This Little Dark Place
by Hatch A. S.
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  "This Little Dark Place" by sbilsby (see profile) 04/23/20

This Little Dark Place by A.S. Hatch
I quite enjoyed this book, and it’s the first book that I’ve finished in a long time. I liked the fact that it was quite a direct book and straight to the point. I don’t like the excessive use of flowery language and descriptions. I liked the description of the cabin and I could almost see it.  I’d even give this book an 8 I liked it that much

I enjoyed reading this little dark space as it was such a page turner
All characters I could relate to
My emotions keep switching from one character to another
I originally thought Lucy was going to end up being Dans inmate pen pal
Good ending in a way as it was quite dark but left you with hope for all their futures except of course poor Ruby
I’d give it 8

Quite enjoyed this book. The story line kept me interested and I liked the way the story was told through the letter although I did sometimes get a little confused about the time line. I did keep wondering where he was writing the letter from until nearly the end!
I didn't particularly like any of the characters but thought they were well described.
I felt that the Halloween preparation was a little over the top, I'm sure that he would have been found guilty with less evidence.
A good book that helped pass the time.
I  would give it  6.5

I was drawn in from the word go.

It had so many twists and turns and the characters were well described and it was a big surprise to me that Lucy was in fact his daughter.

I felt sorry for Daniel life wasn’t brilliant for him his stepfather is a monster his wife walks out on him and then....  Ruby lands in his life, I had Ruby down as the baddie right up until she ended up in the trunk.

Very well written and I think it would make a good film.

7 out of 10

I thought this book was ok for a quick read but it wasn't very thrilling. There were a lot of red herrings like the bikers and Dan's first wife who was quite obsessive and I thought she had killed Oscar the parrot for a while.Then when Ruby came out of prison Dan was very suspicious of her. He seemed a very odd character as did most of the others.
I quite liked how the story was told by Dan writing to his daughter but it didn't come together very well.

I give it 4

I would give the book 5/10. I was interested enough to finish but didn’t like any of the characters at all, and found the bit where Ruby tracked him down and then when he locked her  in a box totally unbelievable.  Although the author tried to create a twist with Ruby it wasn’t very good! Can’t believe the parrot had to be a victim either - too predictable!! 
So not great really!

This was a dark psychological thriller, but became rather muddled at times.  This could be because I read it on a Kindle edition and was unable to turn back and forward as I would have liked.  The story was predictable and it did not take much to guess at the ending.  I quite liked the way it was written in the form of letter to and from a prison. I found the book easy to read, but perhaps it glossed over some areas.  I would mark it as a 7.

I’ve just finished the book- read in 48 hours. It was a rocky start. I was getting confused by the women’s names and didn’t like the uncertainty of where Daniel was- in jail, in a mental institution, in a care home? Once I got past that and in to the build up of the characters though, it started to flow. I didn’t particularly like any of the characters and didn’t feel any sympathy for them. I found the fact that Ruby slipped in to the trunk to be unbelievable.  But how believable is Daniel as a narrator? Was his description of that part true? The curse of reading so many books is that there is rarely a “twist”. I had guessed that Lucy was Daniel’s daughter very early on, so Victoria’s bump at the court house was unsurprising. The biggest twist for me, I suppose, is that it wasn’t as crazy and frantic an ending as I expected. I expected a manic, knife wielding Ruby attacking a defenceless Daniel or Victoria. No such drama.

7 out of 10 from me. Considered 6, but I did read it quickly and I was kept engrossed and entertained, which has to be worth an extra point.

Margaret M
I enjoyed this book and found it surprisingly easy to deal with the different times 
It was good at holding my attention and I thought the unveiling of the motives and character of the main protagonists was well done

Can't remember anything about it but I know I really enjoyed it and would give it an 8.

I enjoyed this book - well written, good plot and surprising twists along the way. Really thought that Lucy was a prison pen pal as he, Daniel, had been earlier in the story. Although the baddie could only really have been one of two characters it was still interesting enough to keep my attention.  I thought all the characters were a bit flaky - particularly Daniel with his chopping and changing of who he considered to be his "true love" (which was a part of the book I found a little unlikely) it was all in all quite an interesting read, well written and went at a pace that was reasonable.  Interesting that his day job in politics played no part in his writing.  

I would give it - if I'm feeling generous - a 7 out of 10.

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