Cold Rock River
by J. L. Miles
Hardcover- $22.95

In 1963 rural Georgia, with the Vietnam War cranking up, pregnant seventeen-year-old Adie Jenkins discovers the diary of pregnant ...

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  "Cold Rock River follows the remarkable journey of two young brides born a century apart." by ShannonG (see profile) 08/07/07

Cold Rock River's characters leap off the page and the storyline is simply amazing. I highly recommend this book.You will not be disappointed. The novel offers endless opportunities for discussion. Book clubs rejoice! Also, I am now reading this author's debut novel Roseflower Creek, which is equally fascinating. I cannot understand why this author is not nationally known. I read the reviews from other readers on before purchasing Cold Rock River. One reviewer wrote, "This is how all novels should be written!" I couldn't agree more.

  "From beginning to the end ,this book did not disappoint!" by phillips (see profile) 09/18/07

Excellent book. The book club loved the book!!!

  "A wonderful story of perseverance and hope in the midst of some of life's greatest trials" by Wendy56 (see profile) 09/19/07

A story of two young mothers (one in the 1800's and the other in the 1960's)intricately woven into a story of perseverance and hope through some of life's greatest trials and tragedies.

Told through the eyes of Adie, a young girl who becomes pregnant and is sent away by her family. She encounters a friend who entrusts her with a journal of a young mother (Tempe)back in the 1800's. As Adie goes through tremendous heartbreak and trials her life parallels that of Tempe. Through it all, each of them perseveres and hopes for a brighter tomorrow.

  "Not into this type of book" by dbk1963 (see profile) 10/11/07

I really had a tough time keeping my interest in the book. The reason is that I don't normally read books such as this and it wasn't of interest to me.

  "WOW! What a great read." by SandraK (see profile) 10/11/07

I thoroughly enjoyed this southern book! I didn't want it to end. (The writing is exceptional.) Our club members enjoyed it very much, too. One of our favorites.

  "I loved it!!" by Lois (see profile) 10/11/07

My friend recommended this book. I laughed and I cried.
Don't miss it!

  "Thank you JL Miles for calling my book club. You rock!" by nelmsju (see profile) 10/11/07

This book was outstanding. All of the book clubs members loved it. We can't wait to read your two newest novels, "The Dwayne Series" and "The Heavenly Heart".

  "GREAT AUTHOR!! GREAT BOOKS!!" by rachel5275 (see profile) 10/22/07

I haven't read this book but can't wait to!! Our book club read Roseflower is the greatest book. Well written, quick read, characters you will never forget! Jackie was so great...she called into our book club for a discussion. Wonderful lady...our book club can't wait to read Cold Rock River!!

  "Well written and full of discussion points" by tanyabarrettsphr (see profile) 11/01/07

I thoroughly enjoyed this book. I found it rated a 5 star on Amazon and have recommended it to my book club friends.

  "A bit predictable, but overall an enjoyable read..." by Shilah401 (see profile) 03/19/08

This book started off great, right from the first page you are sucked in and the main character is very enjoyable. However, about mid way through the book, it became a bit too predictable. The author sets up the events to come and made them a quite obvious for me. A little more mystery could have taken it along way. Overall I enjoyed the story and found it to be an easy read.

  "This is a wonderful book!" by AllisonL (see profile) 03/27/08

From the first sentance I knew I would have to finish this book. And I'm so glad I did. There were many trials and tribulations, but I felt uplifted when I finished. This one made me feel joy. I hate when a book leaves me depressed!! I'm not in a book club, but if I were I would recommend this book.

  "Just wonderful!!" by LoisLee (see profile) 04/10/09

I got this book from the library and I can't say enough about it. I enjoyed every chapter. It is so well written and kept my interest to the very last page. Bravo!! If I still belonged to a book club I would want them to select this one for sure.

  "Great book" by debralawleesmartin (see profile) 09/18/09

  "Cold Rock River" by mlkreshi (see profile) 11/13/09

We really enjoyed the story of Adie, and especially Tempe's, triumphs through difficult life events. Tempe's optimism and perseverance were inspiring, and J.L. Miles often left you on the edge of your seat waiting for the next chapter's events. However, we all believed that Miles' use of broken dialect in Tempe's journal was degrading, distracting and inconsistent with the description of how Tempe learned to read and write from classic literature.

  "Didn't Engage Me" by susiecalyer (see profile) 11/15/09

the foreshading was "hit me over the head" predictable.

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