by Anna Quindlen
Paperback- $6.98
“[Quindlen] serves up generous portions of her wise, ...
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An excellent book for women of a certain generation - growing up in the 50s; navigating careers, marriage, child rearing; getting older and wiser!
most of the members of Books and Cooks felt they could have written the book, we are all around the same age, so we could relate to many of her topics. It nice read, it wasn"t a page turner but we throughly enjoyed it
Loved it!!!! Listened to the CD while on a road trip with a girl friend. Every paragraph prompted memories and discussion. It really brought us down memory lane.
June S.
This memoir gives plenty of food for thought and discussion. While not everyone in my book club is in the same place as the author Anna Quindlen, but we all have experienced some of the life events and crossroads she relays in her book. It is thought provoking and worth the read.
We saw it as more of women who grew up in the 60's, and it resonated with us. Since our group had many things in common with her, we had a lot of discussion on the themes.
You will love this book from the very first paragraph. It is about every woman's concerns from Day One of their worrying years. You will laugh and say to yourself...."oh my, how true." Or...."wow...that happened to me."
Each chapter had a topic that was very poignant and one that will make you reflect as you read through the incidents and facts. The chapter titled Generations and the chapter titled To Be Continued definitely brought tears to my eyes. Another chapter titled Older will make you laugh out loud.
Your emotions will be taken on a fun, wild ride with every chapter. Be prepared for tears and laughter as well as sound advice along with points to ponder...especially in the last chapter.
The book was factual but personal because it brought many private topics to light. Any woman over 50 should enjoy this book. Younger women may laugh, but may not get the full impact. It is a great, light read for the most part. Some comments especially about our children and the role they play in our lives really hit home and how we as women need each other to make it all happen for us.
The author also comments that it certainly is a blessing that we were born when we were and not when our mothers had been born and that each generation most probably will look back on some of the strides made and think that event wasn't a big deal because that had been happening for a while. Take the time to read and enjoy the book and your life....that is what Anna Quindlen taught me.
Was not prepared to enjoy this book as much as I did. she has a humorous manner of writing and perspective as she reflects on her life the good-bad and of our society.
All members of my club are 60+ so we could associate with ideas presented by the author.
In her latest memoir, Anna Quindlen reflects on her life so far. Her central point is hat she is happier now than she was when she was young. She cites a survey that showed that this is true for the majority of older people under 75. She attributes the greater happiness, in part, to a greater acceptance of her true self, but she also feels that women find aging a liberation from society's expectations, whereas men just find it a shock. Quindlen reflects on the phenomenon of professional women, who have struggled to become something more than caretakers, finding themselves caring for two generations. She notes that the orderly transfer of society's business from one generation to the next has been upended by baby boomers. Quindlen writes extremely well. I found myself putting Post-It notes next to at least a dozen well-turned phrases. There is much to discuss here. In addition to the above topics, our group compared the reasons Quindlen loves books with our own. We discussed Quindlen's observations on the importance of girlfriends, the differences in men's and women's friendships, white lies in marriage, and acceptance of self and others. This meeting broke attendance records for our book club, as five members of another book club asked to join us for this discussion. In addition, several other visitors plan to join our group. However, none of the male members of the group came to this session. The average rating of those in attendance was 3.67. Recommended for women's book clubs.
Our group liked discussing this book in fact our discussion ran overtime we were enjoying it so much. . Anna Quindlen writes with many insights to life from marriage to growing older.
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