
1 review

Only In America: An American Boating Adventure
by John Mirassou

Published: 2008
Paperback : 0 pages
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Only in America: An American Boating Adventure by John Mirassou is a rollicking, touching, at times outrageous Valentine to our country, in a story that combines elements of Huckleberry Finn, The African Queen, and Surfin' USA. This exciting buddy story follows "The Three Johns," ...
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Only in America: An American Boating Adventure by John Mirassou is a rollicking, touching, at times outrageous Valentine to our country, in a story that combines elements of Huckleberry Finn, The African Queen, and Surfin' USA. This exciting buddy story follows "The Three Johns," twenty-something lifelong friends from Redondo Beach, California, in their 17-foot Boston Whaler, as they take the trip of a lifetime through the eastern waterways of America, a nautical variation on the classic road trip saga. The author's style is so natural and engaging, yet polished and accomplished, that he makes writing seem easy: an effortless telling of an epic adventure by a natural-born story-teller. However, there is nothing easy about this trip, as the guys tackle rivers and lakes, alligators and snakes, horrendous storms and endless summer days. Above all, the book is a profound and personal celebration of America, her rivers, shores, forests, but most of all, its people. Every time the guys meet with some amazing instance of kindness, trust, hospitality, and just plain warmth, the author states the motto of the trip: "Only in America." It takes a nation to make a voyage like this one possible, and the American people come through every time, with food, drink, lodging, and above all, unconditional friendship. This story had me smiling, chuckling, and laughing out loud as I read it! Jump into The Whaler with the John, John and John for a trip you'll never forget: Fun, fun, fun! Roberta Tennant Editor, Falcon Books

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Discussion Questions

Suggested by Members

What surprised you about the author's experiences?
What has been your favorite or most unusual adventure?
Do you agree that the east coast of the United States is an island?
by shirleydavid (see profile) 01/28/12

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Book Club Recommendations

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by shirleydavid (see profile) 01/28/12
John Mirasou still lives in Redondo Beach. John Bertsh who now lives on the Big Island, HI was our book club guest. Last summer two of the original voyagers journeyed with friends and supporters on a 19 ft. Boston Whaler from Virginia to Boston. They wonder if American's are still as great as they were in 1987. Check at the website: onlyinamerica.biz

Member Reviews

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  "Only in America: An American Boating Adventure"by Shirley D. (see profile) 01/28/12

This is self publishing at it's best. A fun journey with three 24 year old's named John as the they boated and waterskied up the intercoastal waterway on a 17 ft. Boston Whaler in 1987. They continues... (read more)

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