
2 reviews

The Inn at Ocean's Edge (A Sunset Cove Novel)
by Colleen Coble

Published: 2015-04-14
Paperback : 336 pages
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Claire’s visit to a luxury hotel in Maine awakens repressed memories, threatening all she holds dear.

In 1989, Claire Dellamare disappeared from her own fourth birthday party at the Hotel Tourmaline on the island of Folly Shoals, Maine. She showed up a year later at the same hotel, with ...

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Claire’s visit to a luxury hotel in Maine awakens repressed memories, threatening all she holds dear.

In 1989, Claire Dellamare disappeared from her own fourth birthday party at the Hotel Tourmaline on the island of Folly Shoals, Maine. She showed up a year later at the same hotel, with a note pinned to her dress but no explanation. Nobody knows where Claire spent that year—and until now, Claire didn’t even know she had ever been missing.

But when Claire returns to the Hotel Tourmaline for a business meeting with her CEO father, disturbing memories begin to surface . . . despite her parents’ best efforts to keep them forgotten.

Luke Rocco lost his mother under equally mysterious circumstances—at the same time Claire disappeared. After a chance encounter reveals the unlikely link between them, Claire and Luke set out together to uncover the truth about what happened that fateful year.

With flashbacks swimming just beneath her consciousness and a murderer threatening her safety, Claire’s very life depends on unscrambling her past . . . even if her family refuses to acknowledge it. Someone—maybe everyone—is hiding something from Claire Dellamare, and it will cost her everything to drag the truth out into the light.

Editorial Review

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July 4, 1989
The sea was near. Though she couldn’t see it, she smelled the salt air and heard its roar as it hit the rocks close by.
The branches around her held scary shadows. The forest was thick here, and she put her hand on the rough bark of a tree that smelled like Christmas. Mommy had told her to stay far away from the rocks. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. Reversing roles to care for a sick parent or grandparent can
be challenging. Have you ever had to do that? How did you
and your parent cope?

2. We live in such an age of consumerism, and it affects
children. Our inclination is to give them everything like
Claire’s parents did. How do you keep your children

3. Working the land is almost a lost occupation. Do you ever
wish you could go back to a simpler life and farm or do you
shudder at the thought?

4. Why do you think Jenny implicated Claire in her letter?
Why didn’t she just go to the sheriff with what she knew?

5. Why do you think Sheriff Colton was so determined to
find Claire at fault? Do you ever make a snap decision and
refuse to look at facts?

6. Claire always wished for siblings. What are some of the
challenges of being an only child? Benefits?

7. Do you believe in love at first sight?

8. Do you have an unconventional family? My friend, Diann
Hunt, was my sister in every way but blood. How did friends
like that or an unusual family circumstance help shape you?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

No notes at this time.

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Member Reviews

Overall rating:
  "Good Mystery -- Just Unbelievable"by Nancy B. (see profile) 01/14/16

A millionaire father, a daughter who has been polished to someday take over her father's company and a business merger about to take place at the Inn at Ocean's Edge starts the story.


... (read more)

by Katie B. (see profile) 06/09/15

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