The Girl on the Cliff
by Lucinda Riley

Published: 2012-10-30
Kindle Edition : 0 pages
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From the author of the international bestseller The Orchid House, comes a mesmerizing story about two Irish families and the tangled ties that have bound them since World War I.

Escaping a recent heartbreak in New York, Grania Ryan returns to her family home on the wind-swept coast of ...

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From the author of the international bestseller The Orchid House, comes a mesmerizing story about two Irish families and the tangled ties that have bound them since World War I.

Escaping a recent heartbreak in New York, Grania Ryan returns to her family home on the wind-swept coast of Ireland. During a walk on the edge of a cliff, she meets a young girl named Aurora Lisle who is about to profoundly change her.

     As their lives begin to intertwine, Grania's mother becomes deeply troubled by the relationship. A century of entanglement and strife has brought nothing but tragedy to the Ryan and Lisle families, and the past is set to repeat its endless sorrows. But Grania's curiosity about the joint histories of their familes won?t be stopped. After she finds a suitcase originally hidden in the attic of the magnificent Cadogan House in London during the First World War, Grania is taken back to 1914 where it all began. Ultimately, it will be Aurora's intuition that has the power to break the family's spell and unlock the chains of the past.

     Haunting, uplifting, and deeply moving, The Girl on the Cliff is an unforgettable tale of the triumph of hope over loss.

From the author of the international bestseller The Orchid House, comes a mesmerizing story about two Irish families and the tangled ties that have bound them since World War I.

Escaping a recent heartbreak in New York, Grania Ryan returns to her family home on the wind-swept coast of Ireland. During a walk on the edge of a cliff, she meets a young girl named Aurora Lisle who is about to profoundly change her.

     As their lives begin to intertwine, Grania's mother becomes deeply troubled by the relationship. A century of entanglement and strife has brought nothing but tragedy to the Ryan and Lisle families, and the past is set to repeat its endless sorrows. But Grania's curiosity about the joint histories of their familes won?t be stopped. After she finds a suitcase originally hidden in the attic of the magnificent Cadogan House in London during the First World War, Grania is taken back to 1914 where it all began. Ultimately, it will be Aurora's intuition that has the power to break the family's spell and unlock the chains of the past.

     Haunting, uplifting, and deeply moving, The Girl on the Cliff is an unforgettable tale of the triumph of hope over loss.

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  "Terrific"by Elizabeth P. (see profile) 09/03/13

Dunworley Bay, West Cork, Ireland, London, parlor maids, orphans, a character with a sixth sense, castles, crashing waves, a family legacy, letters, and secrets....what else could you ask fo... (read more)

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