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Name : Kristi F.

My Reviews

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Slow, Unconvincing
Real Life Friendship

This is a good book but not a great book. We did like how the friendship between Addie and Val evolved as they matured. There is usually drama, love, sadness, heartache and eventually as women come into their own they accept one another for who the are.

Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Informative, Beautiful

This is one of the best books I have ever read. It teaches us so much about what love can be and acceptance of other cultures. Truly an amazing read. Your book club will love this choice.

The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society by Mary Ann Shaffer, Annie Barrows
Informative, Interesting, Fun

I did not enjoy this story and felt it was rather worthless. Not much to it and slow.

Redeeming Love by Francine Rivers
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Inspiring, Beautiful
Best Book of All Time

Redeeming Love is my favorite of all time. A wonderful story of comittment, love, heartache and above all triumph. Your book club will love this selection and remember the story for a lifetime.

Sarah's Key by Tatiana De Rosnay
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Dramatic, Insightful
The Key

A story that will affect you for the rest of your life. So dramatic that you cannot put the book down and turn the pages with fervor. Great book for discussion.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Dramatic, Interesting
The Girls

You will love learning the culture of the Chinese people while embracing these two women. They overcome so much to run from the heartache in China only to find heartache in America. They endure so much but are always strong and have an endearing spirit. I truly loved this story and know that you will as well.

That Old Cape Magic by Richard Russo
Slow, Boring, Pointless
What Magic?

We thought this book was very slow, that is if you could make it through the first half. The story was pointless, boring and not worth the time it took to read it. Don't bother!

Slow, Boring, Pointless
Old Cape Dud

We did not enjoy this book at all. Out of 12 members not one enjoyed the book. It is very slow and does not have much of a point to it. Story of a very damaged family and how it effects the next generation. Don't waste your time.

L.A. Candy by Lauren Conrad
Unconvincing, Boring, Poorly Written
The Hills in Paperback

Keep in mind that this book is in teen section. Very slow and really didn't get the point to the story.

The Wednesday Sisters: A Novel by Meg Waite Clayton
Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Interesting, Fun

Great story of friendship that begins in the early 60's. Through trials, loves and loss they stick it through and support each other regardless of their differences. Great book for book club.

Romantic, Boring, Slow
Pillars of the Earth

This books is very slow and drags on for chapters at a time. There are several love affairs that are truly endearing, however the gross injustice of the early church and the government of England is disgusting. So much rape and pillage. Grotesic details. Just don't see the purpose of this story.

Prayers for Sale by Sandra Dallas
Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Beautiful, Interesting
Prayers For Sale

Great story of friendship between a young girl and older woman. Truly the Titus 2 principle. Loved the story. Couldn't wait to get from one page to the other. Great book for any book club.

The Saving Graces: A Novel by Patricia Gaffney
Pointless, Boring, Slow
Don't Waste Your Time!

The Kitchen House: A Novel by Kathleen Grissom
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Insightful
Kitchen House

This book is truly amazing, I could not put it down, and still every day think about the characters. History comes to life in this story of friendship, family and hardship. The betrayal is inexplicable and yet is a part of America's history. I loved this novel and would recomend for anyone or any book club to make it their next selection.

How to Be an American Housewife by Margaret Dilloway
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Insightful, Inspiring
Sweet Story

Great relational example of how one feels and how another interprets the the same event.

The Glass Castle: A Memoir by Jeannette Walls
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Inspiring, Dramatic
Sad but Inspiring

So many people in the USA have gone through abuse and neglect. This story from Jeanette gives a personal account of her struggles through childhood and how she has overcome. This story is up close and personal. You will be asking yourself "could this really happen to someone"? By the end of the book you will undoubtedly answer "yes". Great read. You won't want to put this book down, till you've uncovered the last page.

Little Bee: A Novel by Chris Cleave
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Insightful, Interesting
Poor Little Bee

Great book for bookclubs. First 1/2 of book is very slow, however the second half is a page turner. This book is very thought provoking. Sacrifice, regret, refugee treatment, loss and love. You will not be disappointed.

The Catcher in the Rye by J. D. Salinger
Insightful, Gloomy, Dark
A Classic?

Cannot imagine what made this book a classic. It was dull, repetitive and really had no redeeming storyline. There are nine women in our bookclub and not one enjoyed this book.

A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole
Fun, Confusing, Adventurous
Don't Waste Your Time!

Room of Marvels by James Bryan Smith
Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Life Changing, Insightful
A Look Into Heaven

This book is one of my all time favorties. Great book for discussion and one that the reader will remember for ever. A true story of a man that has a dream of who is waiting for him in heaven. Lives he touched and answers to life long questions.

Room: A Novel by Emma Donoghue
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Insightful

This book was very interesting. Told from the view of a five year old child, it is very sad and yet through the circumstances not as terrifying due to the love of a mother. Great discussion for any bookclub. I couldn't put the book down and finished it in a day.

To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee
Book Club Recommended
Brilliant, Insightful, Inspiring
A True Classic

Really enjoyed the book although I felt at times like it was very wordy. Loved the many quotes of wisdom from Atticus. Great issues to discuss for bookclub.

Dramatic, Interesting, Adventurous

Cannot believe that this is one of the top rated books. Thought the subject matter was interesting but the novel was far to wordy and seemed to drag. Really had to force my self to complete.

Christmas Cake by Lynne Hinton
Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Adventurous, Fun
Have your "Cake" and eat it too!

Most Christmas stories are to fluffy. Thought this was a nice story with some umph behind it. Enjoyed the story of friendship, love and loss. Great story for December bookclubs when you don't want to read something too deep.

Moloka'i: A Novel by Alan Brennert
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Inspiring, Interesting
A Life as a Leper

This book has great historical facts woven in the tapestry of the life of Rachel, a five year old girl that is sent as an outcast to the island of Moloka'i. She has been diagnosed with leperocy, a disease thought to be contagious, and sent to live and die on the small island with other leperocy victims. This is a great story of love, friendship, lonliness and the will to survive.

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Dramatic, Interesting
A government gone wild!

Fun and disturbing story of children who are sent to compete for their lives in the arena, as a reminder that the government has ultimate control.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Dramatic
Kleopatra Selene

Great story of the daughter of Cleopatra's during her time in Rome. This book of historical fiction is very well researched and informative as well as a great read. You will enjoy every minute while turning the page.

Book Club Recommended
Slow, Poorly Written, Inspiring
Miracles of Modern Day

The story of a six year old boy that survives a tragic car accident along with his father. It is a story of survival, angels, heaven and miracles. The book has a great message although I thought the book was poorly written. Sometimes seemed very repetitive. Many good lessons to discuss for a book club.

Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Dramatic, Romantic
Good for the 2nd book in a series

The Hunger Games as a whole is a great read. Good for bookclubs. However, I think you need to read all three to understand the scope of the book.

Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Graphic, Epic
Great Series

The story continues in this the third book of the Hunger Game trilogy. Although most of the story is futuristic the underlying storyline and tones of the book are very good for discussion. The books are a very fast read.

Insightful, Inspiring, Informative
Caged Bird

I was very excitied about reading this Maya Angelou book, but was soon very bored. Maya had a sad childhood and I felt terrible for the ways in which she was treated; raped, racism and neglected. Her story was very drawn out and slow.

Insightful, Brilliant, Inspiring

Maya was subjected to much growing up as a black girl; racism, rape, teen pregnancy, and neglect. I found the book to be very slow and at times very boring.

Book Club Recommended
Epic, Romantic, Adventurous
To the Sky!

Great story and very well written. Our bookclubs 2008 "Book of the year!" Romance, Murder, Deception, Friendship and Love; this book has it all.

Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Epic, Informative
For Love or Money?

Another great novel from Michelle Moran. Madame Tussaud brings to life the French Revolution and the characters that set it into motion. If you like historical fiction, although most of the details are founded, you will love Ms. Moran's newest novel. My wish is that our history books were as well written as this great historical account, we would have learned much so more. As in previous books Ms. Moran supplies us with a timeline, map and vocabulary.

Blood Club by Walt Schnabel
Dark, Interesting, Adventurous
Blood Club

This is the story of a family new to town. There are many mysteries involving the towns citizens. Twists and turns keep you interested with a surprise ending.

The Paris Wife: A Novel by Paula Mclain
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Informative, Insightful
Hadley & Hem

An insight to a marriage where love is deep seeded, but seem to lose connection with one another. Hemingway has many demons during his life and struggles to stay afloat. Hadley loses herself in the process, only to find she must lose him to gain herself. Very good novel and recommend to any one wanting to learn about Hemingway and his first wife, Hadley.

Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Fun, Dramatic
Another Kristin Hannah Hit!

I love books by Kristin Hannah. This is a great story of a woman who has experienced a string of tragic events, most devasting is the loss of a child. Through it all her life lesson is "the only way to help yourself is to focus on those that need your help the most."

Missing Witness by Gordon Campbell
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Informative, Interesting
Missing Witness by Gordon Campbell

Very good book. Very well written for a first time author. I learned so much about the manipulation of the lawyers in a court room, and the show they create. One murder, two trials; who really killed the man, the husband, the father?

Still Alice by Lisa Genova
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Informative, Interesting
Still Alice

Still Alice is a look into Alzheimer's disease from the eyes of the patient. So sad to indure the loss of losing yourself. Very well written and made me understand the disease at a whole new level. Alice is a Harvard professor and is diagnosed with Alzheimers at the age of 51.

Emily and Einstein by Linda Francis Lee
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Beautiful, Optimistic

He is a jerk! Self consumed, rich, charming, jerk! She loves him despite his faults. Sandy dies in a freak accident and comes back to life through a mutt name Einstien. His only choice is to earn redemption through this mutt. Great story, many great quotes.

Roseflower Creek by J. L. Miles
Book Club Recommended
Graphic, Dramatic
Lori Jean

A life cut way too short by the hands of a step father. Lori Jean was a sweet girl growing up in the fifties, poor and living in the South. I really enjoyed the story despite the tragic events. Found it to be a real page turner.

The Yellow House: A Novel by Patricia Falvey
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Romantic, Dramatic
The Yellow House

Really enjoyed the story of the birth of Northern Ireland. Rich with characters, suspense, religion, rolling hillsides, traditions and love. A little slow to start but found it truly engaging once past the intro.

Moloka'i: A Novel by Alan Brennert
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Inspiring, Interesting

A story of a small girl and her life on the island of Molokai. She was stricken with leprosy and sent away to the island of lepers. Very insteresting historical fiction.

When We Were Strangers: A Novel by Pamela Schoenewaldt
Optimistic, Insightful, Informative

Nice story, at times felt as though there were too many details and yet at times felt as though I visulalize the sights and sounds of Opi, the voyage and a new America. Very well reasearched historical fiction. It was tragic to think of what immigrants went through when they came to America looking for a better life.

