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The Edge of the World (The Chronicles of Grace, Book 1)
Published: 2005-07
Paperback: 282 pages
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This tender coming-of-age novel probes the deep issues of life and faith through the unguarded honesty of youth.
The Edge of Winter
Published: 2007-11-27
Mass Market Paperback: 512 pages
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Neve Halloran and her daughter have shared a fierce love for the austere beauty of Rhode Island's South County ever since Neve guided Mickey's first baby steps along the sandy shore. Now, with Mickey a teenager and Neve's last hope for happiness with her daughter's loving but unstable fat...
Edge: A Novel
Published: 2010-11-02
Hardcover: 416 pages
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Behind the well-known U.S. security organizations? the FBI and CIA among them?lies a heavily guarded, anonymous government agency dedicated to intelligence surveillance and to a highly specialized brand of citizen protection. Shock waves of alarm ripple through the clandestine agency when ...
Published: 2007
Audio CD
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Edges: O Israel, O Palestine
Published: 2005-05-30
Paperback: 200 pages
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"Edges" was selected by Grace Paley for "Glad Day Books", a new publishing house founded by Ms. Paley and Robert Nichols. "Edges" takes the reader to an Israel before high walls formed a border, when, instead, metal wires hung "like hosiery lines" across the land. Liana Barish is fourte...
An Edible History of Humanity
Published: 2009-05-19
Hardcover: 288 pages
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The bestselling author of A History of the World in 6 Glasses brilliantly charts how foods have transformed human culture through the ages. Throughout history, food has acted as a catalyst of social change, political organization, geopolitical competition, industrial development, military ...
The Edible Woman, Surfacing, Lady Oracle
Published: 1987
Hardcover: 0 pages
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The Edible Woman
Published: 1998-03-16
Paperback: 336 pages
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The novel that put the #1 New York Times bestselling author of The Handmaid's Tale on the literary map; a groundbreaking work of fiction. Ever since her engagement, the strangest thing has been happening to Marian McAlpin: she can't eat. First meat. Then eggs, vegetables, cake, pumpkin s...
Edith Wharton
Published: 2007-04-10
Hardcover: 880 pages
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The definitive biography of one of America's greatest writers, from the author of the acclaimed masterpiece Virginia Woolf. Delving into heretofore untapped sources, Hermione Lee does away with the image of the snobbish bluestocking and gives us a new Edith Wharton--tough, startlingly mo...
Edith's Story : The True Story of a Young Girl's Courage and Survival During World War II
Published: 2001-01-02
Paperback: 256 pages
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In 1940, while the Germans occupied Holland, fourteen-year-old Edith van Hessen was filling her diary with the intimate, carefree details of a typical teenager's life — thoughts about boys, school, her family, her friends, her future. By 1942, as Edith was contemplating her first kis...
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