You Look Beautiful Tonight: A Thriller
by R. L. Jones

Published: 2023-06-01T00:0
Paperback : 351 pages
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A secret admirer’s devotion turns deadly in a twisting novel of psychological suspense.

Mia Anderson is an invisible woman. An unremarkable thirty-two-year-old Tennessee librarian, she’s accustomed to disappearing in a crowd, unseen and unheard. Then she receives an anonymous note: ...

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A secret admirer’s devotion turns deadly in a twisting novel of psychological suspense.

Mia Anderson is an invisible woman. An unremarkable thirty-two-year-old Tennessee librarian, she’s accustomed to disappearing in a crowd, unseen and unheard. Then she receives an anonymous note: You look beautiful today.

It doesn’t stop there. The attentive stranger--a secret admirer named Adam--has plans for Mia. With each new text comes a suggestion for her hair, clothes, or attitude, and for the first time in memory, Mia feels noticed. Slowly, she develops a confidence in herself she’s never had. But Adam has a surprise coming…and Mia finally sees him for who he is and what he’s prepared to do for her. Even kill.

Fearing she could be implicated in the murder, Mia’s forced to turn to the stranger in the shadows watching her every move. Adam’s game of cat and mouse begins with Mia as the prey. In order to survive, she must also become the predator.

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The dress is a perfect fit.
Standing in front of my closet, I study the form-fitting bejeweled bodice and flared skirt, that falls just above the knee. It’s stunning, luxuriously silky, simple and elegant and I decide it’s a Cinderella dress if I’ve ever seen one. I don’t even know how Adam managed to pick a dress this close to my ideal dream gown with a perfect fit. Of course, we’ve talked for endless hours, and he’s watched me from afar, therefore, I reason, it’s likely he could guess a size. Not to mention, per the tags, he bought the dress at Saks Fifth Avenue, and the staff there is certainly paid well to be good at guessing these things. I decide not to overthink the dress fitting like a glove or Adam knowing my address. I’ve done a lot of looking for problems where Adam is concerned, and now tonight, the speculation of what is right or wrong with our relationship, if that’s what you call this, ends. The time to ask Adam about Adam in person, has come. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

From the author:

1) Did you guess the ending of the book, and if so, how?

2) How thought-provoking did you find the book?

3) Did you guess who was writing the notes to Mia?

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