Thank You for All Things by Sandra Kring
Book Club Recommended
Graphic, Insightful, Interesting
Thank You Sandra Kring

Thank you for all things, a novel about love, loss, abuse and forgiveness. Sandra Kring is a great writer that brings the characters to life and each story seems to reveal a bit of ourselves. Times throughout you will cry and most certainly laugh. Story told from by an eleven year, Lucy, that struggles to find her roots, even if they are not as she has imagined them to be.

Book Club Recommended
Pointless, Boring, Persuasive
The Year

I always find Elizabeth Berg's novels to be very thought provoking. How would I find myself after many years of marraige to be alone, trying to find my way? Great book for bookclubs, should spark some great discussions.

Night Road: A Novel by Kristin Hannah
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Insightful, Interesting
Night Road

Kristin Hannah is one of my all time favorite authors. Her books often deal with contemporary issues much like, Jodi Picoult. This is a great book, dealing with raising teenagers, drinking and driving and losing a child. I really enjoyed this new novel from Kristin. A page turner that I didn't want to end. Great for book clubs, sparking interesting discussions.

Night Road: A Novel by Kristin Hannah
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Insightful, Interesting
Night Road

Great book for book club discussions. How would you react if you were in the same situation. Love Kristin Hannah books. They always make you think. Easy read and a real page turner.

Rush Home Road A by Lori Lansens
Boring, Slow
Just OK

I was very interested in the preface of this book, however I found the novel to be very slow and somewhat difficult to keep reading. However, I did finish and found the ending to be a bit odd. I reads like a lazy Sunday afternoon.

The Virgin's Lover (Boleyn) by Philippa Gregory
Slow, Unconvincing, Epic
OK Read

I really enjoy reading historical fiction and it is my opinion that "The Other Boelyn Girl" was one of the best. In Philippa Gregory's follow-up, The Virgin's Lover", I was not near as impressed. As usual, Philippa does an amazing job with her historical research and she does write well, however, I felt as though this particular story was very slow and drawn out. However, it did leave me to question whether or not there ever was or has been a King or Queen that embodied integrity or kind and gentle spirit? Surely, Elizabeth 1 did not.

A Scattered Life by Karen McQuestion
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Persuasive, Dramatic
We are not the same.

Friends loving each other unconditionally is the theme of Karen McQuestion's novel "A Scattered Life". We are so different as mothers, grandmothers, friends; how we show our love, how we are organized or not, how we raise our children and how we keep our homes. This is a sweet story of three women and how there friendship carries them through life despite their differences. A good story, slow sometimes but a good read.

A Reliable Wife by Robert Goolrick
Book Club Recommended
Dark, Dramatic, Interesting
Page Turner

This historical novel by Robert Goolrick was thouroghly enjoyable and a real page turner. The story is set in Wisconsin, 1907, and much to my surprise had many twists and turns. The characters are unforgettable and I enjoyed the love story despite the madness. This novel is fairly erotic but found that the erotocism truly added to the story. Love - Deceit - Murder - Redemption - it all makes for a great novel.

The Book Thief by Markus Zusak
Dramatic, Insightful, Beautiful

"The Book Thief" has been on my library shelf for sometime now just waiting for me to peruse the pages. Finally, I chose to make it my selection and began reading yesterday. Today I made it to page 195. Very rarely do I not finish a book but this novel is so painfully slow that forcing myself to continue is out of the question. In reading the many reviews again, with an overall 4 1/2 star rating, I'm baffled by their positive comments. Most books have a least some redeeming value but the only one I can find for this book is the credit I will get at the used book store.

Those Who Save Us by Jenna Blum
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Insightful, Interesting
Thumbs Up!

We always hear of the atrocities the Jewish race endured during World War II, however, very rarely do we see a glimpse into life as a German citizen during this time. "Those Who Save Us" tells a story of the overwhelming conditions that the Germans faced at the hands of their own government; murder, rape, cruelty, starvation and constantly living under a scrutiny of suspicion. This novel was a great surprise; very well written and a truly a page turner. What would you endure to save those you love? Please note that the scenes of rape and cruelty are quite explicit.

Wench: A Novel by Dolen Perkins-Valdez
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Dramatic, Informative
Loved it!!

I just finished this book today and had to share it with you right away. This novel is soooo good! The writing is so rich with characters and description that you feel as though you are present, watching the story unfold before you. Stop what you are doing and sit down to read this first novel by Dolen Perkins-Valdez, you will treasure every moment, turning the page.

Still Missing: A Novel by Chevy Stevens
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Dark, Graphic
Suspense with a capital "S"!

"Still Missing" is an incredible debut psychological thriller by Chevy Stevens - Suspense with a capital "S". Some of the content is disturbing but so riveting that you find yourself totally absorbed from the first page. Great read and I'm looking forward to reading future novels from Ms. Stevens.

A Scattered Life by Karen McQuestion
Insightful, Persuasive, Dramatic
Women - How we show our love

Friends loving each other unconditionally is the theme of Karen McQuestion's novel "A Scattered Life". We are so different as mothers, grandmothers, friends; how we show our love, organizational skills, how we raise our children and how we keep our homes. This is a sweet story of three women and how their relationships carry them through life despite their differences. A good story, slow sometimes but an OK read and allows you to ponder how you love those in your life.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Optimistic, Inspiring
Standing Ovation!

"Saving CeeCee Honeycutt" is such an endearing and joyful story. The words flow with such grace, kindness and love that it truly envelops you into a heartwarming sense of acceptance. Author, Beth Hoffman, has a real talent in the use of descriptive words. Just imagine watching a life transformed from the large rocking chair on a Savannah front porch. Truly a book for the ages. You will laugh, you will cry, you will love!

Sugar: A Novel by Bernice L. McFadden
Interesting, Dramatic, Graphic

Bernice McFadden's debut novel, "Sugar", is an interesting story of lives of the deep South, 1950's. There were spots where I thought the book was a bit slow. It is also my opinion, that the book could have been written just as well and the story been told without using some of the language and descriptions of sexual exploitations.

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Inspiring, Beautiful
Lives Forgotten

Cute and endearing story. Loved Margaret and her sassy personality, made me laugh despite her circumstance. Very sad story, but one that really makes you think about those in nursing homes, lives forgotten. Parts of the book were very slow, but the vivid characters made me want to continue on and finish their story.

Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Beautiful, Dramatic
Love Endures

"Great love endures time, heartache and distance. And even when all seems lost, true love lives on.". Sarah Jio's first novel, The Violets of March, is a story of lost love and the healing powers that a new love brings. The story takes place on Bainbridge Island in the Pacific Northwest. I found myself wanting to visit this island on my next vacation, placing my toes in the sand, smelling the ocean water and watching the tides roll to shore. I was reminded just how much the ocean is like our lives with tides, beauty, death and new life. Loved the story within the story. Great summer read.

Life's a Beach by Claire Cook
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Optimistic, Fun
Great Summer Read

During summer, there's nothing like a good "beach" read. In Claire Cook's, "Life's a Beach", she lives up to the task. It is funny, I love the sarcastic sense of humor, has a good story line, and isn't heavy. If you are looking for a good summer read, you've found it!

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Optimistic, Inspiring
Saving CeeCee

A beautiful story that you will remember for a lifetime.

Never Knowing by Chevy Stevens
Book Club Recommended

Chevy Stevens' second novel "Never Knowing", is another great hit! Once again she writes in first person, the main character relaying events to her pshycologist. This style of writing is very interesting and found myself totally engrossed in the story. You'll never know what a great story this is until you pick it up and turn the page.

The Beach House by Mary Alice Monroe
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Inspiring, Beautiful
The Important Things in Life

A slower paced life where the important things in life are truly revealed; God's blessings, friends, family, the vast sea, time with your own thoughts, and nature. I have to admit, the first 1/3 of this book was a little slow for me. However, it picked up and I became transported to this small isle with a sense of peace and gladness. I really learned a lot about the Loggerhead Turtles and the sense of purpose it gave these women. Great summer read! PS. Can't wait to get a hammock!

Insightful, Beautiful, Interesting
Slow Read!

The Joy Luck Club by Amy Tan was a very slow read and I had a very difficult time getting into the story. What was interesting to me was that the women were so rude to one another although there were glimpses of kindness. These women lived in difficult times, indured injustice and yet they didn't support one another with graciousness. Amy Tan reveals the Chinese culture and the difficult transition from China to America. This story begs the question "How well do you really know your mother?"

Swimming Lessons by Mary Alice Monroe
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Fun, Insightful
Such a good story!

This is the sequel to Mary Alice Monroe's "The Beach House". It is a great sequel and to tell you the truth I liked it even better. Such a great story of friendship, love, strength, perserverance and the ocean.

Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Optimistic, Inspiring
"Quite Right" Lesley Kagen! Bravo!!

Author, Lesley Kagen embodies a true talent for bringing her characters to life. I truly feel like I knew each character, at one time or another throughout my life. Two of them, Gibby and Billy, I will remember for a lifetime.

Gibby is "NQR" due to a brain injury. You will love who she is and the miracles she views from everyday life. Gibby has the uncanny ability to remember her favorite sayings, although they are "NQR" as well. (I laughed so hard that I had tears streaming down my face.) Billy is Gibby's saving grace with a heart so tender, that he sees her for who she is and loving her despite her short comings.

Growing up in the sixties and seventies I could relate to the innocence and innocence lost during that time in history. The corruption, the racism and secrets...we've come along way and yet have so far to go.

Piercing the Darkness by Frank E. Peretti
Boring, Dark, Gloomy

I agree that there is an evil force on this earth. I felt like this book was very slow and it read like a Marvel comic book. Just did not like it at all.

A Diary

This story is basically a diary of a trip between two friends. There are a couple of fun stories, otherwise very slow.

Romantic, Fun, Insightful
Major Dissapointment

Major Pettigrew's Last Stand is Ambien in the form of a novel. I read to page 230 and just could not go another page. I did enjoy the Major's dry sense of humor and sarcasm but found the story at large to be very slow and unconvincing.

Insightful, Beautiful, Interesting
Don't Bother

Sisterchicks on the Loose! by Robin Jones Gunn
Pointless, Boring, Slow

Sisterchicks on the Loose by Robin Jones Gunn has got to be the worst book of 2011 for me. Yes it is "fluffy" but also just plain boring. Most of my fellow readers in "Friendship Sisters Bookclub" thought it was an "ok" story. I just did not appreciate the story.

The Language of Flowers: A Novel by Vanessa Diffenbaugh
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Beautiful, Interesting

Loved this novel by Vanessa Diffenbaugh. The story is an extremly enjoyable read; very heartwarming, sad and moving. Learning about the language of flowers was so interesting to me and loved how this language was woven through the story.

