Talk Talk
by T.C. Boyle
Hardcover- N/A

The bestselling author of The Inner Circle and Drop City returns with a timely new novel about a woman in desperate pursuit of a man who ...

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  "A cautionary tale of identity theft" by ResedaBabe (see profile) 08/30/07

The Literary Lyres rated this book 7 out of a possible 10. We had trouble understanding the vigilante attitude of the protagonist, Dana and her boyfriend, Bridger. We understand anger but especially in this
day and time. What were they thinking they were going
to accomplish when they found the thief?

We felt a little betrayed by the author when in the
very beginning the statistic regarding the high
divorce rate between hearing impaired people who marry
normally hearing idividuals was mentioned. We feel this
gave away the end and I was waiting for the
relationship to end throughout the rest of the book.

We were a little frustrated with the "chip on her
shoulder" attitude of Dana. Perhaps we don't understand
the frustration of trying to belong in a society that
does not acommodate those that are different. She was
unwilling to open herself up to Bridger on an
emotional level enough to sustain a relationship.
It was interesting to see both of the realationships
with the mothers in the story. It is amazing how no
matter what age we are, we immediately revert to some
past place with our mothers in which they take control
and we give in to their authority. It only seems to
change when the parent becomes very old an vulnerable
that the adult child can finally be in charge and the
parent welcomes this.

We were also hugely disappointed in the ending. After the dramatic, dangerous cross country trip, the final confrontation was a let down. No clear resolution.

One member of our group had an interesting insight into the names of the characters parallelling character traits. Peck: "pecked" away at the identities of individuals until he had conquered them and made their identities his own. Dana Halter was a sometimes "halting" character trying to fit into a hearing world. Bridger tried to "bridge" the gap for Dana between the hearing and non hearing world.

  "Interested all the way through until the very disappointing ending" by cjballard (see profile) 08/31/07

Although it was an easy read and the author had me interested all the way through, the ending was not only disappointing but made me mad for reading and investing in the rest of the book.

There are better books to invest in.....

  "Talk Talk by TC Boyle" by BobbiLSmith (see profile) 04/01/11

Interesting story about a deaf woman and stolen identities. It keeps your interest from the very beginning. The end leaves you somewhat confused, but I think he purposely did it that way, so...

  "Talk Talk" by swannwsong (see profile) 02/26/12

I read this book because Steven King recommended it. I thought it was good, a quick read.

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