The King (Masterpiece)
by Skye Warren

Published: 2017-06-27
Paperback : 0 pages
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The highest stakes...

My father gambles every night, falling deeper and deeper into debt. When he hits the bottom, he places a new bet: his daughter. I'm his entry bet to the biggest underground poker game.

Every kind of danger circles the velvet-covered table, but only one man makes me ...

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The highest stakes...

My father gambles every night, falling deeper and deeper into debt. When he hits the bottom, he places a new bet: his daughter. I'm his entry bet to the biggest underground poker game.

Every kind of danger circles the velvet-covered table, but only one man makes me tremble.

A trailer park princess.

The son of a criminal king.

We don't belong together, but I'm caught in a twisted game.

His eyes meet mine with dark promise. And when he puts down his cards, I know I'm going to lose more than my body. I'm going to lose everything.

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Shock holds me paralyzed on the sidewalk. A dangerous prospect considering it’s late in the evening in the west side. Made even more dangerous because I know exactly who this is.
I know exactly what he’s become.
There’s a storm inside me. A whirlwind of surprise and fear, threatening to drown me. Why are you back? That’s what I want to ask. From somewhere deep inside, another whisper. Why did you take so long? ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1) One of the guiding forces in Penny’s childhood is addiction—her parent’s addiction to drugs and gambling. Discuss how this shapes her ideas of strength and weakness.

2) Penny has a unique ability with numbers, as represented by the Rubik’s cube. It’s also one of the only gifts given to her by her father. What does it tell us about her desire to learn and be challenged? As a metaphor what does it mean?

3) What Penny dislikes most is addiction, but Damon doesn’t gamble or drink. What is it that she sees in him that scares her? What is it that draws her in?

4) A major theme in The King is water—the depths of it, her fear of drowning, Damon’s strange ability to stay underwater. Describe how that fear shapes her growth throughout the novel, how it holds her back and propels her forward.

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

“This book is dark and disturbing but extremely honest in its delivery… Although their story is a sad one, it is this in depth reveal of their back story that cements these characters into your heart and soul and leaves you on the precipice of desperation for them to get their happily ever after.” ~ The Romance Cover

“I can’t imagine a greater bookish pleasure than reading something written by Skye Warren… Dark poetry. One of the aspects I care for most is this author’s intricate, subtle sensibility in her writing. Words that touch deep and resonate with so much knowledge of the pain a heart can harbour in silence.” ~ Literaria

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