I finished this story two weeks ago and still think about the characters, (a sign of a great novel). "The Language of Flowers" is a must read, it may just be my favorite of 2011.

Cutting for Stone by Abraham Verghese
Informative, Dramatic, Interesting
A Mixed Bag

"Cutting for Stone" was such a mixed bag for me. I loved the first 100 pages and the last 100 pages. I couldn't read it fast enough. However, the middle 400 pages, eh' not so much. These 400 pages were so bogged down with minute details that the characters become lost in their own story. Editing these details would have kept the flow at a much better pace and interest at a constant.

Look Again by Lisa Scottoline
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Dramatic, Adventurous
A good read

The premise for this book, "Look Again" was very intriguing. What if you saw your adopted child's picture on a "missing" ad? What would you do? This novel was a good read, and I did like it, however, I thought the character development was a bit off. Ellen could have been any mother on the face of this earth, and I found myself wanting to know more about her. It is somewhat suspenseful and I found myself anxious to find out answers to the mystery. All in all a good read.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Inspiring, Dramatic

The original title of "Someone Knows My Name" was "The Book of Negroes", a historical fiction novel. I absolutely loved this book and appreciated Mr. Hill's dedication to detail and historical fact. I truly believe that Aminata and her story, will always have a special place in my heart. Slavery is wrong on every level and the story of African slaves must be told time and time again so history does not repeat itself. This novel is a must read and I pray that it touches you as much as it has me.

North River: A Novel by Pete Hamill
Interesting, Insightful, Pointless
Just OK

This novel is a very slow moving story, with no plot, but great historical detail. I loved the Doc, but found no connection to any of the other characters. This was an OK book but not one I would recommend.

Winter Garden by Kristin Hannah
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Insightful, Informative
A Tragic Tale

I liked Winter Garden very much. A mother tells her daughters her life story through a fairy tale. This is a great historical fiction, life and times in Russia, during World War 1. Loved the characters and found it very thought provoking. Do you really know your mothers life story? If not, shouldn't you begin to find out what makes her who she is? Very good book and one that I trust you will love.

Christmas with Tucker by Greg Kincaid
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Life Changing, Inspiring
Great for your December Bookclub - Nice Warm & Fuzzy

"Christmas with Tucker" is a cute story, and a nice read during the holidays. At only 158 pages it is a fast read and easy to fit in between the Christmas preparations. This is a warm, fuzzy book that will bring a smile to your face.

Book Club Recommended
Optimistic, Beautiful, Fun
Cute story!

Anne of Green Gables is such a cute story. I loved her spunky personaility and endearing character. Cannot wait to see the DVD series. The book is written with such description that you can imagine sitting on the bridge overlooking the stream and watching Anne's life unfold. The story truly made me smile.

The Widow of the South by Robert Hicks
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Insightful, Interesting
Very Good!

I have never been very interested in details of the Civil War, that is until I read this book. Historical fiction based on the Battle of Franklin, brings the lives lost and historical detail to the forefront. Franklin, Tennessee, is calling me, to visit the battle ground and Carnton, and to experience, even on a minute scale, a piece of our American history.

Parts of the book were slow but overall, really enjoyed this novel. Great discussion for bookclubs.

Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Dramatic, Addictive
Loved It!!!

"The Bungelow", Sarah Jio's newest novel is such a great story. I fell in love with the characters and their journey through Bora Bora during WWII. Sarah's description of the island during a time long ago is unforgettable. The white sands, the lap of the tide and the smell of the hydrangea blossoms invade your senses while drifting through the pages. This is a story of love, loss, heartache, murder and, most of all passion - passion for a lifetime.

Tomorrow River by Lesley Kagen
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Insightful, Addictive
Twist at Every Turn

Many times throughout the novel I thought I had the story all figured out - not! There were places I felt that it was a little slow, only to find a new twist unfolding. I loved that about this story. The two girls are so endearing throughout their horrible circumstances, and I loved the richness of the characters. A good story with more than a few good mantras for life.

Insightful, Interesting, Dramatic
Slow and Boring!

Oh Dear! Have you ever read a book that the words, spoken in a monotone voice, lulls you to sleep? That is my synopsis of "Peace Like a River". I did enjoy the spiritual side of this story but was slowly lulled to sleep every time I attempted to read it. I wouldn't suggest you pick up this novel unless you need a good long nap.

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Unconvincing, Interesting
Great for Book Club Discussion

"We are all Welcome Here" created many mixed emotions for me. One minute I was thoroughly enjoying it, the next found it a bit gloomy. One thing is for sure, this novel would be great for a book club discussion. There are many topics to discuss based on the lives of the four main characters and there are several things I learned about being and caring for a person that is also handicapped. The ending was a bit "cheesy", however, I do believe that even if in some small way, this book will impact me. 3 1/2 Stars

The Wedding by Nicholas Sparks
Romantic, Beautiful, Optimistic
Not Very Realistic

Every woman dreams of a story such as this for their own lives. Overall, I found the story to be very realistic when it came to how husband and wife drift apart after thirty years of marriage, from taking each other for granted. On the other hand, the story was unrealistic when it came to Wilson's actions in attempt to become more romantic and right his wrongs as a husband. Wilson's character seemed somewhat flat for 3/4's of the novel, but in the end his emotion and love shined through.

If you are in need of a sweet love story, you will enjoy this read by Nicholas Sparks.

Letters From Home by Kristina Mcmorris
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Insightful, Romantic
Great WWII Home Front Novel

I must admit, I picked up this book for two main reasons: #1 The cover, isn't it beautiful? #2 After reading the Bungalow by Sarah Jio, I wanted to read another story that took place during this same time period. I was not disappointed, this is a very good story about women and their friendships, loves, losses and struggles during WWII. I truly enjoyed the story and am looking forward to reading Kristina McMorris' next novel, "Bridge of Scarlet Leaves".

Book Club Recommended
Addictive, Inspiring, Insightful

The Mark of the Lion Series novels are three of my top five favorite reads. Francine Rivers transports you to Rome in this first book of the series, A Voice in the Wind. I originally read the series over 10 years ago and re-read it, loving it every much if not more than the first time. Although the book is slightly over 500 pages, I found myself reading this book at a very fast pace and enjoying every word. The characters are painted so vividly that you are immersed into the times and troubles of this time in history. I am generally not a fan of Christian fiction because it always seems to be so unrealistic but Francine Rivers does a remarkable job and I find myself thrilled to be a reader at every turn of the page.

Book Club Recommended
Life Changing, Informative, Insightful
Humble and Honest

I so appreciated Mary Beth's honesty; broken down - raw honesty. Most Christians behave as though it is a sin to expose their true feelings and so they have a tendency to wear a veil over their emotions; especially when they are feeling sad, depressed and lonely. Mary Beth takes us on her journey as she questions "Why"?

This is a true story about a woman, her family and the struggles with loss. This book has really given me much to think about when it comes to being there for someone that has lost a child. We can never know what they are feeling or how deep their despair, but just being present with them as they journey through the daily waves of emotion is what we are called to do.

Though the subject matter is difficult, this is a very easy read and one that is great for book club discussion.

Book Club Recommended
Poorly Written, Graphic, Romantic

Where to begin....I heard about this novel on the Today Show, last week and decided to check it out and I am so thankful I did. This book was AMAZING! Erotic, Romantic, Psychological, Thrilling, and Addictive, just a few adjectives that describe this incredible book. It evokes so many different emotions as you turn the page, very rapidly, I might add. This is a very fast read and one I couldn't put down to save my soul. I stayed up late, woke up early and read every single second that I had available till book one of this trilogy had come to an end. I cannot wait for some of my friends to read this delicious novel so we can discuss it. On to Book Two - Fifty Shades Darker!

Fifty Shades Freed by E L James
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Poorly Written, Graphic
Best Love Story Ever!

With much regret, I right this review of Fifty Shades Freed. Regret that this story is over, its strange that I already miss these characters, its almost like I've lost good friends. I LOVED this story, each and everyone of the three novels. Ana's inner goddess remarks made me laugh, Christians horrid past made me cry and Ana's unconditional love made me sigh. I know sappy, huh?, but it is true. There is kinky erotic sex, romance and mystery, all the components for a great love story.

Mudbound by Hillary Jordan
Dramatic, Insightful, Interesting

I was really looking forward to reading Mudbound, since I love novels written about the South. However, this novel was somewhat boring and very slow. I did like that each chapter was written from each characters perspective, but there just isn't much to the story, and felt it a waste of time.

Henry's Sisters by Cathy Lamb
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Insightful, Beautiful
Loved It!!

Get ready for the roller coaster that is titled "Henry's Sisters" by Cathy Lamb. I laughed and I cried, sometimes while reading the same page. The Bommarito family is very dysfunctional and despite their tragedies and disagreements they come together to support each other. I loved the characters and thought Ms. Lamb did an exceptional job revealing their personalities and emotions. "Henry's Sisters" reveals heartfelt compassion, sympathy, and acceptance but most of all love. PS. Jesus Loves You!

Bridge Of Scarlet Leaves by Kristina McMorris
Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Informative, Inspiring

Bridge of Scarlet Leaves by Kristina McMorris is such an amazing book. I loved every page of this book and felt such a strong emotional connection to the characters. My heart truly hurt for them and the events that shaped their lives. This is an amazing historical read and would make for a phenomenal book club discussion.

The synopsis says it best: "Skillfully capturing one of the most controversial episodes in recent American history, Kristina McMorris draws readers into a novel filled with triumphs and heartbreaking loss—an authentic, moving testament to love, forgiveness, and the enduring music of the human spirit."

"WOW - All I can say is WOW!

Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Beautiful, Optimistic
Heart Wrenching, Passionate Love Story - A Must Read

Have you ever read several great books in succession and so you are just waiting for the ball to drop having to endure a litany of bad books. That's how I feel right now, amazed at the number of great books I've read lately. "The Last Letter from your Lover" by JoJo Moyes is no exception, it is a poignant love story that is more relevant than the normal romance novel; a heart wrenching, passionate, love story. This is not "fluff" but a moving, must read love story that is mesmerizing as you turn the page.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Insightful, Interesting

Steve Harvey's, "Act Like A Lady, Think Like A Man", is a great how to for any women that is dating, thinking about dating or want a relationship with a man. Steve's advice is sometimes very hard to hear but very HONEST. Men's needs and desires are very "simple"and we as women make it complicated. Find out if you are a "keeper" or a "sportfish" and how to make set your perimeters for the type of relationship you want. Good advice from a man who's been there, done that.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Romantic, Adventurous
Sweet Story

Ree does a great job giving us a window into her romance with her "Marlboro Man". A very honest account, one that at times reveals her weaknesses, doubts and insecurities as well as her learning what it means to truly love someone. This is a fast ready and one I enjoyed very much. If you are looking for a light read, one that keeps your interest and is a sweet story - enjoy turning the page.

