The Emissary (One Great Year)
by Veitch, DeFazio

Published: 2018-10-09
Paperback : 200 pages
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The Emissary is no ordinary soul. He is the reincarnation of Marcus, born 13,000 years ago during a Golden Age. Since then Marcus has been reincarnated an exhausting number of times and suffers from his past life memory. Through it all, his purpose remains clear – to guide mankind in its ...
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The Emissary is no ordinary soul. He is the reincarnation of Marcus, born 13,000 years ago during a Golden Age. Since then Marcus has been reincarnated an exhausting number of times and suffers from his past life memory. Through it all, his purpose remains clear – to guide mankind in its evolution and to reunite with his soulmate Theron, but evil always stands in his way. Marcus’s enemy Helghul is possessed by a dark entity. Helghul relentlessly pursues Marcus and Theron through time, determined to destroy them and ruin all hope for salvation.

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Chapter 1
The Weary Traveler
Present day, Seattle, Washington
Quinn had been reincarnated an exhausting number of times. How many lives had he lived? He could hardly count them. Over the past thirteen thousand years, he had lived through a Golden Age, descended into a Silver Age and a Bronze Age, and then agonized as humanity declined, into the brutal Iron Age. Plato had called it the “Great Year,” and Quinn knew the ancient concept well. Roughly every twenty-six thousand years, the tilted Earth rotated once on its axis, and within that time period there was a rise and fall of consciousness on the planet. Quinn carefully watched the precession of the equinoxes, charting the four Ages of the Great Year Cycle. The star constellations ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. Do you believe that reincarnation is real? If it is, would you want to remember your past lives? Why or Why not?
2. There are many kinds of love presented to us: romantic, parental, platonic. Do you think there is one that is stronger or more valuable than others? Why or why not?
3. Though life was difficult in the time of Sartaña it was also simpler in many ways. If you could choose any era or Age to be born into what would you choose and why?
4. In The Emissary there is a character called Black Elder. This Elder is called upon to bring chaos and discord to the world. What are your beliefs about good and evil? Do they exist? Can people change?
5. During a dark ceremony Helghul calls upon an entity, the Beast, to join with his soul. There have always been stories and folklore that speak of possession, ghosts and spirits. What are your thoughts on the supernatural?
6.There are theories that life on Earth was once more advanced than currently taught in schools. If information comes to the forefront confirming these theories do you think society will be open to embracing a new view of world history? Why or Why not?
7. The co-authors of The One Great Series are a husband and wife writing team. Do you think you could work full time every day with your significant other or best friend?

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