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While Fielding is prolific, this outing proved to be boring and unconvincing. The "thinking out loud" plot device was overused and began to wear on the nerves and the main character was too whiney and took away from the strong female type. Overall this book proved to be a disappointing choice for group discussion.
This book grabbed me from the start. I couldn't wait to get to the next chapter. Dekker's choice for villan was both graphic and frightening. Several scenes disturbed the senses and pointedly brought beliefs into question.
Excellent. Jack Reacher is a character fully developed from the start. He is 100% tough guy and makes no apologies for who and what he is. His ability to internalize his thought processes and keeps the bad guys guessing at his next move which adds to the excitement of the story. The topic is an interesting one and very well researched by the author.
Interesting view of how a small group of inventive men crafted, devised, made mistakes and ultimately succeeded in creating the model of what we know to be special forces in the American Military. Well written and populated with technical and historical information. The character of John Randall is engaging and likeable. His men are tough but read true. The novel also has a good sprinkling of humor as well as budding romance. It is worth a read.
While this was a relatively short book, it was a difficult read. The glossary at the front is the first clue. Gaelic pronunciation is nothing close to the spelling and I had to keep returning back to check how to say names and words.
The character of Atticus was an interesting one though. He is a fun read, and being inside his head for the whole book made for a different sort of narrative. The story did not have any major ups and downs in the action and the main bad guy was defeated with an anti-climactic quickness. The funniest character in the book was Atticus' dog Oberon. Every appearance brought a chuckle. Overall this book was an okay lite read, but not fantastic enough for me to want to read the rest of the series.
This book is not very well suited for discussion in a group.
This is a very well written book. Garwood continues to expand on the Buchannon family and Nick is pretty interesting. I liked the play between the subordinate characters as they liven up the story. Overall a good read.
Overall a lackluster offering by Ms. Siddons. I was truly unable to finish the book. I kept skipping pages hoping for a better outcome but was disappointed. Characters are dull and story was too wordy.
Vince Flynn effectively goes back in time with his Mitch Rapp character and gives readers insight into the creation of his persona. Mitch is young and brash, headstrong and focused on his own agenda. The book is fast paced and very well written. The characters are engaging and believable. You will want to read it in one sitting.
This 6th entry into the Mitch Rapp series was very well written. A little slow to start but picked up the pace about a third of the way in. True to character, Rapp was just as intense and dedicated to justice as always but in this outing readers see a more personal side to him. Flynn's ability to grow this character seems to expand with each installment. Mitch just gets better and better. Flynn has a way with showing the political climate that no other author comes close to. He winds the plot and carries multiple story lines with expertise.
There has been lots of media lead up to the movie being released and the novelization did not disappoint. Filled with action, this book gives a very real insight into how the SEALS operate while in "frogman" mode and when not deployed. It was very interesting to know that they train exactly as if it were a real mission, down to the use of live fire.
The sense of brotherhood between Roarke and Nolan was keenly felt. The "band of brothers" theme flowed throughout the book. Tension settled in while reading the mission sequences and the action read as realistic.
I especially liked how each operator on the team was described through the thoughts of Nolan. You truely felt the sense of respect these selfless men hold for one another.
This was an exceptional book. It details the single greatest loss of SEAL team members in their history. The tremendous respect and love that Luttrell held for his fellow team members was keenly felt. As the account of the action progresses, and the fight becomes more and more a no win scenario, the absolute will to survive is seen in each of the four team members. Murphy's selfless act won him the Medal of Honor postumously. It is a difficult book to read without emotions getting the better of you. Luttrell's sense of loss is profound. This book is very moving and worth an afternoon.
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