The Winter Sea by Susanna Kearsley
Romantic, Informative, Interesting
Don't Bother

This book was so slow and boring I just could not finish it. I read over 300 pages and began to wonder why. Can you say - next? At one point we are literally reading about them playing chess, play by play. Really - that bad! I paid $9.99 for this book and would love to get my money back, but they only thing I can do is try to talk you into saving your money. The 5 star reviews totally snookered me in, but found myself very dissapointed as I turned the page.

Beautiful Disaster by Jamie McGuire
Book Club Recommended
Fantastic, Beautiful, Graphic
Beautiful Disaster

Beautiful Disaster was recommended to me after reading Fifty Shades. This was a great book and one I could not put down. I really enjoyed the roller coaster ride of their relationship: the good girl, bad boy. You are captured from the beginning and do not want to story to end. I would highly recommend especially if you enjoyed Fifty Shades. Dare to turn the page!

Such A Pretty Face by Cathy Lamb
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Insightful
Thought Provoking

"Such a Pretty Face by Cathy Lamb caught my eye because of the title. You heard me right, the title. You see someone said that to me, "You've got such a pretty face, it's a shame the rest of you went to shit". That was when I only weighed 160 lbs. Like the main character, Stevie, I didn't dare stand up for myself, I swallowed hard and took it because I believed I deserved it. Hurtful words like this take us to a whole different place, especially as women. Overeating causes people to be fat, yes I get that, but the question we need to ask is why? What have they suffered, to cause such pain? Why is it that people believe that overweight people can't hear, don't have feelings and that this prejudice is okay when it's clearly not? I don't know. Compassion and love - the world is always suffering from a shortage of both.

Stevie's mother suffers from schizophrenia and Lamb does an amazing job depicting what life is like for someone with this disease, and how it affects the people that love them. There are many other issues that are woven into the story; morbid obesity, gay marriage, emotional and physical abuse and anorexia. That might sound like to much to process, but the beautiful thing is that "Such a Pretty Face" also has unconditional love, forgiveness, (for yourself and others), joy, strength, reconciliation and the courage to overcome.

The first 20% of the book was somewhat confusing, but I became so vested in the characters that I continued on and I am so glad that I did, it made me think, and look inside myself to find out who I am and who I want to be.

Cathy Lamb gives us many topics to ponder and discuss, as we turn the page.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Inspiring, Insightful
Check It Out!

Turning the page on "Objects of My Affection", was a pleasant read. This is a sweet story and one that kept me interested from page one until the end. Jill Smolinski's novel brings to the forefront how hoarding wears on relationships and reasons for their desire to put so much emphasis on "things" instead of people. A few other topics discussed in this book; suicide, tough love, healing and homelessness. Looking for a easy, fast read? Check it out!

Talk Before Sleep by Elizabeth Berg
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Persuasive, Brilliant
Sad but Very Moving

In this novel, Elizabeth Berg does an amazing job giving us a view into a friendship of two best friends. Ruth is dying from breast cancer and Ann is constantly by her side. You get a true sense of what it is like traveling this road from both women's perspective; the person dying and the one left behind, it is so difficult for both to face life and death without the other. This novel is wrought with emotion; deep despair, fear, hope, laughter, and above all love.

The Color of Light by Karen White
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Beautiful, Insightful
Great Spring / Summer Read

Lately, I have seen a lot of reviews on novels by Karen White, so while perusing the list of her novels, "The Color of Light" jumped out at me. I'm not sure why, maybe the beautiful cover which just feels free, clean, and refreshing, all the components to a great spring or summer read.

This is a great story of how the lack of love from a mother can impact your life and how the love for your children can impact your life even greater. With Mother's day a few days away, this book really made me reflect on how important mothers are to well being of a child; children see the reflection of themselves in your eyes.

This story is about a woman finding herself and the life she wants to live despite the tragedies in her life, a community bond, faithful friends, a love story, suspense and self acceptance. Sometimes the book is a bit predictable but I truly enjoyed it, and I look forward to reading some of Karen White's other novels.

Home Front: A Novel by Kristin Hannah
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Informative, Inspiring
Exceptional Read!

First of all, I want to thank the men and women of the armed forces that protect this great country of ours. If not for your loyalty, honor and sacrifice this country would be a shell of what it is today. Thank you so much and may God Bless You!

"Home Front" is an amazing novel about how war affects not only the men and women serving in our military but also for the spouses, families and friends that remain behind. I cannot imagine the toll it must take on all concerned. Not only is it a struggle to leave or be left behind, be in the midst of a war or at home praying to God that your loved one is safe, but also when returning home the transition that everyone must go through, it is so heart wrenching.

Kristin Hannah does an exceptional job of portraying life with PTSD and the effects of war. This book is an emotional read with much detail and yet like Hannah's other novels reads very smooth and fast, you will not want to put it down. Highly recommend for book club discussion.

South of Superior by Ellen Airgood
Book Club Recommended
Optimistic, Adventurous, Inspiring
I Liked It

This past week, my husband and I went to Grand Marais, Minnesota, along Lake Superior for a relaxing vacation. I had seen this novel and decided that it was a perfect time to read, South of Superior by Ellen Airgood. The setting for this novel is much like the atmosphere and countryside of where we were staying. It is a beautiful place with the back drop of Lake Superior. I was very surprised at the slow the pace of life and how few tourists invaded their locale. Such is the story of "South of Superior."

The novel is a little slow and off beat but very true to the area that it is written about. The locals are friendly, caring and reliable. Richness in friendships is the wealth they rely upon and one to be most treasured.

Sit back, relax and enjoy a sweet story for a great summer read.

The Baker's Wife by Erin Healy
Scary, Gloomy, Unconvincing
Just OK

As I began reading the first several chapters I found myself wondering if I even wanted to continue with the story, the overuse of adjectives was a little much to say the least. However, I did find myself intrigued by the mystery. This story has an odd mix of genres; Christian fiction, Mystery, Paranormal, Romance. What?....Yes, that was my thought exactly. It felt as though the author was trying to cram everything into this one novel and the paranormal aspect was just a little to far fetched.

To be fair, there were a lot of faith based issues that were covered and would make for a great book club discussion; sin, righteousness, abortion, emotional abuse, love, God's forgiveness and unconditional love. I did like the mystery/suspense to the story and continued turning the page for that alone.

All in all it was just okay for me. Oh well, back to my library shelf.

The Best of Me by Nicholas Sparks
Romantic, Dramatic, Interesting

This is my second book written by Nicholas Sparks having read "The Wedding" previously. I really was intrigued for most of the book and then.... Yeah, it follows his same formula of someone dies and a lost love. Why is it that his books are so predictable? Well, because they are. This was a really great story until the last few chapters of the book so I admit that I really enjoyed it till then. The characters were well developed and I felt compassion for their plot in life. I just wish he would have chosen an entirely different ending and it would have made all the difference.

On the Island by Ms. Tracey L. Garvis Graves
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Optimistic, Adventurous
A Buried Treasure

Don't you just love it when you find a hidden treasure? Ab-so-lute-ly!!! I found this treasure while searching reviews and was thrilled when I saw it was only $2.99 for my nook. As you probably are all aware that is a deal these days, as e-book prices are increasing daily it seems. At this writing Goodreads lists this book at an average 4.21 rating with over 5,364 reviews, so I had to check out what all the fuss was about. Whew! I'm sure glad I did.

Another, first time novelist, Ms. Garves-Graves, has done an amazing job. It is written with such ease and transforms you into a castaway, with all the daily struggles to stay alive and overcome the transition from our daily, chaotic lives to one of fighting for survival from sun, insects, sharks and boredom. I really connected with the characters and their emotional struggles, and loved that she told the rest of the story.

Check out this enjoyable book of survival and forbidden love, you will be glad you did. :)

Sea Change by Karen White
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Dramatic, Interesting

Sea Change is a very good book and keeps you guessing at every turn. Just when you think you have it figured out, you find out that you don't. I loved how Ms. White weaves the story between modern day and back to the War of 1812. The author does an amazing job with character development and the secrets that they hold. Is your past linked to your future? I would really recommend that you pick up this new release.

The Kitchen Daughter by Jael McHenry
Inspiring, Beautiful, Interesting

"The Kitchen Daughter" was next on my must read list, interested in the point of view from the perspective of one with Aspberger's. I am left very dissapointed. Ms. McHenry's novel leaves much to be desired, and is extremely disjointed. The cooking steps for each recipe became boring and the characters were a little more than flat. I wouldn't recommend this book to anyone, there are just too many good novels out there, waiting for you to turn the page.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Dark, Interesting
Totally Engrossing!

This thriller had me guessing at every turn. Just when I began to form an opinion or believe I had it figured out, Ms. Flynn threw in a new twist. I loved it! The suspense and intrigue kept me guessing at every turn. I could not put this book down and found myself totally engrossed. From sad, mad, compassionate to furious to an ending that takes you by surprise, it is unlike any mystery I have ever read. If you love mysteries without the predictable storyline and ending, this one's for you!

Juliet by Anne Fortier
Romantic, Adventurous, Dramatic
Didn't Like It!

I have never read Shakespere's "Romeo and Juliet" and was looking forward to reading this modern version of the story. The first three chapters were really very good and kept me intrigued. However, soon after the story began to drag and boy did it drag. It took until approx. page 300 for the story to pick up and by then I just wanted to get it over with. There is some romance, but very little, and most of that seemed forced. With a lack of connection to the characters and a book stuffed with words but no meat, this book is not one that I would recommend. I truly wanted to love this book and just didn't.

Porch Lights by Dorothea Benton Frank
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Informative, Optimistic
Enjoyable Read

I liked Ms. Frank's newest novel and cherished the characters. Annie, is such a card and I loved her sense of humor. Jackie and Charlie's station in life will make you cry and you will sympathize with what life has dealt them. You know, life's struggles. This is a precious story of going home to heal and one of new beginnings.

This is a great beach read and one I would truly recommend to someone that just wants to dip their toes in the surf, sit back, read and enjoy the lights glowing on the porch.

Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Optimistic, Beautiful
Heaven is REAL

There's really not much to say that the synopsis does not. This is a short book, (158 pages), and is a very fast read. "Heaven is for Real" is well written and gives the reader a glimpse into heaven. The book was OK for me, just not "heaven" shattering, maybe that is because I already believed that Heaven IS for Real!

