One Last Dance: It's Never Too Late to Fall in Love
by Mardo A. Williams, Kay Williams, Jerri W. Lawrence

Published: 2017-10-09
Paperback : 402 pages
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A story about finding love at any age, One Last Dance is the delightful tale of Morgan, aged 89, and Dixie, 79, two “mature” individuals on seemingly divergent paths. Despite their disastrous first meeting, complete with a ruined birthday cake, broken eyeglasses and insulting remarks, ...

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A story about finding love at any age, One Last Dance is the delightful tale of Morgan, aged 89, and Dixie, 79, two “mature” individuals on seemingly divergent paths. Despite their disastrous first meeting, complete with a ruined birthday cake, broken eyeglasses and insulting remarks, it was obvious to bystanders, even then, that the two were fated for each other. 

          The book follows the relationship of Dixie and Morgan, as they begin to date and ultimately decide to move in together – for economic reasons, they agree.  But the business-only relationship changes and strengthens as the couple unites to combat illness, scandal and a near-fatal accident.  It’s also a tale about how insecurities, humiliations and fears, thought long past, can haunt a person throughout his days.  Dixie fears intimacy.  Morgan has concealed important details about his divorce, his estranged children, and his lost job. 

          When a mysterious stranger, a grandson Morgan has never met, bent on vengeance for past wrongs, invades their lives, he becomes a catalyst, reconciling Morgan with his estranged Chicago family and eventually bringing Dixie and Morgan the love and pride they’d lost decades before with the loss of their children.

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BOOK I - Getting Together

A Violent Encounter

At first Morgan saw only movement; colorless shapes milling about. They turned into people.

A woman using a walker labored his way. Her eyes were anxious, her ankles so swollen that her legs looked like thick poles. A pinch-faced gentleman leaned on a counter behind which a receptionist sat. “Where’s my wife?” he asked petulantly. Two women, slumped side by side on the couch like two rag dolls, stared forlornly into space. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. Here in an aging America –unlike so many other cultures -we have a love affair with youth. Our television commercials, magazine ads, and even most television shows are geared to the younger, beautiful people. Instead of being overlooked, how could the contributions of our older generations be acknowledged and used to benefit society?
2. In the novel, Dixie is 79 and Morgan is 89. How realistic is it to expect to fall in love at that age? Discuss the complications of romance and marriage at this stage in life. Also talk about the advantages.
3. Dixie would possibly like a relationship but does not want to turn into a care giver. Do you think she is selfish? Would you take the kind of risk she takes by inviting Morgan into her life? Discuss your thoughts about whether women manage being alone better than men do.
4. Although the novel explores problems related to aging, it also explores relationships, motivations and needs of human beings at every age. How does your view of Tony change as the novel progresses?
5. Dixie has concerns regarding Morgan's past. Is she right to be worried? Grandson Tony has been led to believe that Morgan is wealthy. Had Morgan been treated fairly by his family? Did he create some of his own problems?
6. Dixie is afraid Morgan will be repulsed by her body and Morgan is afraid he might not be able to perform. Discuss the nature - and truth - in these fears. Do we all have young minds in aging bodies? Discuss your thoughts on sexuality as life progresses into the later years.
7. There are many new challenges that surface as we age. In the story, Dixie struggles to keep her house up and is considering taking in a boarder. For retirees, finances can be a huge issue even with the best of planning. The thought of not being able to drive and losing independence is painful. The decision to consider a move to a retirement home means giving up privacy and independence for the rest of life. The novel also touches on end-of-life choices. How do we prepare to face these difficult decisions? Discuss others you know who have helped determine what you'd do - and what you wouldn't do.
8. What does the novel suggest about the importance of stability in family life? How has lack of it affected Dixie? Morgan? Tony?
9. How important are the following people to Tony and how do they influence his outlook and attitude? his father, his stepfather, Eddie, Officer Pfeiffer, Dixie, Morgan, Laura. How important is Tony to Dixie? to Morgan?
10. As the novel progresses, the reader sees change and growth occurring in Morgan, Dixie and Tony. What events seem to most influence growth and change in Morgan? Dixie? Tony?

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