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Name : | Ellen T. |
My Reviews
Well drawn characters, you fall in love with all of them. Thought-provoking--What would you do in the same situation when the whole world goes insane with a maniac leading. What is the response when your power is limited by your age, your income, etc. AN EXCELLENT CHOICE FOR CLUBS
Hated it. Couldn't finish the book. Lots of gay love scenes, it you like that kind of thing. Don't read this book for book clubs.
We loved it at our club. A very different type of memoir about a friendship across cultures. HIGHLY RECOMEND
It was a wonderful read. Good story
Well written, well told story. Much honesty from the author as she reveals her feelings as a child. A VERY GOOD CHOICE for clubs. THe material is heavy, but reminded me that we are SO VERY sheltered and blessed in America.
Ingeniously written. Different than anything I have ever read. 5 books encapsuled and woven though each other, but each so uniquely different. YOu must read it to understand what I am talking about. A talented author, for sure.
Really a "coming of age" story for this 35 year old author. I feel like she is writing about she finally grew up! Entertaining, some good fodder for discussion
Unique in that there really are not many books that talk about the Taj Mahal. An insightful novel about the middle east.
Excellent story, stays with you. Don't let the "teen" label fool you--it was not originally published in Australia for adolescents. Highly Recommend
Not for the non-thinking reader. A good choice for clubs who really like discussions about deep, real things. A satire, very enjoyable reading. Really makes you think about your own spiritual life.
Excellent read, keeps you on your toes. Astonishing story.
enjoyed this sequel to Pillars. Great Follett writing
you will enjoy this Follett book
You will enjoy the crusty French characters in this book about a move to the south of France
would generate a great discussion at club
What a tale of courage!! A wonderful, touching story that crosses continent and wars.
We all loved this at our book club. I picked it up on recomendation from someone else, and it was everything you could hope for in a book. Highly recommend.
This book had a lot of potential, but it too WAY too long to tell the story...that you lost the main point of the story. Someone should re-edit this and republish it, because some of it is really good. Might make a good movie. Very descriptive of the "Indian" cultural character.
Re-written Biblical account with an obvious vendetta against men (and I am a woman saying this!)
Found this book a little too emotional--"trying" too hard to be a great book. Sentimental, sappy.
Brings up a lot of things to discuss especially if you are a person who believes in the Bible. How literally do you take it? Why do we pick and choose which of its commands to follow? Funny, but thought provoking!!
At times, difficult to read because you want to just shake Polly and say "snap out of it"! But in the end, a very satisfying book
Imaginative interpretation of Biblical times, but very unrealistic. Actually found some of it offensive
I hated this book in school, and hated it again as an adult. I have no idea why this ever was considered great literature--maybe i am not sophisticated to understand it. Hemmingway's writing style is awful.
Go see the musical, it is much better. The premise was really fun, but the author took it WAY too far with beastiality, etc, that was just gross. I kept waiting for the book to get better and it never did.
This seemed to be poorly edited--like some typesetting mistakes, etc. Story was pretty good, a little laborous in the telling of it. Great idea/plot and probably would generate some good discussion at a club.
I read this in one night--it was very predictable, but not boring. A nice love story, but not a really deep book.
I loved this book. Riveting tale. Obviously well researched.
Even if you don't like coffee, you will love how this story is woven through many aspects. Cappella is a sensual writer--tastes, smells, sounds, and textures are described so well!!
The idea is, I guess, OK, but there is nothing to grab you about this book. You know the ending at the beginning of the book, the bad guy never gets caught, the girl never grows up, etc. What is the point?
What an mesmerizing murder mystery!
I liked this book, but did not love it. I think the main flaw in the plot was that Cee Cee is portrayed as such a "good" person, yet she has this horrible secret which she seems to be incongruous with her character. Seems like the story would be more believable if she was horrible and this baby came in to her life and it caused her to turn around. The Cee Cee in the book would have come clean right away. Also, too much like "The Memory Keeper's Daughter". Lots of similarities--a daughter snatched at birth, money showing up from a someone at irregular intervals, etc.
an interesting way to see how civil rights movement affected people.
An interesting book. Enjoyable read
nice character development. Liked the insight into how a medical "condition" affects someone personally and how other family members respond to it, and how the person herself responded to it.
Not as good as the first, definitely not book club material. Good for mindless reading, especially if you want to pretend you are a teen-ager again.
enjoyable for a quick read, but not book club material. OUr club chose these and I was disappointed.
Written well, keeps your interest. About a situation, political and otherwise which I am sure not many western readers know too much about. Also, about international women's issues. can be difficult to read as the subject matter is very serious.
Similar to a Picoult book. Skillfully weaves the stories of many different people involved in the same difficult situation.
A great commentary on political systems, reality TV, violence, etc, etc. Sounds uninteresting when put that way, but this book was really good. Well written, intriguing, likable characters. Would generate a great discussion at club.
I really enjoyed this book. a light read, probably better for summer, nothing that will knock your socks off, but enjoyable.
descriptions of food are fabulous. the love story is great, too.
I don't know why this author chose the 1890's to set this story in since the way the characters acted and talked sounded more like 1990. It actually would have been more beliveable if it was set in modern times (the characters used very modern idioms and jargon, and approach to religion was very "1990" rather than "1890"). I liked that she tried to portray a difficult to understand book of the Bible, and I think she did a fairly good job of it. However, she is obviously a romance writer, and did not seem to do her research into the setting very well.
I loved this. Much anticipated after "seabiscuit" Definitely a keeper.
this book was touted as an "epic"read--and it was horrible. Why spend hours reading about horrible people? Not one of the characters had an ounce of sense, except maybe Rhoda, and she was an idiot not to leave. What is the sequel--her suicide?
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