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Name : Corinne S.
Gender : Female
Occupation : Retired

My Reviews

Inspiring, Informative, Dramatic
The book is set during the time when the Dominican Republic is in the shadow of the Dictatorship of Trujillo. Three sisters work to overthrow this monster.

Our group enjoyed discussing the history surrounding this book. It was a time some in our group had no knowledge of and learned a great deal. Others had forgotten about this time and did not know the details and were amazed by the story. We discussed gender roles in the world along with the strength of family. We had fun discussing choices we make in life. We each identified with one of the sisters. As the title indicated with the word butterflies, we discussed how the sisters changed during the book. There are so many ways you can enjoy this book that I encourage your group to read and discuss it.

Interesting, Dark
The author tells you the story of a murder of a 9 year old girl

Lee Martin did an outstanding job of pulling you into the story. He constructed the book from many points of view but does not reveal the details of the murder at once. He challenges you to close the book, he lies to you during his story, and yet you read on to confirm that you knew exactly what happen to Katie.

Some people will not like the dark nature of the story and that is the reservation I have in my recommendation.

Slow, Boring
4th Grade School Teacher hatchets her husband to death

Internal Combustion is a book with a controversal topic which created a lively discussion. We truly enjoyed talking about Joyce Maynard and her personal life experiences, Judge McDonald who overturned the ruling, the two sons and their personalities and differing opinions of their parents, home depot,Julie Dumbleton, and many other topics that the book deals with.

Judge & Jury by James Patterson, Andrew Gross
Dramatic, Adventurous, Graphic
Mafia Boss on trial

You are a juror and the most deadly man in the world is on trial. He knows where you live, he knows you family, he knows where you work, he knows what you drive, and he has the power to change any part of your life he chooses. Enjoy the nail-bitting page turner that will lead you to the end of the world.

Informative, Dramatic, Interesting
Deep-hearted love relationships

Our group had lots of discussion on this book. We enjoyed finding out about China and its culture differences. Friendship and the bond that women have between them along with the different types of love we experience in life. Foot binding and what each society views as beauty. It is a great book to bond with your group. Highly recommend this book.

The Angels of Morgan Hill by Donna VanLiere
Black family moves into a small town in Tennessee

We had mixed reviews of the book during our discussion. Some of the women thought the characters were not fully developed. Also, some of the events were not explained in any detail.

Most of us enjoyed that it was a quick read and that it brought on the discussion of woman and their role in marriage. We talked about how a woman back then would not walk away from a abusive marriage easily. We loved Henry and all the wisdom he shared.

Fun Read.

Multiple murders occur and you try to decide who done it

We really enjoyed talking about the fact the Anne Perry was convicted of murder when she was a young girl. It brought understanding to the book and we speculated about the therapy aspect of all her writing. One of the ladies in our group has read more than one of her books and says that her later books are much better.

The life of Anne Boleyn is described in detail along with the history of the time.

Enjoy the life of Anne Boleyn and the intrigue of the courts of France and England. The danger of being at the whim of an womanizing King who has no trouble discarding wives. Lots to talk about especially women's roles in life.

Taking a Stand by Janet Lynn Mitchell
Janet Mitchell struggles through 10 surgeries in 3 1/2 years and is deceived by her doctors.

We had the wonderful and exciting experience of speaking with Janet Mitchell from her home in CA last evening. She spent 30 minutes giving us background and answering our questions. What a wonderful woman. Her story is so difficult and yet she had the strength and determination to walk again. Not only that but she goes through a lengthy court process. Very inspirational. Strong warm and caring woman.

Great for discussion and awareness of doctors and hospitals.

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini
Informative, Dramatic, Insightful
A story of perseverance, love, responsibility, betrayal & redemption.

A story of life during the events of war in Afghanistan over thirty years. This gives first hand experience of living every day with proverty, submission, deep love, and strong character. It is a book that will remain with you after you have turned the last page.

Drowning Ruth by Christina Schwarz
Interesting, Dark, Dramatic
Dysfunctional family, family secrets, sister loyalty, sacrifice

Drowning Ruth kept us in suspense until the night on the ice was revealed. We all guessed at what we thought happened, but you never know until the end. Along the way you are introduced to Ruth, Imogene, Amanda, Mathilda. As you get to know each character, you begin to understand why their lives have turned out as they have. You question why they made the decisions they did, and you see how those decisions changed their lives forever.

The Perfect Match by Jodi Picoult
Dramatic, Dark, Difficult
5 yr old molested and the twisted journey that takes place

Jodi Picoult is a wonderful storyteller. She takes current events and weaves them into a story that has many unexpected patterns. In Perfect Match our group had so much to discuss. Rape of a 5 year old, priest involvement, DNA procedures that we were surprised to learn, antifreeze and what it can do, legal system does it protect, love for you child and what would you do, working mothers and guilt.

