
5 reviews

Child 44
by Tom Rob Smith

Published: 2008-04-29
Hardcover : 448 pages
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Overall rating:
by Jennifer B. (see profile) 03/23/18

  "Child 44"by Alycia T. (see profile) 05/18/15

Everyone loved this book! We had a lively discussion of Russia under Stalin, and came away with a deep appreciation of life in America. Although the book begins rather bleakly, it soon becomes hard to... (read more)

  "Child 44"by Dianne J. (see profile) 05/04/15

Fast-paced and suspenseful, Child 44 is a book that is hard to put down. It is not great literature, but it is a good read.

  "will be made into a movie so read it now"by Kareemah H. (see profile) 05/04/15

as always, Hollywood may massacre this book so I recommend reading it now. Don't come looking for happy warm fuzzies, this book is set in the ramp up to the Cold War in the still forming Soviet Union.

  "Child 44"by Jennifer G. (see profile) 08/31/10

Child 44” by Tom Rob Smith

“Child 44” is a debut novel by British Author, Tom Rob Smith. It is historical fiction based on the 1950’s Russian serial killer, Andrei Chikatilo, also

... (read more)

  "interesting in some ways, a bit horrifying at times"by ellen t. (see profile) 05/22/10

I liked it enough, but there was a lot of descriptions of what the russians did under Stalin as torture. I have a feeling a lot of it is true since I hear stories from older relatives that lived through... (read more)

  "Thought provoking and well written."by Michele N. (see profile) 03/19/09

  "Debut of Tom Rob Smith; powerfully written novel set in late Stalinist Russia featuring a member of the MGB who sets out to solve a set of gruesome murders"by MJ C. (see profile) 03/11/09

Prompted LOTS of discussion although some of our members could not read the selection due to its graphic and powerful nature. Given a strong 'thumbs up' by those of us who did read it. Smith has obviously... (read more)

  "Murders are not supposed to be possible in the 1950's Soviet Russia. That would be a disgrace. But a serial killer is out there and looking for him is a bigger crime against the state than ignoring"by Cheryl C. (see profile) 03/03/09

This novel is a gripping, page turner. You may figure a few things out before the end, but I guarantee there will still be surprises.

Some members of our group found it too intense/pow

... (read more)

  "An account of an unthink -able crime against children in the former soviet republic."by Mariet N. (see profile) 02/24/09

I like this book because of the unthink-ability the unpredictability. The end is a true eye opener.
Worth the read.
The karakters in the book are easy to remember, for me they act like rus

... (read more)

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