
1 review

The Munich Girl: A Novel of the Legacies that Outlast War
by Phyllis Edgerly Ring

Published: 2015-11-14
Paperback : 356 pages
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Anna Dahlberg grew up eating dinner under her father’s war-trophy portrait of Eva Braun. Fifty years after the war, she discovers what he never did—that her mother and Hitler’s mistress were friends.The secret surfaces with a mysterious monogrammed handkerchief, and a man, Hannes Ritter, ...
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Anna Dahlberg grew up eating dinner under her father’s war-trophy portrait of Eva Braun. Fifty years after the war, she discovers what he never did—that her mother and Hitler’s mistress were friends.The secret surfaces with a mysterious monogrammed handkerchief, and a man, Hannes Ritter, whose Third Reich family history is entwined with Anna’s.Plunged into the world of the “ordinary” Munich girl who was her mother’s confidante—and a tyrant’s lover—Anna finds her every belief about right and wrong challenged. With Hannes’s help, she retraces the path of two women who met as teenagers, shared a friendship that spanned the years that Eva Braun was Hitler’s mistress, yet never knew that the men they loved had opposing ambitions.Eva’s story reveals that she never joined the Nazi party, had Jewish friends, and was credited at the Nuremberg Trials with saving 35,000 Allied lives. As Anna's journey leads back through the treacherous years in wartime Germany, it uncovers long-buried secrets and unknown reaches of her heart to reveal the enduring power of love in the legacies that always outlast war.

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For my extra day of freedom, I planned to linger over breakfast at a table with a sunny view of the mountains. But the dining room was a frenetic symphony of clinking and clattering when I arrived and the maitre d’ stuck me in a dark corner. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1 . How does friendship help us to survive hardships? How did the friendship between Peggy and Eva Braun help them navigate treacherous times?

2. Had Peggy known the truth of Eva's relationship with Hitler, do you think their friendship would still have evolved as it did?

3. To what extent was their friendship deepened and strengthened by the fact that they knew little of each others' real circumstances?

Suggested by Members

Which characteris the Munich Girl Eva or her friend Anna ?
Did Eva know what Hitler was doing to the Jewish people etc?
Is the ending believable ie Anna inherits Evas house?
by kayla12 (see profile) 02/08/17

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

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Book Club Recommendations

Do some fact finding on Eva and the places she lived on the internet
by kayla12 (see profile) 02/08/17

Member Reviews

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  "Historical Novel about Eva Braun"by Dorothy H. (see profile) 02/08/17

Our book club read this book for our January selection. We found the book to be a good historical novel. We did some fact checking on Eva Braun and found it to be correct. We had difficulty not to like... (read more)

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