
2 reviews

Enemies Among Us: A Novel
by Bob Hamer

Published: 2010-03-01
Paperback : 323 pages
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When undercover FBI agent Matt Hogan totals three vehicles in an out-of-policy Beverly Hills pursuit of a fleeing Arab drug runner, he incurs the wrath of the Bureau hierarchy. To avoid an almost certain suspension, he accepts a new assignment tracking terrorist cell groups while posing ...
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When undercover FBI agent Matt Hogan totals three vehicles in an out-of-policy Beverly Hills pursuit of a fleeing Arab drug runner, he incurs the wrath of the Bureau hierarchy. To avoid an almost certain suspension, he accepts a new assignment tracking terrorist cell groups while posing as a volunteer at a nonprofit charity. What he doesn't know is the ripples of danger from this case will threaten not only his life but the safety and security of the entire nation.

"A page-turning roller coaster that feels like Jack Bauer's 24 without sailing over the top."

Publishers Weekly

"Bob Hamer's debut novel delivers realism only an undercover FBI agent can bring. Enemies Among Us will grab you from word one and stay with you long after you've read the last evocative page. Mitch Rapp has a new friend in the world of fictional heroes, FBI Special Agent Matt Hogan."

Vince Flynn, New York Times #1 best-selling author

"Knowing Hamer 'walked the talk' as an FBI undercover agent gives this thriller a genuine edge that rings like a struck bell."

Kevin Sorbo, producer/director and star of Hercules: The Legendary Journeys and Gene Roddenberry's Andromeda

"Hamer brings a realism to his writing few authors can."

Karri Turner, actress from the CBS series JAG and recipient of the 2009 USO "Heart of a Patriot" Award

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The entire week was postcard perfect. Unseasonably warm weather continued to bathe the greater Los Angeles area in summer-like conditions. Even though it was the middle of October, it felt like July. Santa Ana winds, blowing in from the desert, pushed the smog toward the ocean, clearing impurities from the sky. Residents and tourists alike paraded up and down the crowded Beverly Hills streets, ducking in and out of boutiques catering to America’s wealthiest. But the sedated buzz of excitement on this Chamber of Commerce-type evening was interrupted by the roar of a Harley weaving its way through the traffic on Rodeo Drive. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. The marital relationship Matt and Caitlin have was strong in spite of significantly different personalities, family backgrounds, and personal experiences. In your opinion what was it that made this marriage work so successfully?

2. Caitlin was the tether that grounded Matt when he was struggling with internal conflict. Do you view this as a strength or a weakness for Matt? How might Matt’s outlook have been different if Caitlin hadn’t been an active part of his life?

3. At the beginning of the book Matt played a hard, down and dirty, drug-dealing biker. After all the excitement he went home and cleaned up before crawling into bed. The reader quickly saw two sides of Matt. In your opinion which side is closer to Matt’s real character?

4. Matt exhibited respect for authority when it was backed up by experience and competence. How would you explain the attitudes and opinions Matt held for Assistant Special Agent in Charge Pamela Clinton?

5. Matt recognized that as an FBI agent he could be difficult to manage. He tended to bend the rules and push the limits. Matt’s supervisor, Dwayne Washington, was often challenged by Matt’s behavior and choices. What do you think Dwayne’s opinion was of Matt as an agent and as an individual?

6. When the storage unit blew up Matt blamed himself for not being more attentive and thorough with his surveillance. He felt guilty and responsible for the resulting injuries. Have you ever placed the blame on yourself for someone else’s problems or injuries?

7. When Matt found himself confronted by gunfire from Yasir in the alley behind the clinic, Matt promptly returned fire and killed Yasir. Matt fired in the line of duty. He protected himself, but then he expressed concern about how this incident might affect the undercover operation? Do you think Matt had any regret or remorse for killing Yasir?

8. Wadi expressed confidence in his managing role to further the terrorist agenda. His lifestyle, however, was in direct conflict to Muslim standards and under question by Ismad. Is it possible to live in a way that contradicts your “morals” and still justify your behavior?

9. Ismad had no difficult killing Wadi. He was angry at the decadence and blatant disregard he observed in Wadi’s behavior. Wadi was an embarrassment to the standards of Islam, and he became a cancer Ismad believed needed to be removed. Are there times when strong principles or religious convictions outweigh a person’s responsibility to follow the law?

10. World Angel Ministries was a noble organization assisting injured children caught in the midst of a world at war, and yet it was infiltrated by someone with plans to enact great evil on others. In our world today how can someone trust any benevolent organization if the organization has no control over the actions and motives of its employees and volunteers?

