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Name : Natalie K.

My Reviews

Certainly not a challenging read

Overall the book was enjoyed.It was a quick easy read on a subject that we are all familiar. We didn't find many of the scenerios believable or realistic. Neither character evoked much sympathy and quite frankly were in many ways forgetable. What this book did do do was launch a great discussion on the power of female relationships.

Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Dramatic, Unconvincing

We found Bruno to be a very frustrating in his self-centerness, lack of maturity and lack of insight. The story is so unlikely that it caused many of the group members to become angry and not want to finish the book.The conclusion or lesson learned from this fable was not met with sympathy from this book club.

Away: A Novel by Amy Bloom
Dramatic, Dark, Poorly Written
Russian Porn

Our book club jokingly referred to this book as the Russian Porn. This book was filled with gratuitous sexual encounters that felt as if they were written by a 14 year old boy to be read by other 14 year old boys.

Book Club Recommended
Just say no to the FLDS

One young woman's story inside the FLDS compound in Colorado City and how she broke free and ultimatly brought down "Prophet" Warren Jeffs. Our club would have loved to learn more about the beliefs and tenents of the FLDS church, but the book just didn't provide many details.

Book Club Recommended
Fun, Inspiring, Optimistic
Fun summer read

Nothing serious or life changing here. This book is just fun and nothing else.

Picking Cotton: Our Memoir of Injustice and Redemption by Jennifer Thompson-Cannino, Ronald Cotton
Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Dramatic, Interesting
Picking Cotton

A book about injustice and wrongful incarceration based solely on one woman's testimony.

Book Club Recommended
Gloomy, Confusing, Pointless
Who really is the predater and who is the prey?

Book Club Recommended
Brilliant, Epic, Adventurous
Edgar Mint

What's not to love about the orphan Edgar? He survives a traumatic brain injury, Indian boarding school, Morman relocation program and the creepy ex-doctor that continues to find him. Our book club loved this book.

Book Club Recommended
Dark, Gloomy, Dramatic
As I Lay Dying

This is a challenging read, but the end result is worth the struggle.

Interesting, Informative, Fun

This book is not good for a book club discussion.

Book Club Recommended
living large

Book doesn't necssarilly provide new insight..Americans consume
and consume, but discuss the why.

Amaryllis in Blueberry by Christina Meldrum
Insightful, Gloomy, Dramatic
Amaryllis in Blueberry

Don't waste your time or money. This book is poorly written and
as a group we hated this book.

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Informative

I appreciated that the author did not mince words when describing
Babe. This book seemed to be a fair and accurate when pointing
out that although Babe was a supreme athlete beyond the likes
anyone had ever seen, she also had some unforgiving qualities.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Beautiful, Interesting

A true voice of a child in a desperate life.

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