The Quickie
by James Patterson, Michael Ledwidge
Hardcover- N/A

Lauren Stillwell is not your average damsel in distress.
When the NYPD cop discovers her husband leaving a hotel with another woman, she ...

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  "A story with to many far fetched plots." by nycrules (see profile) 09/25/07

This story could have been written in less than 150 pages. It was such a disappointment especially since it was James Patterson's novel. The majority of the club rated it a 6 or 7 out of 10 Me and another member would rate it about a 4 or 5. The story line started out decent enough, but it just got to the point that it was way over the top, and just hard to believe.
The best part of this book was its ending, it was the most viable part of the story, which is great because who likes a bad ending. In my opinion the ending completely saved me from rating this book a 1 or a 2. I think Patterson is an excellent writer, perhaps he should just stick to writing his books alone. They are much better that way.

  "On a scale of one to ten I would rate this book a six." by kprofancik (see profile) 09/26/07

This book was o.k. I think it would make a good beach read. I was not impressed. I did like the ending of the book.

  "easy read!" by melissa618 (see profile) 11/11/07

This was an easy read. Everytime I though that I figured out what would happen, I was surprised by another twist in the story. The characters were a little unrealistic and I do not belive people would get away with many of these things in real life, but it you can get past the unbelievability then this is a good book.

  "Average read, not great for discussion" by stefanieapplegate1 (see profile) 11/13/07

I thought the book was predictable and not realistic. It was a quick read. I don't recommend it.

  "Shallow and unbelievable story line..." by jaseifert (see profile) 01/13/08

This is definitely NOT a Patterson! The entire story is so unbelievable it is difficult to finish the book. Don't bother for pleasure or book club; very disappointing.

  "Very quick read." by teatime (see profile) 07/18/08

More of a beach read than for club discussion. Patterson was a recommendation. I think I'll try one of his series next. This one was over too quick.

  "A Book full of twists and turns--the surprises never stop!" by ezzie36330 (see profile) 05/26/09

  "One book we were glad to finish and move on" by fastreader (see profile) 08/01/11

An uninspiring writing style, some characters difficult to get emotionally invested in, and a plot that makes for limited discussion.

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