
10 reviews

The Tricking of Freya
by Christina Sunley

Published: 2009-03-03
Hardcover : 352 pages
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Recommended to book clubs by 10 of 10 members
A young woman obsessed with uncovering a family secret is drawn into the strange and magical history, language and landscape of Iceland. Freya Morris grows up in a typical American suburb ? but every summer, she enters another realm entirely when she visits her relatives in Gimli, a tiny ...
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A young woman obsessed with uncovering a family secret is drawn into the strange and magical history, language and landscape of Iceland.
Freya Morris grows up in a typical American suburb ? but every summer, she enters another realm entirely when she visits her relatives in Gimli, a tiny village in Canada settled by Icelandic immigrants. Here she falls under the spell of her troubled but charming aunt Birdie, who thrills her with stories of exotic Norse goddesses, moody Viking bards, and the life of her late grandfather, the most famous poet of "New Iceland."
But when Birdie tricks Freya into a terrifying scandal, Freya turns her back on everything Icelandic and anything that reminds her of the past. She is living an anonymous, bleak existence in Manhattan when she finally returns to Gimli for the first time in two decades ? and stumbles upon a long concealed family secret.
As Freya becomes increasingly obsessed with unraveling her family's tangled story, she finds herself delving into the very memories she has worked so hard to forget. When the clues dry up in Gimli, Freya journeys to Iceland itself. On this rugged island of vast lava fields and immense glaciers, Freya's quest comes to its unsettling conclusion.
A beautifully-written debut novel that deftly weaves together Iceland's distinctive history, ancient mythology, reverence for language, and passion for genealogy, The Tricking of Freya is a powerful exploration of kinship, loss and redemption.

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Importance of heritage in one's life
Adoption--various types and impacts of each
by amycaryzer (see profile) 07/24/10

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Member Reviews

Overall rating:
  "Interesting story"by Kris C. (see profile) 01/17/13

The outcome was a bit predictable to me but the story was still worth the read. The journey to the end definitely kept me interested.

  "A different reading"by Chary P. (see profile) 02/21/11

Interesting topic about a culture I knew almost nothing. Nice descriptions and story. Makes me to want to travel to Iceland!

  "The Tricking of Freya"by Michelle M. (see profile) 02/14/11

The Tricking of Freya is a wonderful debut novel by Christina Sunley. Taking place in Canada and Iceland, the book is a love letter of sorts to her Icelandic ancestors and heritage.


... (read more)

  "Great Read"by Shaelynn B. (see profile) 08/09/10

I really liked this book. We all have that family member who is a little out of control and crazy--and this book keeps you clinging to what this woman will do next to a little girl who is being raised... (read more)

  "Good read but could have been written better"by Amy Y. (see profile) 07/24/10

I thought this book was good and character development was great. I was disappointed in how the author completed the book--not so much in plot but the quickness in which all is resolved. The book is written... (read more)

  "Book about Iceland and imigrants"by ellen t. (see profile) 05/22/10

Interesting book about Iceland. Maybe a little disappointing in the end. But a good book nonetheless. Something different for your club.

  "Tricking of Freya"by Barbara R. (see profile) 03/09/10

Although a bit lengthy, I found this book very interesting.

  "A good read...hard to get into, but worth the trouble"by Sigrid H. (see profile) 03/05/10

  "The tricking of Freya"by Teresa S. (see profile) 11/18/09

  "the tricking of freya"by Susan J. (see profile) 11/18/09

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