
1 review

Love and Iced Tea
by Leslie Finegan

Published: 2015-10-14
Paperback : 368 pages
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In late August, Eiji Takezo is driving across the United States on back roads, trying to escape the pressure from his father to marry the right woman and follow in his footsteps as head of the family bank. When his car breaks down, he suddenly finds himself stranded in rural Cedar Springs, ...
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In late August, Eiji Takezo is driving across the United States on back roads, trying to escape the pressure from his father to marry the right woman and follow in his footsteps as head of the family bank. When his car breaks down, he suddenly finds himself stranded in rural Cedar Springs, Oklahoma. There he meets a strange cast of characters who take him in, befriend him, and reorder his life before he can blink. None of these new acquaintances is more interesting than Blair Don Mason. Blair is a beautiful local girl who works as a secretary, and Eiji-who begins calling himself Eli, a name given to him by the eccentric family who has taken him in-is instantly in love. When he learns that she feels the same way, he decides to stay and try to build a new life in Cedar Springs. But how long can their love last in the face of bigotry? In this humorous novel of romance and culture clash, a man stranded and lost manages to find love in an unexpected place.

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“Who is that pretty woman with the black hair sitting with the other older woman at that table?” he asked.
“What girl, honey?’
“That woman sitting with the other older woman in the booth, over there.”Eiji stopped from pointing but just barely. “The woman with the long black hair pulled back at the nape of her neck.”
“Mae,” said Lorraine. “He’s talking about Blair Don Mason. My God! There’s Precious. I haven’t seen her in an age. She looks good and she’s not an older woman. I’ll have you know that ‘older woman’ is our age, so she’s not older because we’re not older people. I don’t consider us older. Do you, Ellanor? Have we become older people? I don’t feel like an older person.” ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

Suggested by Members

Do you think the issues, relationships depicted are only found in small, southern towns?
Were there scenes not in the book that you would have liked to see?
by gazzingo (see profile) 04/27/17

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

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Book Club Recommendations

Heartfelt, humorous glimpse of small town life.
by gazzingo (see profile) 04/27/17
We had iced tea with bourbon!!! And lovely lemon cake!!

Member Reviews

Overall rating:
  "Love and Iced Tea"by Maryann G. (see profile) 04/27/17

Our book club had a great discussion about the many characters, relationships, motivations and life in a small southern town. There were some fun plot points and several parts of the book made me laugh... (read more)

by Elizabeth G. (see profile) 12/09/17

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