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Name : Betsy O.

My Reviews

Still Alice by Lisa Genova
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Informative, Interesting
Still Alice

We chose this book with the intent of viewing the movie afterwards. Several of the club members have experienced this dreadful disease with family members.Reading Alice's words as she experienced the panic of not knowing how to get home after her run, or the reviews given to her by the students were heartbreaking. A part in the story that resonated with all of us was when her daughter realized the ongoing debate about her career and life would in time cease. How powerful our communication is and with this disease, the loss felt so terribly. A hard, but powerful read!

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Addictive, Interesting
The Girl on the Train

Many in our club related this book to \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\"Gone Girl\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\". Our discussion centered around when each of us thought we\'d figured out who had done it. Made us think about domestic violence.

The Dinner by Herman Koch
Book Club Recommended
Dark, Interesting, Slow
The Dinner

What would you do to protect your child and family? That was the leading question we had after reading this. Many were reminded of Defending Jacob-good discussion book though a bit unsettling.

The Boston Girl: A Novel by Anita Diamant
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Informative, Insightful
The Boston Girl

A young granddaughter interviews her elderly grandmother about her life as a jewish immigrant growing up in Boston during the depression.

Book Club Recommended
Graphic, Difficult, Interesting
The Luckiest Girl Alive

How much does a parent\\\'s wishes for their life influence their child\\\'s? Can anyone really change their social standing?That\\\'s the underlying message behind this book- though Ani\\\'s mother thought she was doing all the right things in reaching higher for her daughter, Ani learns a hard lesson about fitting in- one that will forever change the life of many.

The Weekenders: A Novel by Mary Kay Andrews
Book Club Recommended
Slow, Romantic, Poorly Written
The Weekenders

Several of us read Mary Kay Andrews faithfully in the summer. She's a good beach read! Those that didn't know her have vowed to read more of her books.The Weekenders stayed true to her writing style- characters that seem like someone you know, a storyline that is fast moving and more than a few laughs even in a murder mystery!

The Nest by Cynthia D'Aprix Sweeney
Book Club Recommended
Interesting, Fun, Dramatic
The Nest

Several of us found this book a bit hard to get in to in the beginning. The premise was a bit unsettling and the rawness of the character disturbing. Nonetheless, as the story unfolds and you learn about each member of the family and how "the nest" plays into their lives,you quickly become trapped. Our club had a lively discussion on what the role of inheritance is, what we feel it should be ( in fact, should there be?), which character we most related to and which we found completely disturbing. All in all, a fund read and worthy of a good discussion.

Book Club Recommended
Dramatic, Insightful, Informative
The Underground Railroad

Many in our book club struggled with the horror described in this book-in fact, several didn't finish it. I think this is an excellent book for insight to the slave's perception.It's not a pretty picture or a peaceful life. In many books, this is softened. Though I found this to be a hard read, I'm glad that I read it. Think people need to be prepared going into it, though.

The Hate U Give by Angie Thomas
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Inspiring, Life Changing
The Hate U Give

We found this book on a librarians' list of books they couldn't put down. Our city has just recently had a young unarmed black youth killed by police, so this story was very relevant. We had wonderful discussion about character development and how the book taught the readers about black culture. Beautifully written, we all found ourselves pulling for the main character! Several of our members shared that this wasn't a book they would have picked up on their own, but were so glad that they read it. One of our members listened to this book on Audible and said she thought she would prefer reading it.

One Last Dance: It's Never Too Late To Fall In Love by Mardo Williams, Kay Williams, Jerri Williams
Book Club Recommended
Insightful, Optimistic
A Peak at Life's Journey

We received this book from Book Movement's Giveaways. The book takes place in our hometown of Columbus, Ohio. It's the love story between a cantankerous 89 year old gentlemen and a spry
"younger "woman who is nearing 80. We found the book insightful as both come to terms with their mortality and realize the impact of their past actions with members of their families and others. The age span of the women in our club is rather broad. For the younger set, this book didn't keep their interests. Though there are characters in the book that are college aged, some of the writing is a bit dated and the members didn't feel as though it pertained to them. Overall, it's a tender story and a quick read and our discussion about aging was a good one.

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