What She Knew: A Novel
by Gilly Macmillan
Paperback- $8.79

"The Changeling meets an episode of Law and Order: Special Victims Unit but set in the UK.” -The Skimm


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  "good read" by Carolynr (see profile) 03/12/16

a great who done it with a multiple list of who could have. keeps you guessing until the end! good read.

  "An engaging and addictive read" by nbaker (see profile) 09/14/16

This book could have been titled "What Everyone Knew But Never Told". A divorced mother (for 10 months) is struggling to get over the fact that her husband up and left her and their 7 year-old son for another woman. Life is hard when there are so many unanswered questions. One Sunday she and her son are on a hike in the woods -- something they do on a regular basis. Her son, Ben, asked if he could run ahead and meet her at the swings in the clearing. Realizing her first reaction to any request is usually "no", she decides to help build some confidence in both Ben and herself, and says yes. The only problem is that when she arrives at the swing, there is no Ben. There is absolutely no trace of Ben, just a lone swing whipping back and forth in the breeze.

The story then takes up the lives of the Mom, Dad, aunts, neighbors, teachers and even the police officers assigned to the case. It seems that no one is exempt from secrets and blame. Motive, revenge, jealousy and madness are at the top of the list for several characters in the story. Minutes matter, hours tick away like seconds and as the days mount with no sign of young Ben, you find that during hours of desperation, people are likely to say anything.

The story moved around frequently from person to person but the transition was smooth enough that some times you rarely felt the switch. For the most part, I felt the characters were well developed, except for the Dad whose character remained a bit foggy to me. I never felt like I knew him well or his motives. All in all, it was a suspenseful read that put you front and center of all the numerous lives involved in a child abduction case. You got to ride the gamut of emotions felt not only by the family and friends, but law enforcement as well. The involvement of the detectives assigned to the case was an eye-opener as I found them to be very engaging while battling not getting too personally involved.

An emotional roller coaster, What She Knew, was well worth the read. It was a heart-wrenching, moving story of the power of love, intuition and a mother's fortitude.

  "What She Knew" by llorton (see profile) 10/26/16

We all enjoyed reading it as well as discussing it. We wished you would have had questions for this particular book. I found them on another site though. You had a reading guide listed but it didn't come up.

  "" by RamseyQ (see profile) 11/05/16

  "" by [email protected] (see profile) 09/16/17

  "" by jgcolomb (see profile) 10/22/17

  "Formulaic but held our attention" by carolkaskin (see profile) 12/12/17

When we only had 2 weeks between meetings, this book proved a Godsend because of its pace and who-done-it plot. While there were loose ends we would have loved for the author to have tidied up, on the whole we liked the book.

  "What She Knew" by PEP2312 (see profile) 01/23/18

Child Abduction. Book moved slowly and was not particularly convincing. I dislike the ploy of adding in characters and events that are useless and unresolved just to through the reader off.

  "" by [email protected] (see profile) 07/23/18

  "" by [email protected] (see profile) 08/07/18

  "" by [email protected] (see profile) 11/28/18

  "" by [email protected] (see profile) 11/11/20

  "" by [email protected] (see profile) 10/05/21

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