by Jodi Picoult
Kindle Edition-
New York Times bestselling author Jodi Picoult is widely acclaimed for her ability to tap into the hearts and minds of real people. Now she ...
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Liked all the characters, but found the daughter least likeable. Regardless of whether the father's choice was the right, or best, one for his daughter, himself and his former wife, believed that he made hugh sacrafices to protect his daughter. For the most of the book, I found the daughter self absorbed, whiney and unable to see other's perspective, including the father of her own child.
At 32, Delia Hopkins discovers that her beloved father had kidnapped her from her mother and raised her in secret in New Hampshire. As the story unfolds her father is put on trial to be defended by Delia's fiance. She meets her mother and has to come to grips with the the hurt and anger that she feels over this sudden turn of events in her life. Toss in interesting cast of other characters and you have a very interesting read.
Jodi Picoult again takes current headlines and crafts a thought-provoking novel.
Jodi Picoult always writes about modern controversies in very interesting ways. Unfortunately, I was looking for the twist as I read, and correctly figured it out. Bummer! She used to surprise me!
This is the first book that I have read by this author. I liked the style of writing, however it sometimes became confusing and I had to re-check which character was writing each chapter. The topic of the book was very thought provoking and interesting, however there were parts of the book that I felt were irrelevant or added little to the story. However, overall it was a great read on an interesting topic.
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