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This was Forever Montana Book Club's read for December and January. Not a read for over the holidays. It is well over 500 pages and with the multiple characters and short story flavor it was hard to keep track of who was who without referencing back. The members that did complete this read were rewarded with a better understanding of what happened to the Jews in WWII.
Montana Forever book club members were quick to talk about their circus experiences, the acts, the animals, the cotton candy. The novel was true to how animals were treated, the life style of the circus and the caste system between the performers and workers. The characters were believeable and the author gave her readers the ending readers wanted.
Greg Mortenson's efforts are changing young girls' lives that had no chance for change. As his story points out education is like water important for life. We admired his courage, ruggedness and focus. A book you want to purchase and share with others.
This book is not for the squeemish. One member read the back cover and threw it down. Another club member couldn't get pass the lack of punctuation. Three members read the book in it entirety. Everyone had an opinion about the concept of "white blindness", the comparisons to genocide, the Holocaust, and how humans don't change and some do anything to survive. The characters are all remembered because they are described as the eye doctor, the girl with the dark glasses, the doctor's wife, etc. We have moved to a lighter read for next month but none of us will soon forget this story.
Members identified with the characters and thought it was a light read. Character identification was confusing and associations were difficult at first. The ending was too pat and much of the book could be skimmed.
The Missoula City-County Public library offers Book Club Chat bags and this was available for check out. The illustrations are simple with the author's narrative voice. It is a memoir from a young girl's experience. That experience is within the context of her family. There are gruesome scenes that are off set with family events. Members thought this book would best appeal to young readers learning about Iran. It offers a cultural view into the middle east written by someone who lived it.
Perhaps it is women's intuition but usually if one listens to their initial feeling it is the best answer. Book initiated discussion on first impressions and usually these first impressions hold true.
Mixed reviews from those that finished this read.
Montana Forever book club members enjoyed this read. Some have read it before for another book club. The main character is a self-assured woman comfortable and satisfied with her life. She is engaging, social, and enjoying who she is. There is lost of a friend and the main character is able to be there in the end, listening to her dying friend's final words. The club's discussion allowed for sharing about friendship and self-character.
Our club is looking forward to William P. Young coming to Missoula in May. Does the book only speak to men? It is about forgiveness and letting go, moving on. Agnostics and Christians can sit together and discuss this book. Don't be afraid to express your feelings.
Everyone contributed to the discussion. A member missing for a number of months returned when she heard we were reading "The Book Thief". Historical fiction may not be everyone's read but Liesel Meminger, the main character overcomes the war, Nazi propaganda and experiences love from a foster father, a best friend, a Jew, a foster mother, and a mayor's wife. Out of lost comes life and continued hope.
The wives were women of character that were under valued and under apprecriated. English departments at colleges and universities were viewed as conceded.
Five of six present for May meeting read this novel. It was a fast read. The characters were interesting. Human survival in stark times is amazing. The author does not build on the characters background. The reader is in the present with the characters and experiences their emotion in the moment.
I am a German from Russia. I am a second generation born American. And yes my great relative got out of Russia to avoid the draft. I don't blame him! But moving to the book, very informative and historical. The author Timothy Egan researched his subject well and very deserving of the National Book Award. The question remains why did the dust bowl farmers stay?
This book was read and discussed by the club. The last queen is in a position of power but succumbs to the men around her. No one cried for her husband, Phillip. Disappointment at the end but don't we all want more for our daughters than our own fate?
No character development and uneventful is what decribes Maytrees for our bookclub. Why take someone back after he leaves for another? Lou lives her life waiting and never reaches self-actualization even though it is within her grasp. Perhaps your book club needs a rip roaring dicussion. This book will do it.
Book club members liked this book. I thought it started slow. It was intriguing as the pieces of the mystery came together. Family secrets come to light. Incorporated many topics such as sexual abuse, serial killers, corporate gangster greed and the main protagonist travels to Australia to uncover answers. The unanswered question is should one save oneself at the cost of others?
My book club read this based on a recommendation from a member. We purchased the book and all enjoyed it. One member is set to read it. We were all amazed the author never unleashed on her parents. What a life!
It took a bit to get into this book but once there the pages turned. The protaganist is purely evil. The narrator is a young boy as he becomes a man and discovers a book whose author enthralls him and eventually discovers himself. Many characters connect to the story line. Well worth the read.
Enzo narrates his life with his master, Denny. Enzo loves Denny, racing, and Denny's wife and daughter, Zoe. It is a book of loss and life's endurance. It was an easy read. Recommended for the boomers and the milleliums. In racing, don't lose it in the first corner turn there's a long run ahead.
Don't waste your time or your club's time. 5 Club members who regularly read the club's monthly selection found only 3 who managed to finished this read. There was no character development. The reader didn't care about anyone in the novel. Veroncia, narrator, mourning the lost of her brother, Liam, to suicide couldn't relate reality with what was her recalled memory. It left the reader confused.
Do miserable people attract miserable people? The characters all use each other to try and resolve their histories. It is dark and gothic. It is a conflict from start to end. Hatred oozes out of every page. One moment finds the "reliable" wife realizing that marriage brought the thought of caring for someone. It is survival and not all survive.
