The Sisters of Blue Mountain: A Novel
by Karen Katchur

Published: 2017-04-04
Hardcover : 320 pages
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A sisters’ secret.
A mysterious phenomenon.
A murder that ties it all together.

An emotional, suspenseful novel about the bond between sisters and the secrets we hold to keep our family safe, The Sisters of Blue Mountain by Karen Katchur is a thrilling mystery that hurtles towards an ...

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A sisters’ secret.
A mysterious phenomenon.
A murder that ties it all together.

An emotional, suspenseful novel about the bond between sisters and the secrets we hold to keep our family safe, The Sisters of Blue Mountain by Karen Katchur is a thrilling mystery that hurtles towards an unexpected ending that will leave readers speechless.

The small town of Mountain Springs, Pennsylvania thrives on the snow geese migration. Each year, the birds flock to the dam, and the tourists follow, filling up Linnet’s Bed and Breakfast.

But one morning Linnet wakes up to discover hundreds of dead geese by the B&B and her life is thrown into the media frenzy when her father?a former ornithology professor?is asked to study the case. As the tourists cancel their plans and Linnet’s father’s health grows increasingly worse, the last thing she expects is to see her estranged sister, Myna, on her doorstep.

Myna has never stayed in one place for long after running from Mountain Springs. Although she and Linnet were close growing up, a family secret broke their bond, and Myna’s return has brought back memories both sisters have tried to keep buried.

When a reporter arrives in town who may have a connection to the sisters’ past, Linnet and Myna are forced to confront the event that tore them apart. But when a young professor who was assisting their father on the case turns up dead?and their father becomes the primary suspect?Linnet and Myna realize that their secret won’t stay hidden for long…

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Spring came early the year the birds fell from the sky.
Linnet was standing at the kitchen sink with a cup of coffee, looking out the garden window, when a bird dropped. She was so startled that she’d jumped, splashing hot coffee onto her hand and staining the sleeve of her white oxford shirt. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1) Do you think Linnet and Myna fit the typical older/younger sister mold? Why or why not?
2) Which sister do you relate to more, Linnet or Myna?
3) The mother’s clinical depression was never openly discussed by the family, and therefore went largely untreated. How did this affect the family members separately? How did this affect the family as a whole?
4) The care of the aging father falls solely on the older sister, Linnet. Is this fair? Should her younger sister, Myna, step up and take on more responsibility in his care?
5) Is it fair to Linnet’s husband and son to expect them to help in the care of Linnet’s and Myna’s father?
6) Do you think certain characters in the novel should be held criminally liable for their actions? Or were they just morally liable?

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