
7 reviews

Dead Land
by J. E. Byrne

Published: 2013-11-27
Paperback : 228 pages
5 members reading this now
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Recommended to book clubs by 6 of 7 members
Caught up in the rave of the ultimate high school party, eighteen-year-old Sarah Cain finds herself outside at 3:10am with her high school crush. Together they witness a violent explosion that tears through the sky. Knocked unconscious, Sarah awakens to a world she no longer recognizes. The sun ...
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Caught up in the rave of the ultimate high school party, eighteen-year-old Sarah Cain finds herself outside at 3:10am with her high school crush. Together they witness a violent explosion that tears through the sky. Knocked unconscious, Sarah awakens to a world she no longer recognizes. The sun does not rise, there is no moon or stars, and black rain falls heavily on her shoulders. Forced into survival, Sarah is frequented with strange words and dreams that mystically draw her toward a mountain promising life, even amidst her dying world. Setting out on foot to follow this vision, Sarah meets up with other survivors and discovers that some of them have shared her same dream. Together the group sets off to find The Mountain. Tempted by good and evil at every turn, survivors must decide which path to take.

Editorial Review

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Discussion Questions

Suggested by Members

See J.E. Byrne's own blog for thought provoking questions: http://authorjebyrne.com/2013/12/10/december-2013-book-club-discussion-questions/
by Suederms (see profile) 01/05/14

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

No notes at this time.

Book Club Recommendations

Food theme
by dasimcox (see profile) 01/08/14
The host of our book club meeting served a more upscaled version of the foods that the characters in the book ate post apocalypse, so it made for some interesting discussions of the book an added a nice twist to the evening.

Member Reviews

Overall rating:
  "Couldn't get into this one"by Stephanie D. (see profile) 05/12/14

It was difficult to get over the awful grammar, flat characters, unrealistic dialogue, and ridiculous plot.

If you can get past that, it's rife with symbolism and allegory.

by Christine R. (see profile) 04/07/14

  "Great read!"by michelle r. (see profile) 01/09/14

This was a fun read. Quick paced and inspiring!

  "Dead Land"by Jeanne C. (see profile) 01/09/14

A fast-paced really fun read! I wish I could read the 2nd and 3rd book right now (they haven't been released yet)!

  "Awesome Dark and dreamy book"by Denise S. (see profile) 01/08/14

Truly an exciting, fast-paced, page turner that keeps you wanting more. Many friends have read this book entirely in one sitting because you have to find out what happens next! Dead Land, a post-apocalyptic... (read more)

  "Deadland is alive!"by Sue D. (see profile) 01/05/14

This is a great read! I literally couldn't put this book down and when I had to finally, I kept thinking about Sarah and what was going to happen next. There are spiritual undertones throughout but it... (read more)

  "So enjoyed- can't wait for the next!"by Holly B. (see profile) 01/02/14

I very much enjoyed this book- good story- I like the characters. Kept me interested and wanting to know more. I am looking forward to the next installment. I think it would be a great book club book-... (read more)

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