The Winemakers: A Novel of Wine and Secrets
by Jan Moran
Paperback- $9.99

A young woman
A family secret
A devastating truth that could destroy the man she loves

Many years ago, the Rosetta family’s hard-won dreams ...

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  "Jan Moran does it again" by Betty56 (see profile) 05/13/16

I gave her “Scent of Triumph” four stars, but this one is undeniably a FIVE! Loved it, loved it. This book is about family – the struggles, the secrets, the salvation. The subtitle “A Novel of Wine and Secrets” is totally apropos.

Caterina Rosetta is hiding a huge secret from her mother. But her mother has her own secrets. Dreams dashed, futures uncertain. Caterina has grown up on the family-owned vineyard in Napa, California. But now she is at odds with her mother Ava over the daughter Caterina has kept secret. The unexpected notice that she has inherited a vineyard in Tuscany could not have come at a better time. Shortly after her arrival in Italy the family secrets begin to be revealed to her. She learns that Ava kept serious information from her in the belief that she was protecting her daughter. But now Caterina has to deal with the consequences resulting from this “protection”. How can she forgive her mother, and how does she tell the love of her life these secrets – secrets that will possibly destroy them? How can life be so cruel?

Caterina’s story is set in 1956, while Ava’s story is in 1928. Things were much different for women then. A child out of wedlock could destroy your reputation, and men had to give permission for their wives to handle financial transactions. How difficult it must have been then for the women who refused to follow the norm.

Having once lived near Napa Valley (and frequently visited the wineries) I especially loved the setting. The book is beautifully written with luscious descriptions of the Napa region and the wonderful wines produced there. The characters became my family and I rejoiced with them and felt broken-hearted along with the characters when dreams seemed inevitably dashed. I was emotionally spent when reached that last chapter. Jan Moran is AMAZING!

  "Read and Savor" by [email protected] (see profile) 05/13/16

I was interested in reading this book because I thought learning about wine while reading a romance would be almost as good as drinking wine while reading a romance. And it was. I especially enjoyed the scenes in the small town and the villa in Tuscany. Later in the story, Napa Valley and the mountains with views toward the sea were perfect for romantic interludes. Both the mother, Ava, and her daughter, Caterina, are winemakers, but they also have secrets which keep them from having a healthy relationship with each other, and ultimately, with the men they love. This will keep you reading until all the layers have been revealed. The Winemakers is a taste of wine country mixed with romantic intrigue. Read and savor.

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