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Insightful, Fun

This is a fabulous story of good versus evil, a story of love and compassion, brokeness and healing, and a man that stays true to his Father regardless of circumstance. You will fall in love with the characters, adults and children alike. They are so well developed that you feel as though you know them, they become a part of you and steal your heart. This first time author, has done an amazing job of breathing life into this family and their story. You will laugh at the quick wit of Swan and most definately cry at the heart wrenching abuse that is inflicted on a child and animals. I loved this novel and cannot wait to read Ms. Jenny Wingfields future work.

Learning to Swim: A Novel by Sara J. Henry
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Adventurous, Graphic
Suspense with a Soul

I really liked this debut novel from Sara Henry, it is suspenseful, the characters are believable and the story was gripping. I really enjoyed the story and looking forward to Sara's next book, "A Cold and Lonely Place", to be released in November 2012.

The Doctor's Wife by Elizabeth Brundage
Book Club Recommended
Dark, Gloomy, Difficult
Heavy Subject Matter

Living in Wichita, KS. allows me to relate to the harassment and lunatics that abortion doctors endure. I am not saying I agree with abortion, quite the contrary, but I absolutely do NOT believe in killing or harassing someone who does. There are religious groups that do act as though they are the judge and jury and their actions, "In the name of Jesus Christ" appall me. Some reviewers feel that this representation in the book is far fetched, believe me it is not.

The Doctor's Wife is a very heavy, disturbing but thought provoking novel. It is a very well written book with suspense and the ever prevalent "one bad choice after another", and would make for great for a book club discussion due to the various subject matters.

I was really excited to read this book but just didn't love it. I think it was just due to the heavy subject matter and the lack of connection with the characters.

If you are looking for a happy read, this is not it!

Interesting, Dramatic, Dark

This has got to be the most bizarre book I have ever read. I just finished reading this book and it left me with the feeling of "why"? The first and last chapters were the only two with much sustenance and everything in the middle left me saying "yada yada yada".

Obviously, I didn't like the book and would never recommend to anyone. Sorry Watson.

Inspiring, Fun, Optimistic
Cute Story

The premise of "Wallflower in Bloom" makes for a great story. How often do we each feel as though we are invisable? Coming into our own is wonderful and I loved reading about Deidre's transformation. Sometimes the banter between two adult siblings was too much and the modern day cliches a little over the top, but I did like the story. It is a nice light read for a summer day.

Yellow Crocus: A Novel by Laila Ibrahim
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Fantastic, Informative

"Yellow Crocus" is an amazing novel by first time author, Laila Ibrahim. "The greatest social change often blooms from personal acts of love."

Love, love, loved this story; the characters, the descriptive detail of the emotion and love spoken between a "mother" and a child. Although, Mattie was not her birth mother, she was a mother to Lisabeth, and, despite the difference in race, they formed a strong bond that would last a lifetime.

You must put "Yellow Crocus" on your "TO READ LIST", it is an amazing opportunity to see the courage it takes to stand up for what is right, despite popular opinion.

Her Mother's Hope by Francine Rivers
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Epic

I love most all of Francine Rivers novels and have read them all. I was so excited when this book was chosen for our book club read for September. When starting the book I found it to be very good and then hit a patch that was causing me to question how much I was enjoying it. However, I found that I couldn't put the book down because I was so wrapped up in the characters. This book is so full of emotion for the reader and a lot of the time I found myself getting angry and frustrated with the main character. Sometimes I wanted to reach in and shake Marta! That's bad isn't it? No, I loved that it evoked so much emotion within me. So glad that I continued on because I truly loved this book.

Relationships between mother and daughter's can be so strained and it affects the next generation. The miscommunication between the two can cause such anguish that it destroys the love between them. This book will make you think and give you much to ponder about your relationships and the many opportunities to right the past.

So glad that I continued on because I truly loved this book and looking forward to continuing the saga with "Her Daughter's Dream".

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Epic, Life Changing
Legacy of Love

To be honest, I'm not really sure how to begin conveying my review of "Her Daughter's Dream". This book has impacted me in ways I never suspected it would, and I don't think anything I can say will do it justice. This is the conclusion to a multi-generation saga, bringing to light the relationships between mother and daughter and the fears that keep us from realizing the depth of our love for one another.

Francine Rivers does an amazing job bringing the characters to life and gripping your heart. They go through real life circumstances; hurt, loss, despair, fear, love, tragedy, faith and joy. This is not a feel good novel about how Christians go through life with no trial or tribulations, it depicts REAL life through four generations of women.

As I think back to the story, I realize how much I need to trust Him more and me less, that I need to exhibit more faith in the God who lights my path, and not use a flashlight when the Son is shining so brightly.

There were times during the novel that I thought "Don't say it, don't do it! That is not a good idea". I had to laugh thinking this must be what God says every minute of every day when we say or do things without reflecting on His desires for us. We must drive Him crazy! I know I sure do.

He is who sustains us. Our faith in Him is allows us to walk the streets of this wretched earth to love, be loved and share His love. I think of all the books out there that tell us what our purpose is, when in one short sentence it is our purpose to love, to have faith in Jesus Christ and to share those two things with others.

Take time and read these two books. I pray that you will enjoy them as much I did and that they will place the desire for a legacy of love and faith in Jesus Christ deep into your heart and soul.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Insightful

I am so sad to be writing this review and only because that means that the last page has been turned on this mesmerizing novel by M.L. Stedman. This book is impossible to put down until the last page is read, and even then you want to hold on to the characters just a little bit longer.

The author did a stunning job with the characterization and you feel so connected to each of them that you become encased in this story of black & white, (right and wrong), and the many shades of grey.

Needless to say, I loved this novel and would recommend to all and would make for an excellent book club choice.

Dark, Dramatic, Interesting

Gillian Flynn is a great writer of mystery and suspense, you can never see were she is taking you but you know you are on a hairpin curve and it causes the pit of your stomach to roll. Dark Places is no exception, it is dark, twisted and disturbing. It is so strange that there is no connection to the characters, however, you are propeled forward to the final pages.

I did like the book but found it way to dark to love. There were times I just wanted the story to get somewhere and other times I could not put it down. In the end, it was a satisfying read and I am anxious to read her other work. I'll have to wait awhile though, it got me a little creeped out.

Confusing, Unconvincing, Pointless

This is such an odd story and overall just did not feel like there was anything redeeming about it. The story is told by five points of view, one person at a time, that in itself causes some confusion having to go back and forth in time. I did not like the characters and was disenchanted with their lack of morals and commitment to one another. There was just nothing that bound them together except for their gin and tonic. Oh boy!

These is My Words by Nancy Turner
Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Dramatic, Inspiring
A Favortie

"These is my Words" is a epic story encompassing the life a a girl/woman from 1881-1901. It is written in the form of a journal and is deeply moving and yet really treats the reader into a glimpse of life in the Arizona Territories.

The main character, Sarah, is smart, stubborn, and hard working. I loved that she was a strong female that stood up for what is right despite her circumstance and kept fighting through tough times. The relationship between she and Jack was enduring, and I laughed out loud at their bantering. Sarah's true self is exposed in her written word and it was amazing how 112 years later, it isn't much different than how women think and feel today.

This is a great story and one of my all time favorites. This is a great choice for any reader to take a look back in history and the lives of women blazing the frontier.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Gloomy, Epic
Mixed Review

As much as I loved "These is My Words", Nancy Turner's Book 1 of this trilogy, I have to admit that I was a little disappointed in Sarah's Quilt, Book 2. I realize that during this time in history there was a lot of sadness and struggle to make a life in the Arizona Territories, but I just didn't feel the connection to the characters as I did in Book 1.

With regards to the water witch, I thought that was all a little weird. Oh, not that there was one, but just the ending with regards to his character. To me this made his whole character seem unbelievable even though they did exist during that time in history.

The third book, The Star Garden is the last book in this trilogy and I will read it, hoping that the style of writing is more like that in Book 1. I loved Sarah's character and I'm excitied to become engaged, once again, in her life story.

Gloomy, Slow
Just OK

In Book 3 of Nancy Turner's novel, I found my self feeling sad and a lot of time wondering why I continued reading it. So much of this book is repetition from the two previous novels, that I grew weary of reading the same things over again. Honestly, I think the series would have been much better if it ended with Book One, "These is My Words".

Outlander by Diana Gabaldon
Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Romantic, Addictive
Love / Hate

I have such a love/hate relationship with this novel. Fortunately, it was much more of a love.

This historical detail....epic. The characters....words cannot describe how rich the characters are and the connection Ms. Gabaldon brings to each one. The emotion so deep....sadness, romance, happiness, greed, joy, anger, lust, passion, grief. The issues....violence, rape, infertility, war, religion, injustice, homosexuality, witchcraft, murder.

There are many reviews that state the violence is too much, however, I felt as though it was very true to the time period, and appreciated the authors commitment to the historical detail.

The first 250 pages was a bit slow and then BAM! You become wrapped around the authors finger as she reels you in to digest each and every word. There are a few places that the plot drags throughout the book but soon you are once again smitten with the story unfolding before you.

If you love historical fiction you will LOVE this novel. I look forward to continuing the saga with "Dragonfly in Amber".

One Breath Away by Heather Gudenkauf
Dramatic, Scary, Interesting

An author told me that Heather Gudenkauf was her favorite author and that she loved "One Breath Away". I had to read it next, I love to read books from different authors than I've read before - always searching for a gem. Well, this book is no gem, more like a ring from a vending machine.

The book is poorly written, and seemed rather elementary. For the most part the characters were under developed, the plot so-so, the outcome predictable and the ending stunted.

Some reviews indicate that the first two books from this author were much better. However, I don't know if I'll ever invest time and money into this authors previous work, since this book was so poorly written.

Book Club Recommended
Informative, Insightful, Slow
A History Lesson

Peony in Love is filled with Chinese customs, beliefs and history. Lisa See wove this story together with a very different perspective than ever before and does an incredible job teaching us about the opera "The Peony Pavilion", the history of "The Three Wives' Commentary", the social changes that allowed it to be written and the desire of all women to be heard.

Even though the majority of the book is told by a ghost, it is because she is a ghost that you learn so much about the Chinese customs regarding death. Truly I found the book very interesting and really enjoyed it. I cannot wait to discuss this novel at book club and hear their perspectives.

Lisa See is a great author and this is the fourth book I have read from her. Read Peony in Love with an open mind and I think you will truly enjoy, turning the page.

Wildflower Hill by Kimberley Freeman
Book Club Recommended
Life Changing, Dramatic, Inspiring
Beautiful Story

Wildflower Hill is a throughly enjoyable read, full of mystery, romance and heartbreak. It is multi-generational historical fiction at its best. I loved both of the antagonists, Emma present day and Beattie from the 1930's. They each spoke to me in very different ways and I became so invested in their stories that I didn't want to set the book down. This is a very fast read and one that will touch your heart without being sappy. Truly a great story!

