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Name : Sonya B.

My Reviews

Dramatic, Interesting, Insightful
Good book, tough issues

This was a good book, it definately drew you in, but it was a roller coaster of emotions and had some very tough subject matter to delve into. Not a "light" read, but very heavy.

But, I guess most books that are good for discussions must delve into some difficult topics and situations.

Adventurous, Interesting, Informative
Flat characters, but great history lesson

I found this book really difficult to like, the characters were so very flat, the author seem to try to make them into "real" people, but missed the mark. I never connected with anyone in this book. They truly seemed fictional. I didn't enjoy the "journal" style.

Also, the story just seems to "float" along, and then WHAM the ending hits you like a ton of bricks! I'm sure all of that probably really happened, and it is so sad to hear about it. I guess that's why I don't watch shows about animal cruelty or topics like that, there is enough bad in the world without having it slapped in your face. I think that anyone who's a mother had her heart ripped out reading this ending, I know I did. I cried for a long time and then had nightmares about it. It really bothered me.

**Footnote: Ok, after about a month, the book doesnt' seem so bad. I guess I was PMS'ing when I read it. It was ok, still not a favorite of mine. Interesting to learn so much about the Native Americans.

A. D. 62: Pompeii by Rebecca East
Nice book, great history

This was a very nice read. A little "light" on the science of the time travel, but her idea was very clever. Great history, and very descriptive! I read this one very fast, and generally liked it.

I would like to see a seoncd book that picks up where we left off....

The Time Traveler's Wife by Audrey Niffenegger
Romantic, Interesting, Beautiful
Wonderful book!

This was one of the best books that I've read in some time. Great character development (within limits, of course, every character can't be developed fully), great story, great everything. Even the whole theory of time travel was dealt with nicely. Please, please write a sequal to focus on Alba's life. Wonderful book. I can't say enough how much I enjoyed this story and really connected with the characters, and felt for them. Looking forward to discussing this with my group!

The Thirteenth Tale by Diane Setterfield
Dramatic, Interesting, Dark
Great book, interesting plot line!

I just finished this book and would highly recommend it. Very nice, fun, interesting story, I read it in 2 days! Even staying up late to finish it. I liked the ending, and thought it "fit" with the rest of the book. The "surprise" ending was something that I never thought about, and I can usually figure out most endings from books. The only part that bothered me was that we never knew what "time" anything happened in! But, it was not enough to keep me from finishing it.

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