The Last Invitation: A Novel
by Darby Kane

Published: 2022-12-06T00:0
Paperback : 416 pages
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Darby Kane, the author of the critically acclaimed and #1 International Bestseller Pretty Little Wife, has crafted another gripping and twisty suspense about an invitation to an exclusive club that comes with deadly consequences.

They meet the second Tuesday of every month and ...

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Darby Kane, the author of the critically acclaimed and #1 International Bestseller Pretty Little Wife, has crafted another gripping and twisty suspense about an invitation to an exclusive club that comes with deadly consequences.

They meet the second Tuesday of every month and vote…and then someone dies.

Over the last few years, prominent people—a retired diplomat, beloved basketball coach, the CEO of an empire—have died in a series of fluke accidents and shocking suicides. There’s no apparent connection, no signs of foul play. Behind it all is a powerful group of women, the Sophie Foundation, who meet over wine and cheese to review files of men who behave very, very badly, and then mete out justice.

Jessa Hall jumped at the mysterious, exclusive invitation to this secret club. The invite comes when she’s at her lowest, aching for a way to take back control. After years of fighting and scratching to get ahead, she’s ready for a chance to make the “bad guys” lose. Jessa soon realizes, though, just how far she’s willing to go and how dangerous this game has become.

Once in the group, it’s impossible to get out. She has nowhere to turn except former friend Gabby Fielding who is investigating the mysterious death of her ex-husband. Aligned in their goal to take down the Foundation, Gabby and Jessa need each other but working together doesn’t mean they trust each other…or that either will survive to tell the truth.

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Chapter One
The Foundation
Seven. One Vote.
The Sophie Foundation. To the public, a charitable organization set up by a select group of powerful women to fund special projects relating to women’s health and welfare. Very general-sounding in its purpose, and not by accident. Behind the scenes, in private, a smaller group within the Foundation carried out  very different agenda. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

From the author:

1. In some respects, Jessa and Gabby share similar upbringings but they are very different people. What kind of events and acts shape us and play into our decision making? Did you see a connection between who these women were then and the decisions they made as adults?
2. The book deals with the idea of “frenemies” and, on a more specific level, the idea that there are friendships we keep and those we jettison as we get older. What do you do when a friendship ends and how do you know? Is there a kindness in breaking off a relationship that doesn’t work for you even if it seems to work for the other person?
3. This book deals with vigilante justice. Are there things that could happen that would allow you to accept someone taking justice into their own hands and acting as judge and jury? What about the ideas of collateral damage and mistakes?
4. One of the creators of the Sophie Foundation is a judge. Should the rules be different for her than for the other women in the Foundation?
5. Gabby is, basically, the moral center of the book, but she is flawed. Did you question her right to make judgments about others? Did she have other options?
6. The Sophie Foundation deals with men who get away with seemingly horrific crimes and abuse against women. These issues play out regularly in true crime documentaries and shows like 48 Hours. Is society’s interest in true crime a problem or a good thing? Does this interest say something about us?

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