The Lovely Bones
by Alice Sebold
Paperback- N/A

When we first meet 14-year-old Susie Salmon, she is already in heaven. This was before milk carton photos and public service announcements, ...

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  "Incredibly beautiful!" by harleymumof2 (see profile) 03/15/06

This literary debut is an incredible story - it's unbelievable that this is Alice Sebold's first novel. I also can't beleive someone hasn't rated this book before now. Simply put, this is one of the best books I've ever read - not to mention probably the best debut I've ever read. This story will wrap you around it's little finger and not let go until you have read the very last word. If you haven't read this book, you are missing a jewel in my opinion. Subject matter would definitely make for good discussion.

  "very good book" by tanya (see profile) 11/20/06

Would recommend highly to anyone! great book!

  "it took me a long time to open the cover, but once I did I loved it" by kennamom (see profile) 03/07/07

  "I think of it every time I hear of a tragedy like in this story!" by Martini (see profile) 03/16/07

Our group read this and her other book (LUCKY) together,both are 5 stars. Sounds like a horrible story, and one that is sad and will make a person feel out of control, but really it is uplifting and may provide hope for all those horrible deaths we hear and read about in our lives.

  "Horrifing and Peaceful" by dee995 (see profile) 04/19/07

It was a very disturbing story with explicit details. It was very intersting to hear this story through the eyes of the child. It was a very different view of how I always imagined heaven too. It is a worth while read, but be ready to be a litle uneasy that this could happen to any child.

  "Could not stomach!" by mitznmutts (see profile) 06/24/07

I have rejected this book when brought up and I am not sure how people can get through it. I was so disturbed by the premise that I could not finish and in light of all the tragedies in the world currently couldn't justify any book about the murder of a young girl, no matter what context it was in or how it ended.

  "A young victim watches what happens after she is taken from this world" by ellentambo (see profile) 08/01/07

Kind of silly, actually. The plot was not grabbing, you know what happens. Then, she is still in love with her "crush" from Jr. high, and he still loves her too? Right!!! Not a great book

  "a very dark novel" by cdlooney (see profile) 10/04/07

I had a hard time with this one. So many others have read it and said it was a favorite, so I tried it. I have to say, it wasn't my favorite. It was much darker than I usually enjoy. I definitely didn't "enjoy" reading this book. I finished it, and felt it was okay. I would be careful who I recommended this book to, as it is surely not for everyone.

  "Very Well Written" by pamaucoin (see profile) 11/06/07

This book is a good piece of fiction. It may be considered dark but it is, unbelievably, uplifting because it would help you understand yourself and others going through a tragic death such as this. What the Salmon family went through is seems real.

  "The book begins with Susie's rape and murder and continues with Susie's narration from heaven or "inbetween" as she observes her family and friends cope with her death and live their lives." by kulagunter (see profile) 11/30/07

This is one of my top tens books I've ever read. Although it is at times painful to read, especially as a mother, it is an amazingly different and refreshing type of novel. The characters truly feel as though they are people who live next door and might pass in your daily life. It is emotionally wrenching, but also thought provoking and healing.

  "one of our best discussions yet" by Kathy E. (see profile) 05/16/08

My group thought this book was very well written over all. It was a very good discussion on what we liked about the book and we related with the characters. We were divided by the ending. One member thought it was poetic justice that he was killed with the icicle,(it was thought that suzie actually made it happen herself). We all agreed that the father should have divorced the mother; the way she left was unacceptable to us; the fact that she was gone for 8 years was ridiculous. And we laughed at the randomness of the motorcycle shop scene. Everyone enjoyed the talented writing of this author, however, I don't think any one of us would read this book a second time.

  "A young girl is murdered and watches her family as a ghost come to terms with her absence." by marsuzlb (see profile) 07/22/08

The Lovely Bones was a fun and easy read. It was very intriguing...until towards the end. There were many unanswered questions and too unbelievable.

  "a young girl is murdered and narates the story from her own "heaven". She tries to help her parents and family solve the crime and move beyond her death from above. She cannot move on to her "real Hea" by taradave31 (see profile) 08/22/08

I would recommend this book to someone who likes mysteries and unsolved cases or is interested in life beyond death. I would highly caution a reader who has a teenage daughter or has had a loved one raped or murdered. It's a good story and I would not so much describe it as entertaining as much as i would interesting and heartbreaking. It does make for a good discussion for a book club. it brings up many issues and will for sure touch a nerve in all who read and discuss. Get out the tissues for sure!

  "The novel is very dark" by lgorlick (see profile) 08/22/08

Lovely Bones is an exceptional well written novel. The characters are interesting and complex. However, the subject matter was just too disturbing for me. If you read this book you need lots of Kleenex.