11. Dr. David Mulumbo found himself in an awkward and compromising position when he was offered a cash donation from Yasir. He knew there would be problems in explaining the contribution and questioned its legality, but he accepted it none the less. Have you ever found yourself or someone you know struggling with a decision that had moral or legal implications? How did you or the other person decide what to do?

12. Caitlin’s love and devotion to her students was demonstrated through her bowling night and her tender outreach to Jaana and her family. This kind of compassion is rare today especially in public settings. Describe a time in your life when someone went above and beyond to minister to you in a time of need.

13. Matt’s role as an undercover agent required him to fabricate stories, live out lies. Are there times when lying is justified?

14. The connection between Kim and Ibrahim at the end of the book was a twist? What do you think fostered the relationship and the loyalty Kim expressed for Ibrahim?

15. At the end of the book when the lives of hundreds if not thousands were at stake would you have had difficulty pulling the trigger to stop Kim as she tried to escape?

16. Since 9/11 we have been surrounded by talk of terrorism. That fateful day brought terror to our home shores like we have never experienced. Do you think there are enemies among us? How can we live with that possibility and not be consumed with fear?

Notes From the Author to the Bookclub

Letter from the Author:

“I spent twenty-six years in the FBI, all of them as a street agent and many of those years undercover. Both as a case agent and as an undercover agent I successfully played the role of a contract killer, drug dealer, gambler, pedophile, white collar criminal, and international arms merchant to fight against organized crime, terrorism, gangs, and child exploitation.

“Even as a child I played cops and robbers in the backyard with the neighborhood kids so I think there was always a desire to get into law enforcement at some level. Prior to joining the FBI, I was a judge advocate in the Marine Corps. Regardless of how they portray it on TV, after spending four years in a military courtroom, I realized most trials aren’t “whodunits.” The issue almost always came down to whether the interrogation was coerced or the search was legal. For me, the excitement of the courtroom waned quickly and I certainly wasn’t interested in sitting behind a desk all day drafting legal documents. I really wanted a job offering excitement and a chance to serve. Even though I was a Captain in the Marines I was still just an attorney, but the Marines instilled a warrior ethos. I wanted to be part of that small cadre of men and women who protected the sheep from the wolves. I knew the FBI sought lawyers and accountants, so I applied and was accepted.

“I really had a sense of mission in the FBI. I believed in what I was doing. As I said, I spent many years in various undercover roles. I used to joke that I never had a midlife crisis; I just became a new persona, a contract killer or a drug dealer or whatever the role called for. The best thing was knowing I was making a difference…in a small way, in my own way I was making society better. For me, there was also the ever present anticipation the next phone call might be the thrill ride of a lifetime. Working undercover is the ultimate adrenaline rush. I know of no comparable experience.

My protagonist Matt Hogan would agree. I hope the reader will capture that same excitement and thrill I felt with each undercover assignment. There is a lot of me in Matt Hogan. He’s just younger and a lot better looking.

“There are elements of many of my undercover cases in the [novel’s] composite story I saw the best and worst of mankind. Most law enforcement personnel see the world in black and white. To be a successful undercover agent you have to see the gray. You have to know the real you and understand the undercover role is just an act. The Rolex watch goes back to the property room, the Porsche goes back to the undercover garage. The mask comes off and you have to become real again.

“I had a strong belief that I was where I was supposed to be. I had a wife and two children who provided a tether to the real world, not the undercover world I had infiltrated. I was brought up in a stable home environment by parents who loved me and impressed upon right and wrong. I was well-grounded in my faith. All of that provided the basic backdrop for my undercover work.

“Our servicemen and women and their families have sacrificed much in this War on Terror. They deserve our heartfelt thanks. Each one is a volunteer and even those who have not been injured or maimed have sacrificed a great deal. Combat changes everyone. Yet, I believe we are winning. It is still a long battle but progress is being made. People overseas who never voted in their lives now have a chance to vote. Women are watching their children being educated. We eliminated evil dictators. Much work still needs to be done but yes, I believe we are winning and I believe it is a battle worth fighting.”

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Member Reviews

Overall rating:
  "Enemies Amoung Us"by Amanda R. (see profile) 06/24/10

I REALLY enjoyed meeting Bob Hamer. He was very entertaining and gracious. I want to read his other books!

  "Enemies Among Us"by CHRISTIE H. (see profile) 06/19/10

A thrilling story based on true experiences. It's amazing what true life really is in this environment and this book really reveals triumph and hope.

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