Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life
by Barbara Kingsolver, Camille Kingsolver, Steven L. Hopp
Paperback- $15.87

Author Barbara Kingsolver and her family abandoned the industrial-food pipeline to live a rural life—vowing that, for one year, they’d ...

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  "The premise of this story has to do with one families attempt to eat locally grown food as a way to eat healthier and create change in the business of food distribution and consumption." by knaak (see profile) 06/19/08

This book changed the way I see food. I realized for the first time that corporations had control over what I eat, the quality of that food and it's nutritional content. We take for granted everyday that the convenience of going to the grocery store can somehow make up for the trade off of
poor nutritional content, variety, and being a good steward of this planet. I am appald that I never considered this before, thinking of myself as enlightened on the subject of nutririon. Barbara Kinsolvers book opened my eyes and I will never look at the world the same way again.

  "Kingsolver's family spends a year eating only local foods, most that they grow themselves." by [email protected] (see profile) 07/19/08

We had an enlightening discussion. We covered the topics of what had grown in the past and what as urban dwellers we can do now. We found Kingsolver's family unique and the information presented was intersting and at times hilarious. We especially laughed at teh descriptions of "turkey love." Their reasons for NOT being vegetarians was compelling for the non-meat eaters among us. The former farm dwellers were amazed at how "big agriculture" has limited a farmer's ability to support his family and/or use the crop he had purchased as seed to re-seed his farm.

  "Think locally!" by kellerhead (see profile) 05/04/09

This book really made me want to pay closer attention to the foods I eat - where they come from, how they are also really inspired me to cultivate my green thumb!! I really enjoyed the fact that recipes were included, some of which I have tried out!

  "Boring, slow read" by LauraAdams (see profile) 06/02/09

  "Animal Vegetable Miracle" by lynnquilts (see profile) 06/14/09

I liked this book but I don't recommend it to book clubs because there isn't a lot to talk about. It is light and I skimmed a lot when it went on and on about the growing of certain vegetables or it was preachy about the dangers in our food system.

  "Leads to interesting discussion, but difficult to get through. Couldn't finish it." by shelbymomof2 (see profile) 07/22/09

I enjoy Barbara Kingsolver's fiction, and I admire the fact that she and her family made such huge life changes. But I just could not push myself to get through this book! I felt somewhat inspired to purchase more "local" produce, but I also felt guilty for eating "out of season" produce and for not wanting to follow more of the suggestions in this book.

  "Tough Love for Foodies" by jerryswife97 (see profile) 08/09/09

This book really makes the case for eating locally. It inspired our group to get out to more farmers markets, and to think twice (or three times) before buying produce from far away (like pineapples from Hawaii).

  "Lively discussion and occasion for locavore banquet" by smulcon (see profile) 09/14/09

Our book club mostly enjoyed this book. We all enjoy cooking and food to begin with and this just enhanced our desire to eat locally and organic. Members brought dishes and drinks with ingredients from gardens and farmers' markets so most of the fun and discussion centered around this, including a failed cheese-making episode on my part. Positive comments on the book: chapters on asparagus and turkey sex were very enjoyable and the threat of a monoculture insightful; the technical sidebars were offputting for some as was the author's sometimes pompous tone.

  "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" by TuesdayBookClub (see profile) 01/31/10

As a retired gardener and healthy eater I delighted in gaining insights that will change how I shop, cook, eat and think about food. I hated to finish this book. I just "relished" sharing the adventure and learning along with the author and her family.

  "Animal,Vegetable,Miracle" by PBenton (see profile) 02/03/10

Will make you more carefully consider your food choices at the supermarket and elsewhere.

  "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" by kindlfif2 (see profile) 02/06/10

Written with a pleasing sense of humor. Written with built in resources that can be used to further ones knowledge of our food sources. A family colaboration, writing the book as well as the eating locally and seasonally project. This book was a sleeper. Didn't expect it to be so good. The author and her family moved back to the family farm and raised and grew their own food and preserved it. And they did this with convincing good reason. This book should be required reading in home economics and agriculture classes.

  "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle" by jackiefm (see profile) 10/27/10

The Group really enjoyed reading this title. We had read one of Ms. Kingsolver's fiction titles in the past and we were pleased with this title as well.
Most of the members were familar with the information given but all felt that a reminder about "slow cooking" was worthwhile. One member enjoyed the book so much that she purchased her own copy.

  "" by Djbg1 (see profile) 05/23/15

  "" by [email protected] (see profile) 06/22/19

  "" by [email protected] (see profile) 04/27/20

  "Animal, Vegetable, Miracle: A Year of Food Life" by [email protected] (see profile) 05/01/20

In light of the Corona virus food supply/distribution issues this country is having now, we all need to think locally, and help those who live in food deserts.

  "" by KRoby (see profile) 09/17/20

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