  "raped murdered young teenager comes to term with her own death as she observes her family and friends also come to terms with her disappearance" by rewwth (see profile) 10/19/08

The rape and murder are done away with in the first chapter, so don't stop reading.

  "4.5/5 by 6 members" by mindyhayes (see profile) 01/26/09

  "Quick reading , read it in two days" by lauaealoha (see profile) 03/28/09

"My Heaven" a pharse that would intice anyone to want to read the book. Heavy topic but it allows for greater insight into stuggles of familes who have lost loved ones that have been murdered. Quick reading, keeps you on edge of your seat.

  "the spirit endures" by cshelley27 (see profile) 10/24/09

Loved this book. I continue to think about the story long after I finished the book.

  "The Lovely Bones" by messengerbookgroup (see profile) 12/15/09

A unique perspective among the many crime novels available. It was puzzling to me why, though we know the outcome, the story is compelling and suspenseful.

  "Interesting Book" by whitneybug84 (see profile) 12/22/09

I'd been meaning to read this book for years, but my interest was piqued because a motion picture version is coming out soon. This book is written unlike any other I've read. It turned something graphic into something beautiful in the long run. This was a good read.

  "The Lovely Bones" by FtLaudGal (see profile) 01/04/10

Had to force myself to finish this book. It may fair better as a movie.

  "Lovely Bones - Review" by e.c.newton (see profile) 01/05/10

This book has a way of getting under your skin and enveloping you in the story. The story and characters stay with me even to this day. It was a compelling story of life, death, and the beyond.

  "Beautifully written, difficult topic" by szedkatz (see profile) 01/09/10

Once you get past the story line, hopefully you will see how beautifuuly written the story is, I couldn't put it down.

  "The Lovely Bones" by cheern84 (see profile) 01/25/10

  "The Lovely Bones" by sjssrvvr (see profile) 02/04/10

  "The Lovely Bones" by Kellz (see profile) 02/05/10

I am usually not a reader but this book grabbed me from the beginning and I could not put it down!

  "Great read." by auntdeon (see profile) 02/15/10

So many people (who haven't read the book) told me how graphic it was and that I probably wouldn't like it. Although there is violence at the very beginning which sets the stage for the rest of the book, the story centers mainly on the destruction of a family after the loss of a loved one. I though it was rather fascinating. The movie SUCKED so read the book instead.

  "Good Book." by LauraAdams (see profile) 03/09/10

This book dealt with a difficult subject but was very interesting and I really enjoyed it.

  "Beautifully wriiten" by mpaniaguatej (see profile) 04/11/10

although the are certain scenes that were very graphic, hurting and hard to described, the author did a good job. If you like Hollywood endings this is not your book.

  "Spiritual" by carlymu (see profile) 06/01/10

Honestly didn't think I would make it past the first chapter due to the content, but I ended up thoroughly enjoying this book.

  "Beautiful" by elahenaz (see profile) 07/25/10

  "Uniquely Told" by boatdrinks (see profile) 07/31/10

Told from the viewpoint of the dead victim who watches her loved ones and their loss from heaven, the story is told from a unique perspective. Her death, her heaven and the way her family deals with their loss over years is well written and detailed. Read this without seeing the movie first and was glad I did.

  "The Lovely Bones" by CMay2CK (see profile) 08/15/10

  "Good read" by mylife580 (see profile) 09/28/10

  "Lovely Book" by KarenC (see profile) 10/23/10

I thoroughly enjoyed reading "The Lovely Bones" by Alice Sebold. The story deals with very dark and disturbing subject matter. Ms. Sebold's characters are complex and multidimensional. She invites the reader to open up their beliefs and take a fantastic journey with the young heroine/protagonist. The film is not worth watching, in my opinion, which is too bad because the book was so good.

  "Decent" by KWest (see profile) 11/19/10

  "Great read!" by vwruleschick (see profile) 02/15/11

A great way to read a story from a dead girl's perspective. I haven't seen the movie yet, but it looks interesting. Recommend.

  "I liked the book..." by ndenise81 (see profile) 02/27/12

I liked this book. It was told from an interesting angle and I liked where it was going. I was suprised at the ending....actually a bit disappointed that the author took it to another level near the end. I am not sure that I would recommend it, only because the ending really ruined the experience for me. I wont spoil it here, but I will say that the journey of the book was great. Sebold is a great writer and the story was insightful. I was able to follow this family through the loss and I understood their motives for things.....but the end....

  "Voice from Beyond" by mel29 (see profile) 08/27/12

Sad story, but uplifting as well - in thinking about our individual Heaven and the Heavens of those who have gone before us.
Difficult watching the survivors and how they must work through their pain.
The human emotion of this book was very true to life and touches everyone who reads it.

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