The Girl Who Played With Fire answers the questions about Lisabeth's background. One member bought the 3 book series and started reading the second as the club was discussing it and will go back to read the first. Another member who has finished the series was sadden to have the story come to an end. Is sex traffic and violence this horrific? Yes, and worst. Lisabeth is one of the strongest female fiction characters and we are cheering her on!
This is a well written biographical account of Joseph Needham, a Britian, that travels to China in 1943 during WWII with Winston Churchill's funding to spread good will. Joseph Needham does more with his ability to speak and write Chinese and discovers China as a comprehensive culture rich in academica and inventiveness.
This book is written in 1813. Almost 200 years later book clubs are reading and discussing Jane Austen's writings. Do women still marry for romance or wealth?
A daughter of a book club member, a junior in high school, loved this book and the series. All book club members read it. The message was uglies get to be pretties if they give up their ability to be truly human. No more stresses, no more conflicts, everything is on the surface. Is this true happiness? Certainly recommend to teenagers to read and discuss. Adult book clubs didn't offer conflicted discussion.
Whether all members in the book club like this book or not "The Power of the Dog" brought lots of discussion. The setting is the early 1900s in what we assumed is Montana. It is a dark tale of two brothers with memorable minor characters. It is graphic and the horror comes with the older brother's antics. Is there redemption in the end?
Our book club read this for the second time. It is interesting reading a book twice. The cruelty and harshness were more apparent the second time. Perhaps this is true because the characters were familiar and their experiences were more acutely felt. The Help takes a period of United States history and brings it home. The novel through its plot shows how racism is formed and continues.
A detective, Cassie, is the likeness of a recent homicide victim. Clues are slim and Cassie becomes the dead woman's double and inserts herself into "Lexie's" life to solve the case. I liked the main character, Cassie, who kept me wondering how the mystery would turn out. I wish the pace was quicker.
Characters were not developed and the historical reflection of the hatred between Japan and China was inadequately explained or explored. For a first novel brought forth the events of the fortys and readers must ask themselves, "Would not America do the same today?" Isolate a population because of that populations ethinicity.
Still Alice author, Lisa Genova, puts the reader into the mind of a once brillant articulate woman who discovers she is in the grasp of early onset Alzheimer's disease. Family relationships are explored and discoveries of who the characters really are unfold. Alzheimer's disease impacts many families and the author undauntingly brings the reader to the ultimate end. Certainly not for readers that want happy endings but "Still Alice" doesn't disappoint.
I was the only one in the book club that would give the book a thumb's up. I like history and found some positive themes in the book but not enough for other members to agree. This book was written in 1937 and described relationships of Native Americans, the Salish tribe, with the white settlers and Bureau of Indian Affairs agency. It is dark and gloomy but aptly decribes the early outlook of the Native American reservation population.
Sometimes a book that explores too much fails in character development, historical significance, and lacks direction. The narration was a road trip for the purpose of resolving the narrator's loss issues over her father. There is geneology, history, Native American spirituality and an antaganotist that no one liked. Certain scenes were depicted with realism but overall the book tried to encompass too much and failed.
This is a book of short stories that are dark and pointless. Many in the club did not finish and didn't have any desire to read anything by James Lee Burke.
Everyone, 7 members, read and commented on many aspects of this book. The characters were believable, interesting, and the readers discussion guide made members thoughtful about relationships and romance. All age groups can relate and have something to say.
One member ordered the wrong book, "A" girl on the train. Be aware of exact title when ordering. Lots of discussion on many levels, trust, lying, honesty in relationships, voyeurism, and which character is the most likeable, if any.
Members all secured a copy either in trade paperback or on their ereaders. Lots of characters with all coming together in their home town. The recognition of love in many forms, revenge, and discovery kept the novel moving. All members enjoyed the story.
Book Club members overall expressed that the book was repetitive and could have been better edited. The author had his experience no one argued that it did not happen. We all have our thoughts of heaven and it can't be explained.
Members connected to the story and highly recommend to other book clubs.
A fast read with good discussion a bit reaching in parts but we screwed it off for the story'short sake. Everyone liked the energetic little girl and brother-in-law Charlie.
The Life We Bury works on several levels with character and plot driven story line. One book club member stated Joe Talbert's voice was not believable for a 20 year old male. It is a page turner. Jeremy the younger brother provides a subplot that comes into focus towards the end of the novel.
Not a book one would pick up and read for your self but a good discussion for a book club. A bit self preaching about a relationship between a sales executive and a child surviving on the streets of Manhattan. Laura's life
As a child was filled with abuse and domestic violence. Maurice's life filled with family drug violence. People are survivors.
Book Club members engaged in active display discussion related to the story. Predictable novel but a story with positive revelations.
The bookclub members all enjoyed this read. Even though the setting is somber and historically a horrific time the author speaks about human kindness through her characters.
I recommended California for our May read. There are 6 members, 2 read it, 3 didn't finish it, and one didn't pick it up. Lots of discussion but disappointed about the ending. It is a character driven novel but as one member stated immature people.
The majority of book club members liked this book and would recommend it to others.
Main character has many faults and the reader discovers these faults throughout the story. I think we forgave her and wonder what happens to her in the future.
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