Come Back: A Mother and Daughter's Journey Through Hell and Back
by Claire Fontaine, Mia Fontaine

Published: 2007-02-19
Paperback : 311 pages
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How does an honor student at one of Los Angeles's finest prep schools–a nice girl from a happy, loving home–trade school uniforms and afternoons at the mall for speedballs in the back of a truck in rural Indiana? How does her devoted mother emerge from the shock of finding ...

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How does an honor student at one of Los Angeles's finest prep schools–a nice girl from a happy, loving home–trade school uniforms and afternoons at the mall for speedballs in the back of a truck in rural Indiana? How does her devoted mother emerge from the shock of finding that her daughter has not only disappeared but had been living a secret life for more than a year?

Mother and daughter tell their parallel stories in mesmerizing first–person accounts. Claire Fontaine's story is a parent's worst nightmare, a cautionary tale chronicling her daughter Mia's drug–fueled manipulation of everyone around her as she sought refuge in the seedy underworld of felons and heroin addicts, the painful childhood secrets that led up to it, and the healing that followed. Her search for Mia was brutal for both mother and daughter, a dizzying series of dead ends, incredible coincidences and, at times, miracles. Ultimately, Mia was forced into harsh–but–loving boot camp schools on two continents while Claire entered a painful but life–changing program of her own. Mia's story includes the jarring culture shock of the extreme and controversial behavior modification school she was in for nearly two years, which helped her overcome depression and self–hatred to emerge a powerful young woman with self–esteem and courage.

Come Back is an unforgettable story of love and transformation that will resonate with mothers and daughters everywhere.

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by Gail O. (see profile) 01/19/23

by bridget c. (see profile) 02/07/20

  "A Modern-day horror story"by Delaine W. (see profile) 06/14/08

It's one of those situations - those things happen to other people, people not as good as I am - and then, it happens. This is a story of a mother's determination to save her daughter. Heart-wrenching... (read more)

  "Great book!"by Jennifer D. (see profile) 01/10/08

Heart breaking story of a girl and the horrible things her birth father does to her thus causing her teenage troubles later in life which this story focuses on. A mother's struggle to save her daughter's... (read more)

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