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Name : Terye R.

My Reviews

Gilead: A Novel by Marilynne Robinson
Slow, Insightful, Beautiful
Words that bring forth another time

I love Ms. Robinson's writing. I am a HUGE fan of Housekeeping and now a big, big fan of Gilead. This is a sweet, tender story told in a beautiful voice. I enjoyed the story of a young son and an older father and his desire to get things set straight before he dies. I would highly recommend this for bookgroups, there is a lot to discuss, the writing the story...just wonderful.

The Known World by Edward P. Jones
Informative, Difficult, Confusing
Haunting glimpse into the world of slavery

I really enjoyed this book. I was captivated by the story of black owned slaves. This was an excellent book group book. The members in our group found many, many topics to discuss with everyone highly enjoying the story.

Gilead: A Novel by Marilynne Robinson
Slow, Insightful, Beautiful
A beautifully reflective book

I LOVED this book. It is a slow book to read, but that is part of it's charm. The main character of this novel is an older man, a minister that is near the end of his life and we are reading his letter to his young son. The slowness didn't bother me as i felt it reflected the ministers tone and temperment. The descriptions of ordinary, everyday observations is tremendous. I can still see the leaves falling from the descriptions. I highly recommend this, as it will bring you to another time, and you begin to refect on your life and your parent's life and wish that your parent had given you such a letter to be able to understand and appreciate your parents.

A Confederacy of Dunces by John Kennedy Toole
Fun, Confusing, Adventurous
Provided much discussion

This is my all time favourite book. I selected it for our book group and was met with either great enthusiasm or disdain, but great, great discussion. I loved the characters in this book and the writing, i found it totally charming. I did notice that when i brought forth information about the author some did change their opinions of the character. If you want a lively discussion, i recommend this book.

Affinity by Sarah Waters
Dark, Interesting, Dramatic
Great plot twists

I enjoyed this story completely. The writing was dead on, flawlessly protraying the Victorian era. I found the characters interesting and the story quite compelling. This was one of the few books that everyone in the book group enjoyed. This story also produced a fantastic discussion. Highly recommend this title.

Ursula Under by Ingrid Hill
This book could use a good editor

This book had a great concept. A young girl falls down an old mine shaft and as she decends the "voices" and lives of her ancestors emerge. I felt the book was too long and i found that i wanted to know more about the young girl. I will say though it was HUGE success for the book group with everyone but me and two other librarians enjoying the story.

Dry by Augusten Burroughs
interesting story

I enjoyed the humor in this story of addiction, though it was sad at times. This was another winner with the book group. A good discussion came forth from this book.

Adventurous, Dramatic, Interesting
Story grabs you from the start

I truly enjoyed this book. I found the writing to be so smooth to seem almost effortless. The details of life in a circus during the depression never faltered and the characters were very interesting. I was a bit disappointed by the ending. Seemed like it was a quick wrap up. Highly recommned.

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