Member Profile
Name : | Carol P. |
Gender : | Female |
Occupation : | Media Specialist |
My Reviews
I love apes (bonobos) and I loved Water for Elephants by this author, but was a little disappointed in this book. It was interesting, but I would have liked more information about the apes and their relationships.
A wonderful historical fiction with something for everyone...a little romance, adventure and mystery! Our book club enjoyed it. There are some good questions at the end of the book to discuss.
A fun, exciting read for your reluctant readers! Lots of action and adventure.
Interesting book. It will prompt lots of discussion at your meetings. I can't say I agree with her methods of child-rearing! She had me annoyed most of the time throughout the book as she praises her "Chinese method" and degrades the "Western method."
It took me and some of our other book club members awhile to get into this book. Once we did, the book was pretty good. We had lots of questions at our discussion, but the discussion was slow moving compared to many of the other books that we have read.
Who really owns our bodies? This book prompted some interesting questions and topics to discuss.
This was a very interesting book, but slow moving and dry. We felt like we were reading a history text book. If your group is into lots of historical detail, this book would be good for you. We enjoyed many of the quotes in the book and admired Cleopatra in many ways, but felt overwhelmed with all of the details.
Our club enjoyed discussing this book. The characters were well developed and the story was interesting.
Our group enjoyed this book. We truly liked all of the characters! There is lots to discuss in this book particularly the relationships. The English teachers in our group enjoyed the Melville and Moby Dick references. It was a good choice for a spring meeting because it deals with baseball. It has been said that "baseball is a metaphor for life." We agreed after reading this book!
Our group loved this book. The writing was beautiful and the characters were well developed. We decided that we would like to live with Aunt Tootie too!
Our group enjoyed talking about some of the situations brought up by this book. Does birth order play a part in who we are? What defines when we truly become "adults?" Is the influence from our families always a part of us?
Since we have a few English teachers in the group, they especially liked the Shakespeare references and quotes.
None of us liked any of the sisters that much. Read the book and see what your club thinks!
I am not quite finished yet, but I love this book. I can't wait to see what happens!
We enjoyed the book but felt as though there were quite a few characters introduced and that it might be a good idea to create some type of graphic to see the relationships.
This book gave us lots of insight into autism. It was written by a 13 year old boy with the condition. He expresses himself beautifully. We had lots of discussion about this book.
A fun book for those who love books and literature. The story is about a bookseller whose life is changed when a baby is left in his bookstore! Our club loved talking about this book and the other literary references mentioned. (Short stories and novels)
This book provided us with lots to talk about regarding bullying and domestic abuse. It also dealt with self-image and the ideas of beauty. It was a fun book to read and our members enjoyed it.
A fun book for clubs to discuss. We all loved Flavia!
The book was interesting but we did not really identify with the characters.
A fun book to discuss.
Interesting book with many twists and surprises! We enjoyed discussing it!
We enjoyed discussing this book. It had something for everyone..murder, mystery, family! We feel that everyone had a "lacy eye" at sometime to avoid seeing things they don't want to see.
A good book for young adults. It is a little scary and has a mystery in it. Deals with some topics such as abusive relationships and bullying
This was an enjoyable book with a good, interesting story based on actual historical facts. Our group had fun discussing it. We actually liked many of the characters too!
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