Adventurous, Dramatic, Interesting
90+ year old man reflects on his younger life

Jacob is now 93ish and in an assisted living arrangement and his family missed their Sunday to visit which could have made a lesser man miss the one thing he was longing to do visit the circus.

Old Age
Family Ties
Animal Protection
Depression economic effects
Technology Advances and the circus

There are many topics to discuss with this book.

The Dark Tide by Andrew Gross
A story of betrayal, crossed lives, action and adventure

Karen Friedman finds herself a widow after 18 years of marriage with two children to raise and into her life steps strange scary men looking for huge amounts of money. Her long time friend and business partner of her husband say not to worry, but these men mean business and they send their message by a night visit to her daughter. Andrew Gross weaves a story of the heart into this action packed novel. How can you be married to a man for 18 years and not know him at all. Enjoy.

Oxygen: A Novel by Carol Cassella
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Insightful, Interesting
Oxygen by Carol Cassella

Carol Cassella provides information about the importance of each job within the operating room. Your life is truly in the hands of the people in that room. The outcome will depend on the competence, integrity, patience, and intellegence of the team

Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Informative, Insightful
Three Cups of Tea

Our group enjoyed the adventure of the mountain climbing and the difficulty a mountaineer must face. Greg uses those skills to successfully build schools through out Pakistan and Afghanistan. The history of the time was very clear and that added to the story. The culture of the people and how Greg adapted to understand them and live as they lived made him a legend among the people.

Book Club Recommended
Slow, Dark, Gloomy
The Grass is Singing

Book written in 1950. Hard times when a woman marries a man who lives a very solitary life. Murder mystery brings interest. It was insightful that not all people live the way we do.

Orphan Train by Christina Baker Kline
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Interesting, Insightful
The Orphan Train

I found Orphan Train to be an interesting story based on facts that happen in the past. Because it was based in fact it held my interest more than if it was totally fiction. I had to google the facts about the orphan trains of the past. The pictures that were included help me to visualize what it was like for the children on the trains. Their fight to survive and have full lives when they became adults was an important part of the story. There are so many issues you can discuss.

The Invention of Wings by Sue Monk Kidd
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Insightful, Inspiring
Multilayered Deepth

My book group truly enjoyed this book because of the layers of character depth. We love to tell our stories and really enjoyed the stories told by Sarah and Handful. The topic of violence within human nature brought on discussion of the domestic violence in sports that is happening in the news today. We found the author\\\\\\\'s notes at the back of the book very helpful in our discussions. We loved discussion the title imagery and how it was mentioned throughout the book. We were surprised to find in our research for the discussion that there were slave quarters in Philadelphia. We had a fun night with this book.

Keep Quiet by Lisa Scottoline
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Unconvincing, Dark
Keep Quiet

Our book group enjoyed this page-turner. We all learned new information on DUI offenses. The suspense kept you reading to find out what was going to happen to Ryan and Jake. There were many points to discuss. Fun, Easy, Read.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Interesting, Insightful
Choose Right or Wrong

Tom and Isabel are faced with the choice of right or wrong. Life is never that easy and you will be with them on the rough seas of conscience. My book group found the story to be insightful and very interesting. We did not all agree on the choices of Tom and Isabel, but we had great discussions about the story.

The Chaperone by Laura Moriarty
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Interesting, Informative
The Chaperone

Laura Moriarty provided us with lots of discussion - but not on Cora, \\\"The Chaperone\\\", but rather on Louise Brooks the silent film and dance star. I along with Eileen found that really interesting. Laura did provide plenty of conversation on family, Prohibition, which Sharon informed us lasted a very long 13 years, race, with the play that Cora and Louise went to see and were surrounded by black patrons, lewd cohabitation, Raymond and Alan, Cora and Joseph, what would the neighbors have said if they knew, homosexuality and the difficulty to the point of jail time if found out and the ruin of your family, contraceptives and how it was not even acceptable for the married woman to use them much less the unmarried woman and also morality with so many secrets and lies that had to be told. It makes my heart so sad to think about the lives they lived. I know there were good times, but I still believe \\\"The Truth Will Set You Free.\\\" The point is at what cost? Louise was certainly the come-back kid. When Louise left Denishawn Dance, Flo Ziegfeld offered Louise a place with his glorified American girls and it was while working for him that a Paramount scout saw her and asked for a screen test where she was successful with one of her most famous pictures \\\"Canary Murder Case.\\\" Louise did finally venture into matrimony with Eddie Sutherland, a film director. Later they divorced and she married Deering Davis, Chicago sportsman in 1933 and then later separated. (Some of this material I found in The Wichita Eagle newspaper dated 1937).

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