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Name : Donna N.

My Reviews

Insightful, Dramatic, Inspiring
All members enjoyed the book very much

Dramatic, Interesting, Informative
The setting and the characters, as well as the style of writing, led to a good discussion among the members.

Everyone in the club liked the book and thought it was well-written and thoroughly researched. The only negative comments were that some members had difficulty with the author's use of 17th century terminology and phrases and some members felt the ending was too rushed and unrealistic. Other than those few negative comments, all members felt the book was well worth reading.

Ahab's Wife (P.S.) by Sena Jeter Naslund
Epic, Dramatic, Difficult
Amazing book and a lively book club discussion

While some of the members thought the book was overly long and sometimes too flowery and descriptive, everyone agreed that the story line and the characters were engrossing. There were so many topics covered in the book that led to very good discussions at our meeting. The book is definitely worth reading.

A Thread of Grace by Mary Doria Russell
Book Club Recommended
Informative, Adventurous, Insightful
Not an easy read but very informative

Not all of our members finished the book due to its complexity, mainly because of the various names used by the book's characters. Those that did finish thought the book was extremely interesting and informative but all agreed that it was an exhausting book to read.

Runaway Grandma by Ann McCauley
Book Club Recommended
Poorly Written, Pointless, Dramatic
Great story concept but writing was amaturish

All club members that read the book did enjoy it, but most thought the writing was very poor. The book is self-published and was very hard for most members to obtain.

'Tis The Season!: A Novel by Lorna Landvik
Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Interesting, Fun
Lighthearted, a quick read, and predictable

Although many of our members felt this was a pointless book, we all agreed it was a good choice for the season since it was short and not challenging. Some members felt the format (a series of emails) was confusing at first. We all agreed the book was not the author's best work.

The Wednesday Sisters: A Novel by Meg Waite Clayton
Book Club Recommended
Inspiring, Interesting, Fun
Something we could all relate to

The time period and the events discussed in the book were so familiar to all of our members and we had a lively and spirited discussion of the book. We all enjoyed the book - it was easy to read, kept our interest, and brought back many memories of times not that long ago when women were mainly thought of in terms of what their husbands did.

Book Club Recommended
Romantic, Informative, Beautiful
A bittersweet story about young love in tough times

All club members really enjoyed this novel. It provided many unknown details about the tragic treatment of Japanese-Americans during WWII as well as telling a lovely story about the friendship and love between a young Chinese boy and his Japanese-American schoolmate. We highly recommend this book.

Stern Men by Elizabeth Gilbert
Gloomy, Slow, Informative
Mostly uninteresting and disappointing overall

Although the plot summary of this book sounded good to all of us, after we all read it we mostly agreed that it was a boring and uninteresting book. The first few chapters started out good, then the middle just dragged. It's almost like the author had a word count to make and just threw in lots of filler. The last chapter and the Epilogue were the best parts - - - that's the story we all wanted to read!

Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Informative, Romantic
An enjoyable read

All the members of our book club liked this book and we had a great discussion session about it. We all recommend it.

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