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Name : Mary Ann O.

My Reviews

The Life We Bury by Allen Eskens
Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Addictive, Interesting
Pleasantly surprised

I had never heard of this author before so I was very surprised by how good it was. I liked how the author tied it all together in the end. Loved the characters.

Dramatic, Addictive, Interesting
Confused by the rave reviews

I found this book slow, boring and tedious. A 1/3 of the way through I knew who did it. This is the story of 3 dysfunctional women each with a different salve for her issues. The girl on a train is an alcoholic who drinks because she can't have kids. She ruins her marriage because she is so obsessed with the fact she is barren. She dreams of a perfect family life and fantasizes about the couple she sees while riding the train each day. She loses her husband to another woman. The other woman is clueless. She's so proud she won another woman's husband she blinds herself to the fact a cheater doesn't change. The woman who's killed uses sex to ease her pain from losing her brother and her baby. Neither of the husbands are very likable or sympathetic. Each of these women is self absorbed and self destructive to their own detriment. This novel should have been called a Train Wreck. What a waste of time and money. Other girls in my book club loved this and though it was suspenseful.

Golden State: A Novel by Stephanie Kegan
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Dramatic, Addictive
What would you do

When you hear about catastrophic events in the news caused by a single individual or two I've often wondered what happens to the families of these individuals. How do they cope? How do they feel? How do they deal with the notoriety from their son or daughter, sister or brother? What happens to their lives? These people left behind are victims too. Their lives torn apart. They are never the same just as the actual victims.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Addictive, Scary
Good Story Teller

I really enjoyed this book. I didn't realize that this man had won the Edgar Award twice. The only author to ever do so. I had never read anything by this author before and I truly enjoyed this novel. He has published 5 novels and I intend to read all five. Three down and two to go. Love this man's stories.

The Other Typist: A Novel by Suzanne Rindell
Interesting, Brilliant, Dramatic

Well...the first 60 % of this book is basically background info on the characters. The next 35% is actually pretty good. The pace picks up significantly. The ending is supposed to be the kicker. It comes fast and is brief. Maybe too brief. I thought the author left too many unanswered questions. I'm sure the author provided all the background on characters so it made you question what truly happened. In the end though, I thought...there was too boring background info to get to the good be left with an unsatisfying ending. At least it was to me. A few in our club thought it was very good, loved the fact that the book left you with more questions than answers. I,thought the author was trying to be clever...I thought she fell flat on her face. Too boring.

Book Club Recommended
Graphic, Addictive, Dramatic
A little rough

The story overall was pretty good though I figured out who the killer was about 30% into the book. It turns into a page turner at the end. All members agreed it was a little graphic with the torture and one or two sexual descriptions. Most agreed that they felt it was surprising that this was written by a woman given the torture and sexual descriptions. I think these scenes didn't add to the story...actually they lowered everyone's opinion of the book overall.

Addictive, Dramatic, Adventurous
Don't waste your time or money

Picked this book for our book club based on the many positive reviews. I'm soooo sorry I did. I consider this novel to be a complete and utter waste of time. Nothing like reading about a paranoid, self-absorbed alcoholic and abrasive nitwit who is stupidity personified. I intend to apologize to my fellow book club members for wasting their time and money on buying this boring piece of crap disguised as a novel.

Find Her by Lisa Gardner
Graphic, Insightful, Dark
Tough Start

The book starts out graphically for most of the members taste. The storyline picks up at the end but a number of our members couldn't get past the beginning and chose not to continue reading.

The Magdalen Girls by V.S. Alexander
Slow, Boring, Informative

Most of the club members found this book informative but boring. A catholic member of the group found the subject matter offensive by using a catholic nunnery as an example but stating at the end of the book that Catholics were not the only ones who ran laundries for wayward girls. Also, the author left you to wonder about the future of the main character as well as some minor characters while focusing on the day to day drudgery.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Dark, Adventurous
Good Story

Got this book for free because I'm a prime member. It was actually another member in our group that recommended reading this book. Everyone in the group enjoyed the story. Kinda like a John Grisham novel. One lady in our group said she told her husband that it was a good story and she recommended he read it. She said he finished reading the book in one day. A good story that makes you think about what people are driven to become given a certain set of circumstances and how far they will go to protect those they love or themselves for that matter.

House Rules: A Novel by Jodi Picoult
Insightful, Informative, Interesting

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