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Name : Nancy K.

My Reviews

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Informative
Handle with Care - somewhat predictable and overdone

Interesting & informative regarding the rare genetic condition OI. Our book club researched information through the OI Foundation, and viewed a video featuring adults and children actually living and coping very well with the condition. The writer worked too hard on the irony, to the point that it became somewhat overdone. The references to the recipes, the fact that Charlotte actually went through with the lawsuit against her BEST FRIEND & personal OB MD, was hardly convincing to our group. Ironic also with the lawyer's background, and the problems of Willow's sister. Just a bit too much for me. Many of us found the plot predictable. Many guessed at the ending.

A Land Remembered by Patrick D., Smith
Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Informative, Interesting
A Land Remembered: A Book I will Read Again

"Would I read this book again?" Yes, and I will keep it on my shelf to remind me to share it with others. As a new Florida resident, Mr. Smith's book provided me with an understanding of the people who migrated and lived in central Florida.

Confusing, Pointless, Boring
Wish I Hadn't Recommended the Book to My Club!

Okay, all said and done, my book club enjoyed our discussion of the book and it's theme – growing older – but none found it a "good read." Brit references and sayings were missed by us as American readers. The ironic thing is that our entire book club is made up of retired women, with many of us well over 60! We agree with the author that retirement does give you the "freedom" to do as you want. We also listened to a recording of a radio interview of her, and found it interesting.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Informative
Year of Wonders

Brilliantly written! Well developed central character. Events and details fascinating. It's not just a "book about the plague."

The 19th Wife: A Novel by David Ebershoff
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Insightful
The 19th Wife

Interesting from a historical perspective. There were many facts that I didn't know or understand about the early Mormons. I had great difficulty with this book primarily because I didn't relate to or understand the role of women in the Mormon faith. This was difficult for me. As a member of the "baby boomer" generation the degradation of the role of women offended me. Aside from that, the ultimate "trust" in "following the leader" on blind faith is contradictory to whatI understand to be "critical thinking." Hard to believe people still find this acceptable.

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins
Book Club Recommended
Adventurous, Dramatic, Interesting
Worth the Read!

This was well worth the read! I took a chance by offering this as a selection to my book club. Almost all said they wouldn't have selected it on their own, but the overwhelming majority said they would recommend the book to others. It frightened and disgusted some of our members with it's speculation on the future, but we found many recognizable trends in our current world that give us pause to think. Very "discussable."

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