by Tiffany Jenkins
Paperback- $12.79
NATIONAL BESTSELLER • An up-close portrait of the mind of an addict and a life unraveled by narcotics—a memoir of captivating urgency ...
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This book is a portrait of the addicts in our lives who try to live their addictions in secret and eventually fail, fodder for great discussions. This is not a literary masterpiece, nor do I believe it was meant to be. It is an easy read and a great way to introduce needed talking points for us all.
This book felt sensational at best and seemed limited in sincere insight. I felt like any ‘transparency’ was mainly shared because they were already known stories within her circle. I wished for more backstory, as well as a genuine depiction of the (often nonlinear) recovery process. Both these additions would have illuminated the authors mindset and journey in a more comprehensible and relatable way, as well as cultivated a practical process for shifting from a trajectory that is a dark, drug-fueled survival to a life-infused existence. This is my take on the authors voice in the book ‘some crazy things happened and now I am magically better.’
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