The Sweetness of Forgetting by Kristin Harmel
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Beautiful, Interesting

As I write this review, I find myself overwhelmed in how to describe "The Sweetness in Forgetting" by Kristin Harmel. It is such an amazing read and there are so many aspects of the story that I want to share, that I feel entirely incapable of doing it justice.

The book cover and the synopsis, give you the feeling that this is a just another story of a divorced single mother going through "stuff " and, would not have ever been a book I would be interested in if not recommended by author, Sarah Jio. In this case, please don't judge a book by it's cover, although it is beautiful, it is not a good representation of the novel.

This is a love story but one of great magnitude and on so many levels...For your fellow man, mother for a child, between man and a woman, for traditions, for family, for your hometown, for the legacies left to you by generations previous and for your faith.

It is a story of overcoming the odds and yet losing yourself in the past. It is a story of horrific tragedy and one of sweet saving grace.

Words cannot describe the impact this book had on me. I learned so much and it gave me a great many things to really reflect upon....all the makings for a great novel.

Cutting Season by Attica Locke
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Interesting, Adventurous
2 For 1

Oh how I love the South; the plantations, the people, the mystery, the landscape, the politics and the history. The Cutting Season has all of those things and more. This novel has a two -for-one mystery that keeps you so intrigued that you don't want to put it down.

The characters are real and I loved how the author explored their emotions, personal demons, love for one another, their home and their sense of belonging. I found it very interesting how Ms. Locke compared some of the struggles of yesterday's slaves to today's migrant workers, and society's ignorance in treating them as though they were/are less the human. In one word - Shameless!

Great story and I look forward to reading Ms. Locke's other work.

Cruel Harvest: A Memoir by Fran Elizabeth Grubb
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Inspiring, Interesting
Thank you for sharing Francis!

"Cruel Harvest" makes the "Glass House" look like a tea party in a castle. This story is a memoir of Francis Grubb, her life marked both by unthinkable abuse and God's amazing love. Francis' words gripped me with every word and emotion. She shares her story, so that others that survive abuse will share their stores as well and come to know God's amazing Grace. This novel is very well written and one I am not soon to forget.

The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch
Inspiring, Insightful, Optimistic

Honestly, not really sure how I feel about this book. I liked some of the advice given on how to live a full life but felt the majority of it was rather redundant.

I do believe that if you were a friend or family member of Mr. Pausch this book would be a treasure. To learn everything possible about someone you loved is priceless and a reference that would be a treasure.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Interesting, Dark
A Southern Charm

Karen White's, "The House on Tradd Street" is a wonderful read; full of mystery, a Charleston home remodel, some Civil war history, and all with three ghosts in the mix. I truly enjoyed the banter between Jack and Melanie and their sexual tension made for more than a few good laughs. This is simply a great, fun read. Anyone who loves stories from the South will truly enjoy this first book in Ms. White's trilogy.

Book Club Recommended
Scary, Dramatic, Fun
Great Sequel!

The Girl on Legare Street is Karen White\\\\\\\'s second novel in the \\\\\\\"The House on Tradd Street\\\\\\\" series. I enjoyed this book even more so than the first. I think it is because you become even more familiar with the characters. I\\\\\\\'m not usually a ghost story fan but I love this series; mystery, suspense, romance, redemption, friendship, history and it all takes place in the South. God love you Karen White!

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Romantic, Interesting

Loved this third installment of \\\"The House on Tradd Street\\\" series. I could not put it down and read it in a day and a half. I was so excitied to see how the series would end only to find out it didn\\\'t. This is good news and bad news. Good - because I cannot wait to read more about the characters relationships and budding romances. Bad - because I have to wait to January 2014 to continue the story. This is a great series and truly enjoyed the many aspects of them. You will not be dissapointed. Karen White\\\'s books are great and truly a readers dream.

PS - I\\\'ll never be able to hear an ABBA song without thinking of Mellie.

Mrs. Mike by Benedict Freedman, Nancy Freedman
Romantic, Adventurous, Epic
Just OK

Mrs. Mike was chosen for the Lit-Chix\\\'s Classic read for 2013. I was excited to read this book due to the amazing reviews and personal recommendations. It is a love story, one that by today\\\'s standards would have never lasted.

It is well written but at some points very slow. It felt as though the story was historically accurate and during those slow times it was probably very much so for the characters living it. The courage that it would take for a young, Boston girl to traverse to the wild, frigid frontier is somewhat unrealistic but never say never.

I did learn some about the Indian customs and the frontiers way of life and found it to be very interesting.

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Inspiring, Interesting
Great for Discussion

Tuesdays with Morrie is a heart rendering novel about a dying man and his student. They discuss many things but the most defining topic is death. It is difficult for most of us to discuss death and assimilate our feelings. This book is a great way to open your mind and explore your dreams, desires and true feelings about your death and the death of a close loved one. There are many mantras to live by and I loved most of them but sometimes it felt like "yadda, yadda, yadda". You know; imagine the voice of Charlie Brown's teacher.

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Inspiring, Beautiful

Me Before You was recommended to me. I was fully prepared for a light-hearted romantic novel. This is not a light hearted romantic novel. I repeat - \\\"This is not a light hearted romantic novel\\\". However, it is an amazing story and very thought provoking.

This novel grabs you from the start and will not let you set it down until the last page is turned. It will have you crying, laughing and feeling blessed.

This is a great story for men and women alike. I would love to discuss with a male to get his take on it and compare his view to those made by Will, the main character.

Don\\\'t wait another minute, pick up this novel and enter the world of Louisa and Will, you will be so glad you did.

Falling Home by Karen White
Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Romantic, Insightful
Laughter & Tears

I cannot put my finger on exactly why I love Karen White\\\'s writing, but I do. Maybe it\\\'s that she so reflects problems of ever day life and the hope that we can over come them.

Falling Home is a perfect example. Although Cassie can be a \\\"B\\\" at times, I can certainly understand her pain and the reason she fled from home. It is not that the North is Bad and the South is Good, (as some reviews indicate), it is that she had more of an opportunity to be obscure in such a large city versus a small country town. Home is home, whether it is in New York, New York or in Walton, Georgia.

Once again, I loved Ms. White\\\'s characters and the Southern charm that she brought to the story. She so well reflects the good and the \\\"not so good\\\" of living in small town America. This is a book that covers topics of forgiveness, redemption, death, breast cancer, love and belonging. Be ready to laugh with a box of Kleenex in your lap because your tears will fall.

I had only one regret when I was turning the page for the last time, and that was that the last two or three chapters jumped ahead a year or two. There were some critical, (for me anyway), events that I wish had been revealed. Oh well, I guess I\\\'ll leave it up to myimagination. :)

After the Rain by Karen White
Book Club Recommended
Good Not Great

As soon as I finished Karen White's novel, Falling Home, I picked up After The Rain. I could not wait to continue the story. Unfortunately, I was somewhat disappointed. Don't get me wrong, this is still a good book but not as good as Falling Home. Part of me really wanted Sam and Cassie's story to continue, and in a way it did, it just was not the focus of this novel.

After The Rain picks up three years after Harriet's death. Joe is trying to pick up the pieces for not only him but also for his six children. This story can be heartbreaking at times but also hopeful. Life does go on for the living.

Ms. Lena cracks me up with her romance novels and her comments on sex, as only any 80 something woman could do. Hilarious at times, you just laugh out loud.

I found that this book was sometimes repetitive and lost a bit of its luster for me but all in all I did like the book.

The Aviator's Wife: A Novel by Melanie Benjamin
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Insightful
Historical Fiction at its BEST!!!

Historical fiction is a great way to learn about events, much more so that reading out of a history book. It truly assists you in relating to this historical persona; allowing insight into their emotions and personalities. If the novel is accurately written, you gain the desire to delve into the history itself, to study more and understand the lives they lead....The Aviator\'s Wife is such a novel.

You could have put my \"Lindbergh\" knowledge in a thimble before reading this fabulous book. 1. He flew the Spirit of St. Louis in a transatlantic flight. 2. Their first child was kidnapped and murdered. Wow! That is so embarrassing to admit.

This couple accomplished so much as both individuals and as a team, that it is incomprehensible, and yet I don\'t remember once ever hearing of these achievements.

Anne is such a strong woman and yet this reveals her weaknesses in a very humble way. I appreciated the candid view of a life full of achievement, but also of loss. It is sad to think that someone had to live a life with no freedom, to live their life without constant scrutiny and bombardment from the press. They were shameless!!!

Since finishing this book last night, I began reading \"Gift from the Sea\" by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. I wanted to read something in her words, just to hear her voice a little longer. In the near future, I will read \"Lindbergh\" from Scott Berg. I want to get a perspective of Charles\' view on his life events.

I\'m not going to give you a breakdown on every aspect of this book. You need to read it for is a journey well worth the flight.

Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Insightful, Beautiful
A Gift

This book is a gem, one I will cherish all of my days. I will share with all the women that I can for we all seem to walk a slippery slope with the certainty of losing ourselves. I will give these words of wisdom to my daughter so she can recognize and find joy in each of the shells of her life.

Anne Morrow Lindbergh describes this book best herself; " a signpost for another way of living. Simplicity of living as much as possible, to retain a true awareness of life. Work without pressure. Space for significance and beauty. Time for solitude and sharing."

Thank you Anne, I will always cherish your words.


Sometimes you read a book that is so boring you can't find much if anything to say but "boring". The book is so slow and I didn't learn anything from it. Don't waste your time.

Insightful, Interesting, Gloomy

Disappointed is the best way to describe my review of "The Twelve Tribes of Hattie". There are moments when the author had beautiful prose but the story itself was meaningless. The only thing to take away from this novel is that despite the fact that this family migrated from the South to the North, to avoid the tumultuous violence, racism and oppression, they continued a life of self loathing and a bitter existence.

The story does not flow well and never tells the entire story of even one of the characters. I don't know how the author came up with the title since Hattie only had eleven children. This story is a mishmash of heartache.

Thunder and Rain: A Novel by Charles Martin
Book Club Recommended
Old Fashioned Love Story

"Thunder and Rain" is an enjoyable read by Charles Martin. Sometimes it seemed a little sappy and unrealistic but I thoroughly enjoyed the characters; their morals, integrity and relate ability. I loved the letters to God, written by Hope. What a great way to tell her side of the story! I also loved the way Mr. Martin told the story without hitting you over the head with religion but with a great dose of faith.

If you are looking for a nice read, one that will make you cry, laugh and delivers some suspense, you just found your next book. This is an old fashioned love story and one you will enjoy.

Eve's Daughters by Lynn Austin
Book Club Recommended
Epic, Informative, Dramatic

In Lynn Austin\\\'s, Eve\\\'s Daughters, you become so enchanted and consumed by their life stories that you don\\\'t want the novel to end. The character development is amazing and though each woman is her own person, with varied personalities I loved each of them. Their blessings. dreams, resilience, strengths and struggles are so relatable that Ms. Austin gives us a vision into the life of a woman, for we are all Eve\\\'s daughters.

