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Together Again
Published: 2011-12-27
Hardcover: 30 pages
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Have you ever felt as though you have known someone forever when you actually just met? Or felt a connection with your child or spouse that has an effortless, timeless quality? "Together Again" is the true story of such a soul connection between mother and daughter. Their story spans heaven and earth...
Together Alone
Published: 2009-03-17
Kindle Edition: 512 pages
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New York Times bestselling author Barbara Delinsky weaves a stunning and intricate tapestry of life, love, and acceptance.With their daughters off to college, the time has come for forever best friends Emily, Kay, and Celeste to redefine themselves as women. Once half of a perfect marriage...
Together Under One Roof: Making a Home of the Buddha's Household
Published: 2008-08-05
Paperback: 276 pages
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Toilers of the Sea
Published: 2010-06-07
Paperback: 348 pages
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First published in 1866, this depiction of Man's battle with the sea and the horrible creatures lurking beneath its depths is dedicated to the Channel Island of Guernsey where it is set, and where Hugo spent 15 years in exile.
Tokyo Station
Published: 2003-08-01
Paperback: 464 pages
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Tolkien: The Children of Hurin Diary 2008 (Diary)
Published: 2007-07-01
Calendar: 96 pages
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This annual Tolkien diary contains a haunting collection of watercolors and pencil sketches by Oscar-winning Tolkien artist, Alan Lee, from the newly published The Children of Hurin. To accompany each watercolor painting, every month features complementary pencil drawings selected by Lee ...
Tollesbury Time Forever
Published: 2012-01-03
Kindle Edition: 0 pages
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"You will never be anything less than enthralled by this novel." - The Kindle Book Review"With a resounding message driven by the 60s ideals ofpeace, love and hope, there is plenty to enjoy for a huge range ofreaders." - Urchin PressOther reviewers have proclaimed Tollesbury Time Forever t...
Tolstoy and the Purple Chair: My Year of Magical Reading
Published: 2011-06-07
Hardcover: 256 pages
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Nina Sankovitch has always been a reader. As a child, she discovered that a trip to the local bookmobile with her sisters was more exhilarating than a ride at the carnival. Books were the glue that held her immigrant family together. When Nina's eldest sister died at the age of forty-six,...
Tom Clancy Presents: Act of Valor
Published: 2012-01-10
Paperback: 336 pages
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The Navy SEALs have been fighting terrorists around the world for more than a decade. And for all that time, the Bandito Platoon from SEAL Team Seven has been on continuous combat rotation. Now they have drawn a shipboard assignment off Central America ? an easy day. But for a Navy SEAL, the only easy...
Tom Rob Smith Collection (the Secret Speech, Child 44)
Published: 2011-09-08
Paperback: 0 pages
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