by Ellen Marie Wiseman
Paperback- $10.17
In this stunning new novel, the acclaimed author of The Plum Tree merges the past and present into a haunting story about the nature of ...
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I had never known that mental institutes were fun this way! Amazing!
Overall the book club liked this book. Fast read which led to interesting discussion including women\'s rights in the early 20th century. Some parts a bit dramatic or over the top, but overall we enjoyed it.
An amazing accounting of how people percieved to be "not of sound mind" were treated back in the 1930's.
This book was a diamond in the rough. Loved how Ellen Marie Wiseman took a non-fiction book and created a story around it. This book was addictive and my whole book club loved it. I had 4 new members join thanks to this book BRAVO Ms. Wiseman. We all wanted more...
Our book club had mixed reviews for this book. Half thought it was poorly written with very unlikeable characters; the other half thought the story line was interesting enough to keep going until the end. All agreed that the characters were not very sympathetic and that the two "boyfriends" were exactly the same - all in all, not very interesting. In the opinion of one member, it seemed as though the author ran out of ideas as the book ended ... all agreed that the ends could have been tied up a bit nicer. It was interesting to read how insane asylums operated in the early part of the twentieth century and we were horrified at the treatment and incarceration of some of the patients.
Everyone liked the book. The kind of book you don't want to put down.
The book was a great read that kept you interested, well written.
first Time our club has been so widely divided. People either lovedit or hated it. Great discussion book though, so it was one I recommend to other clubs.
It makes you think about how people were treated with mental illness and how things still need to be changed.
This is the type of book that stays with you.
We haven't discussed yet at our book club but will be soon, this book will keep you thinking about it even after you finish. There were times I didn't think I could hear more of what was going on but then of coarse you have to. Loved it.
A look into the many changes that have taken place since this period in our history.
The book grabbed me from the beginning. Normally, skipping between time periods is not my favorite format for a novel. I was invested from the start in both characters and could not wait to keep tabs on both of their stories. Had to hold myself back not to read ahead to see how it turned out!
Story line was great, I love stories that parallel two lives. Learned about asylums in the early 1900s, it was disturbing but very interesting. Found the writing gave away too much and simplistically tried to tackle too many themes.
To sum it up, one of our member wanted to call an early meeting just to discuss this book. It really is an eye-opener of what took place for women that had a strong will and mind back in the early 1900's. Amazing book!
Enjoyed the 2 very different era's and how Women's Rights have changed since the 1920's. How we used to treat the mentally ill was criminal by today's standards!
Liked the plot, but it ended too abruptly with vague ending. Our club decided it could of used about 100 more pages and it would of been great. Liked the idea of how the two girls were tied together. Also liked the historical parts added(consolidated time wise). Interesting book.
The plot is one that grabs you right away, and the short chapters keep the intrigue high and the subject matter from being too morose. I read this quickly and enjoyed finding out how the characters came together, as well as discovering the sad history of the mental facilities of old. Nice book club selections! I’d read this author again.
Our group was split on the book. Some really liked the book and some really did not. Most were OK with it. The story was interesting but not necessarily well written. We were split on the ending. The topic and discussion was very good which often happens when there are very different opinions on the story.
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