This is a very well written Christian novel, one that their beliefs are a part of their story but not unrealistic and fluffy by any means. In my opinion, everyone would love this story regardless of their faith or lack their of.

This book is a treasure, great historical fiction and a story that I will always remember.

Freeman by Leonard Jr. Pitts
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Informative, Epic

Leonard Pitts, Jr\\\'s story \\\"Freeman\\\" is BRILLIANT and one of the best historical fiction novels I have ever read! The characters are rich within the tapestry woven for them, blended to transfix you, and stitched together during a most tumultuous time in our history. I truly believe that this novel should be listed as an \"American Classic\".

The lives of the slaves after the Civil War, in someways was just as cruel as slavery. Being \\\"free\\\" came with a high cost to many, with no where to go, no money and continued cruelty from the white community. Many slave owners refused to admit defeat to the North and continued treating their slaves as property instead of as human beings. There were many families that had been broken apart and having very few clues as to their location began searching for their loved ones, with often terrifying results.

Emotional and riveting \"Freeman\" is a true masterpiece.

The Empty Glass by J.I. Baker
Unconvincing, Gloomy, Poorly Written

I was so excited when this book was released and really looked forward to reading it for our LitChix April book selection. Boy was I totally off base with this one. The writing style is excruciating to follow, the characters had flat lined and there is nothing new or different revealed in this supposed \"historical fiction\". Most books have a least one redeeming quality, I can honestly say this one did not.

Don\'t waste your time - a terrible book!

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Slow, Insightful
Great for Book Club Discussions

Slow Way Home is a great depiction of the life of a child in midst of the legal system due to emotional abuse. The characters are rich and I love the Christian influence on his life. The author did an excellent job revealing the anger and hurt this little boy endures through the maze of being shuffled between a neglectful mother, the foster system and the love of his grandparents.

This book will give you much to think about and is great for book club discussions. Very sad at times but also triumphant.

The Night Circus by Erin Morgenstern
Beautiful, Interesting, Brilliant

The best way to describe this book is \\\"STRANGE\\\". I never really understood it, I guess. The circus is a magic circus, one that isn\\\'t really there and yet you can see it in your mind. The author did a great job of describing the tents, the acts, and the smells but the characters were shallow leaving no connection between them and the reader. The last 100 pages are the best of the book but they still leave you asking \\\"huh\\\"?

I have read that we only use 20% of our brain capacity, so conceptually I\\\'m wondering if the author was thinking that these things could be possible if we used more of our brains than we do. I also wonder if this book is enjoyed by a much younger generation. I guess I\\\'ll find out during our discussion at book club. As for me, I wouldn\\\'t recommend.

When the Wind Blows by James Patterson
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Dramatic, Interesting
Great for Book Club Discussions

This is a "what if" story. Genetic testing gone wrong. Sometimes I have difficulty with fantasy stories, struggling to make them logical. This story is good, I liked it and it could happen. There are doctor's that consider themselves a god. This is a very fast read and one that keeps your interest until the very end. I liked the story well enough that I will continue the story with Patterson's "The Lake House".

The Poisonwood Bible: A Novel by Barbara Kingsolver
Informative, Adventurous, Insightful

I really cannot say that I liked this book. The first 150 pages or so were very slow. I loved the middle section of the book but the last 1/3 of the book was excruciating to read. It felt more like a documentary than historical fiction; facts added to the characters names but it wasn\\\'t cohesive. I disliked all the characters by the end of the book and the story. Kudos to the author for her descriptive details and placing us in Africa and the environment.

The Glass Wives: A Novel by Amy Sue Nathan

This book was just ok for me. Parts were extremely slow and I didn't really buy into the premise, nor did I like the characters. I did like learning about the Jewish funeral traditions but felt the book was flat.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Insightful
3 1/2 Stars

This is the first book by Kate Morton that I've read. I did like the story but felt as the middle of the book really dragged. My rating should really be a 3 1/2. Ms. Morton did a great job with the character analysis and pulled you in with her knowledge of the war experience for the average citizen during the air raids, etc. There is a mystery to this story, one that I thought I had figured out but oh there was much more than I presumed. I couldn't quit reading until I finished. Great ending!

Defending Jacob: A Novel by William Landay
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Insightful
Great for Book Club Discussions

Great story! I loved how the legal process was revealed throughout the story. The parents emotions are so riveting from one moment to the next, that it is painful watching them under those circumstances. The author did a great job pulling you in and exploring the parents anguish along with legal formalities. Very fast read, you won\\\'t want to set it down. P.S. This is a great book for book club discussions!

Looking for Me by Beth Hoffman
Book Club Recommended
Love This Book!

Oh Ms. Hoffman you've done it even better. Although I loved "Saving CeeCee Honeycutt", "Looking for Me" is one notch above. I loved the emotion, tenderness, despair and the occasional quirkyness. Let me tell you, you will need a box of tissues while reading this great novel; coming from a non-crier this says a lot. Make sure you read this great new release from Beth Hoffman, you'll be glad you did.

Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Insightful
Historically Accurate

Orphan Train is such a great book, historically accurate and written with such vivid imagery that it is more like watching a movie than reading a book. I loved the characters, rich and dynamic. Yes, the story is a sad one but it compels the reader to believe in the power of perseverance.

This is a very fast read and one I was wishing didn't end so soon. The only reason I didn't raise it a 5 was because of the abrupt ending.

Big Stone Gap by Adriana Trigiani
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Fun, Romantic
A Gem!

Loved this story of self discovery. The characters are wonderful and truly memorable. I cannot wait to start reading the next book in the series.

Big Cherry Holler by Adriana Trigiani
Book Club Recommended
Great for Book Club Discussions

4 1/2 Stars!!! I loved this book even more than the first one. Such a great story of marriage and discovery. Adriana Trigiani has such an amazing way of developing the characters so that you feel as if you truly know them. I cannot wait to read the third book in this series, "Milk Glass Moon".

The Last Telegram by Liz Trenow
Book Club Recommended
The Last Telegram

This is such a great book, written well, it's hard to believe this the authors first novel. I loved how the author wove the story of silk throughout. I learned so much about the process of silk weaving and the author did a great job making it very interesting. Great love story! It is a story of love, forgiveness, guilt, pleasure, and loss. Loved it!

The Dry Grass of August by Anna Jean Mayhew
Dramatic, Insightful, Interesting

The first half of this book is very slow and it is very depressing but I can only imagine how depressing for the people of color during that time. The injustice is horrific. I loved Mary and her relationship with Jubie. Sometime after reading this book, I began to realize that the Trajon Martin case was a modern day event much like the one in this story. I\'m looking forward to discussing that angle when reviewing this book at book club.

Belong to Me by Marisa de los Santos
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Optimistic, Insightful
Belong to Me

Although this book is brillantly written, throughout the first 1/3 of the novel I felt as though it was very disjointed; And then BAM!; everything comes together. This is a story of family, maybe by birth but mostly not. It is a story of lives intertwined; full of sorrow, joy, forgiveness and love. Great read for yourself or to discuss at book club.

Crossing Oceans by Gina Holmes
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Inspiring, Dramatic
Heart Wrenching

This little book offers quite a punch and is a great read. I loved the characters and the message. It will make you think and wonder what you would do in the same situation. This would be a great book club selection and discussion.

Interesting, Fantastic, Adventurous

Bizarre book. Read 75% and decided I didn't want to go on.

Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Gloomy, Informative

Jojo, this was so so FABULOUS! I loved this story; the mystery, the relationships, characters, the writing....well I loved everything. You have to read this right away because I said so and because you will be missing out on an amazing read if you don't.

Ordinary Grace by William Kent Krueger
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Dramatic, Inspiring

Written with eloquence and grace this is a story of a young boy's summer. The family dynamics, grief and mystery are so interesting that you glide through the story to understand the full story and all that it implies.

After finishing the book last night I can still hear the main characters voice and find it very comforting. Recommend!

Dramatic, Interesting, Adventurous
Bah Humbug!

As hard as I\'ve tried to complete this book it is just too slow and I could not get through it. There are sections that just drag right into the next slow section. This was chosen as a book club book and I hate to not complete it, however, it was just much to boring to hold my interest.

The Time Between by Karen White
Book Club Recommended
Poorly Written, Boring, Slow
Another Must Read from Karen White

Oh, how I loved this story. Karen White, once again you amaze me. I love the characters, they touch your heart and soul and become a part of you as you turn each page. Thank you for sharing this great story as it is one I soon won't forget.

A Hundred Summers by Beatriz Williams
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Addictive, Romantic
Great Beach Read

Great story, full of mystery, romance, love lost, and historical fiction, all the makings for a great beach read. I thoroughly enjoyed it!

Between Shades of Gray by Ruta Sepetys
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Insightful, Inspiring
Good Historical Fiction

This book was very well written describing the life of a Baltic State citizen during the occupation of Russia, sometimes painfully so. There were times I wanted the point of the novel to come forward a little faster however, I also realize that this was very much how the detainees themselves felt. Very good historical fiction.

The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Interesting, Informative
Great for Book Club Discussion

Great book. A little Kansas history, a little history on Louise Brooks and a lot to think about with regards judging others, you never know their real story. Really enjoyed the characters and Ms. Moriarty's writing style.

The Christmas Pearl LP by Dorothea Benton Frank
Book Club Recommended
Optimistic, Inspiring, Insightful
Christmas Charleston Style

Great Christmas story - Charleston style. Pearls of wisdom. Really enjoyed.


This book was just okay for me. I loved the characters and the theme of the story. However, I hated the rambling on and the style in which this book was written. I drove me CRAZY!! I also disliked the references to books, poems, music that is woven throughout. Maybe if I had read all those books it would have meant something, but I have not and therefore it did not. The emotional aspect of the book was translated very well and it cannot help but to strike a chord with the reader. Overall, the book is very difficult to "get into" but by the last 25% I become invested in the characters lives and truly enjoyed that portion of the book.

Return to Tradd Street by Karen White
Book Club Recommended

I couldn't have been more thrilled than when I won an advanced copy of "Return to Tradd Street". Giddy you could say, just plain giddy. When beginning to read the fourth installment, I felt as though I was putting on a pair of my favorite old jeans, nestled in for a great time with old friends and feeling totally comfy. I love the characters, the mix of sexual tension, romance, and mystery. These elements are a perfect combinition for a thourghly entertaining novel and this installment does not disappoint. I do believe that this was my favorite of the four, however, all four are great!

