a fascinating portrait of the generation who will define what it means to be Chinese in the modern era.

Zak Dychtwald was twenty when he first landed in China. He spent years deeply immersed in the culture, learning the language and hanging out with his peers, in apartment shares and hostels, on long train rides and over endless restaurant meals.

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Discussion Questions

Suggested by Members

Do you think the young people are actively a part of the "plan", or do they wish they had more freedom from family expectations?
What do you think of the fact that the students turned their cell phones off during interviews with the author?
How much time and money do people in the U.S. spend taking care of their grandparents?
by bcarroll (see profile) 06/15/19

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  "Young China"by Bea C. (see profile) 06/15/19

A memoir from a 20 something man who went over to China as a student, learned to speak Mandarin, and made friends with other people his age. It deals with how the younger generation is coping with all... (read more)

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