This Fine Life: A Novel by Eva Marie Everson
Confusing, Insightful, Romantic

At first I loved this book, and did love the characters. Towards the middle to end of book the author just seemed to jump way ahead leaving you curious about everything in between. In the end, I felt this book was just OK.

Heading Out to Wonderful by Robert Goolrick

This book was such a disappointment to me, I was so looking forward to reading this novel. I loved The Reliable Wife and Heading out to Wonderful was not near as good. It is gloomy and at times extremely slow. Any chance of redemption was thrown away in the last 20%.

Fun, Interesting, Optimistic
Lowcountry Beach Read

I liked this lowcountry beach read. To me there were to many references of the Catholic traditions, myself not Catholic, did not understand many of the references. The story as a whole is a good story and I will read the follow up novel.

Two Little Girls in Blue: A Novel by Mary Higgins Clark
Just OK

This is a good mystery although not real suspenseful. Never felt connected to the characters and the telepathy between the twins seemed a little far fetched. The plot was interesting though and it is a very fast read.

Tending Roses by Lisa Wingate
Life Changing, Insightful, Beautiful
Good Wisdom/Slow Story

There is some great wisdom in this story, however, there is also a lack of character development, sleepy writting and a predictable plot. For me, this is just an okay read.

Informative, Interesting, Addictive

I did not enjoy this book at all, it was very gloomy and dark. At times the novel seemed disjointed and hard to follow.

Fancy Pants by Cathy Marie Hake
Book Club Recommended
Cute story

This is a cute story and I really liked it. Very predictable but a fun read.

The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Insightful, Inspiring

Amazing 5 star novel! The writing is wonderful, the characters full and the setting demonstrative. I loved everything about this book. It will be my book club choice for 2015. I want to share it with every woman I know. There is so much to the story, but the main concept is freedom of slavery from oneself and others. Fly my!

Informative, Inspiring, Insightful

Malala is an amazing teenager. Incredibly smart and devout to learning, her God and her people. She does not know fear. The first few chapters, I loved, the description of her homeland and her family. After that, this book just became drudgery, very slow and boring. I did learn about Pakistan and for that I was grateful but it was written in such a way that it just seemed to drag on.

The Shoemaker's Wife by Adriana Trigiani
Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Inspiring, Beautiful
A Life Story

The Shoemaker's Wife is a beautiful story, rich in character, scenery and depth. As I turned each page I walked the Alps of Italy and the cobblestones of Rome; took in the sights and smells of Little Italy and felt the warmth of love shared in Minnesota. This novel is based on a true story and for that reason it became even more beautiful. “Beware the things of this world that can mean everything or nothing.”

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Epic, Dramatic

Really enjoyed this first novel in the Chronicles of Kings series. Ms. Austin truly brings the characters and landscape to life.

The Good Sister by Drusilla Campbell
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Informative, Dramatic

Very intense read. Very well written and author raises alot of questions. Although the subject is very dark, this is a great book and one that would be great for bookclub discussions.

That Night: A Novel by Chevy Stevens
Book Club Recommended
Slow, Dramatic, Unconvincing
Bullying on a Whole New Level

Great story. Really enjoyed. Although this novel was not as suspenseful as Ms. Stevens previous novels, it was still very good.

Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Interesting, Insightful
Great Read

Loved Karen White's newest novel, A Long Time Gone. Loved the characters. The story spans time from the 1920's to present day and four generations of a family. Ms. White has the great gift of creating fabulous characters and makes each book a memorable one.

The Last Original Wife: A Novel by Dorothea Benton Frank
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Interesting, Inspiring

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Insightful

Another great book for Ms. Chamberlain. Couldn't put it down and hated when I had to. This is a sit at the edge of your seat and chew your fingernails novel, very suspenseful. Love the authors story telling ability she has a way of wrapping you into this story and not letting you go until the end.

The Prayer Box by Lisa Wingate
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Beautiful, Inspiring
Powerful wisdom!

????? 4 1/2 stars! I loved it. A lot of Christian novels are fluffy, this one is not. Great writing style! Perfect gift book and fabulous for book club discussion. Powerful wisdom.

War Brides: A Novel by Lois Battle
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Dramatic, Romantic
England's Women during WWII

Very interesting, historical fiction based on England's War Brides during WWII. Enjoyed the majority of the characters and their nuances. In the beginning the book was a little difficult to follow but soon enough, everything was clear and the story very good.

The Funeral Dress: A Novel by Susan Gregg Gilmore
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Addictive, Dramatic

What drew me into this book was the cover, it looks like a story just waiting to be told. I loved this book, the historical fiction, the characters and the back drop. The author did a fabulous job creating the scene so you become immersed in the hollers of Tennessee. I also enjoyed the community in which the characters were tethered together.

The Pecan Man by Cassie Dandridge Selleck
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Dramatic, Interesting

WOW! What a great story. Loved the way in which author told her story, felt like I was sitting on a great front porch with a glass of sweet tea, discussing a situation with a dear friend. Characters were dynamic.

Recommend to anyone that wants to read a great story. Short but powerful.

Fun, Interesting, Optimistic

Blah! Not much to the story, and no connection with the characters. Would not recommend.

The Book Club by Mary Alice Monroe
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Interesting, Addictive
MAM does it again!

Mary Alice Monroe has such a way with characters, they become your friends, enemy, husband, or lover. It doesn't matter that sometimes the book is somewhat predictable you are so immersed in the characters lives that it feels very much a reality. Only the very best of authors can create this euphoric sense with a novel and Mary Alice Monroe is THAT author.

I really enjoyed this novel, the story of women that form and book club and become friends, a support group and a reality check for each of them. Some much of real life spoken in these pages. This is a great novel for anyone wanting a good read, a book club to share and friends to discuss. I really enjoyed it and highly recommend.

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Informative, Insightful

There were parts of this book I really liked, the strength in the women, the attitude of sex from both men and women in the early 1900's and the newspaper ads the author shared. However, I didn't feel any connection with the characters and really thought this is where the book had its short comings.

Accidents of Marriage: A Novel by Randy Susan Meyers
Interesting, Dramatic, Fantastic

Very depressing and really sad. Found myself liking the husband more than any of the other characters, and don't think that is what the other was going for. Would not recommend.

A Watershed Year: A Novel by Susan Schoenberger
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Difficult
A Study in Grief

This novel is really a study in grief, moving on and beginning again. I liked the book, very well written, but seemed heavy.

The Virtues of Oxygen by Susan Schoenberger
Informative, Interesting, Dramatic

2 1/2 Stars. I loved the premise of this book, however I believe the author failed with regards to the characters. The characters lacked depth and were not believable.

Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Insightful, Romantic

4 1/2 stars! 24 hours of reading bliss. Very fast read and my heart is full. The Look of Love is a lighthearted read compared to Ms. Jio's other novels, however, very introspective. Loved this story!! Thank you so much for words of wisdom Ms. Jio, I will always remember you when I hear this song.

The Wishing Tide by Barbara Davis
Book Club Recommended
Optimistic, Fantastic, Romantic

Beautiful, Insightful, Dramatic
Don\\\'t Do It

Yes a 2! I know, I know, many of you rated this book very high. I just plain didn\\\'t like it. The writing was fabulous but the story was not. The writing was so good, I felt as though I had been dragged through WWII, however, there was no connection to the characters, not a glimmer of hope and certainly no reasoning for the chapters going forward and backward in time. Truly, I just feel thankful to have finished.

Forty Acres: A Thriller by Dwayne Alexander Smith
Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Addictive, Dramatic

The Other Typist: A Novel by Suzanne Rindell
Interesting, Brilliant, Dramatic

This is a very fast read, however, I really did not like the story or the characters. The story is just "odd". I am anxious to review with our book club to discuss their views.

Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Romantic, Inspiring

This book is so different and yet I loved it. It is very soothing as you read it and yet you don't want to put the book down. I loved the characters through UBa's eyes and the way in which he told the story.

Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Adventurous, Dramatic
Great Characters!

4 1/2 Stars I loved this book - the funny, the sad, and the heartbreak. I have read this series over two weeks and I am feeling sad that I'm finished. Not sure if author is continuing the series but I certainly hope so. The characters are just so down to earth and I love each of them despite their quirkiness. Flynn my heart breaks for you. :(

Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Interesting, Dramatic

The Union Street Bakery by Mary Ellen Taylor
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Optimistic, Insightful

Nice, easy story. Really enjoyed the book, great characters. A story that includes a few ghosts, a little romance and great family ties. Looking forward to reading the second book in this series.

Informative, Gloomy, Slow
2 1/2 Stars

2 1/2 Stars. This book was very slow and didn\'t pick up until 2/3\'s through it. I did like the characters and their reality, black during the 1950\'s in Mississippi. However, the whole side story of the Senator\'s daughters just seem random to me. The entire time reading this story, I kept asking myself why white people were so cruel to other human beings despite their race. I do not nor will ever understand hatred of others based on their race or religion.

Ninteen Minutes by jodi picoult
Book Club Recommended
Addictive, Insightful, Gloomy
Great for Discussion!

This is not a feel good book, in fact it is depressing. However, the book is amazing. Ms. Picoult does a great job in bringing the emotions of each character to light, revealing their inner thoughts and their perspectives. Great book for a book club discussion.

Ladies' Night by Mary Kay Andrews
Book Club Recommended
Fun, Optimistic, Insightful
Great Beach Read

This is just a great, fun novel. A little heat, a little mystery, a little romance, a little blogging, and a little photography. Great for a summer beach read. I will be reading more of Mary Kay Andrews!

Mr. Emerson's Wife: A Novel by Amy Belding Brown
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Informative, Romantic

Although this book is sad, it truly speaks of the true human condition. I learned quite a bit from this novel as well as appreciated the authors eloquent writing style.

So much for a bookclub to discuss.

Leaving Time: A Novel by Jodi Picoult
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Insightful

This is a very different book from Ms. Piccoult's previous novels, that being said, I still really liked it. I've learned a lot about elephants much in the same way I learned about loggerhead turtles in "The Beach House". This novel has a big twist that has left me speechless. Great read!

Interesting, Slow, Pointless
OK Read

2 1/2 Stars. Over 30 characters in this book and only two that were relatable. Took entirely too long to get to the end result. Just didn't love the story but it was ok.

A Fall of Marigolds by Susan Meissner
Book Club Recommended
Optimistic, Romantic, Beautiful

I really loved this book. Could not set it down. I would love to read this for book club and get everyone's perspective on the emotional issues.

Whiskey and Charlie by Annabel Smith
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Interesting, Gloomy
Honest and Raw

Whiskey and Charlie exposes the love, competition and rivalry between siblings. This is a honest and raw account. The author did a great job in drawing you in to each of the characters. I really enjoyed this book and look forward to reading some of her other work. Great novel for book club discussion.

Book Club Recommended
Beautiful, Interesting, Addictive

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