Somebody's Home
by Kaira Rouda

Published: 2022-01-18T00:0
Paperback : 299 pages
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A quiet neighborhood. A lovely home. A promising new beginning. In a heartbeat everything can change in this propulsive novel of suspense by USA Today bestselling author Kaira Rouda. Julie Jones has left her suffocating marriage. With her teenage daughter, Jess, she’s starting over. Their new ...
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A quiet neighborhood. A lovely home. A promising new beginning. In a heartbeat everything can change in this propulsive novel of suspense by USA Today bestselling author Kaira Rouda. Julie Jones has left her suffocating marriage. With her teenage daughter, Jess, she’s starting over. Their new house in Oceanside is the first step toward a new life. Even if it does come with the unexpected. The previous owners, a pastor and his wife, have left something?or rather someone?behind… Tom Dean has a bitter hatred for the father who considers him a lost cause, and for the woman who’s moved into their family’s house. The only home he’s ever known. He’s never going to leave. She thinks he’ll be gone in three days, but Tom has the perfect plan. For a newly single mother and her daughter, a fresh start is the beginning of a nightmare. Before the weekend is over, somebody is going to get exactly what they deserve.

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Chapter 1
Somebody is in my home.
I don’t know what to do.
As I watch from the street, I see activity, movement in the kitchen—only for an instant, and the next second the house is as still as before.
I pull out my phone. Do I call her, or 911?
The car parked out front is familiar, but nothing else makes sense. Something is wrong. I know it.
He’s in there.
I must do something. There’s no time to wait for the police.
I swallow and push the car door open, stepping quietly onto the empty street.
I know the truth before I see the lanky shadow move across the kitchen window.
Somebody’s home, and he isn’t supposed to be there.
I crouch down as I run up to the front door of my house. I left it unlocked on purpose, in case she came home and didn’t have her keys.
I know now that was a big mistake.
All this is my fault.
I clamp my hand over my own mouth to muffle my scream as I turn the handle and step inside.
Two Days Before

Chapter 2
A bolt of lightning illuminates the sky, and raindrops the size of river rocks pelt my windshield. Today is unusual. It never rains in Southern California. Not in October. October is for fires and destruction, for Santa Ana winds and red-flag warnings. The rain doesn’t make sense. Nothing about my life makes sense. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

From the author:

Do you think Julie made a mistake forcing Jess to make such a drastic change during senior year in high school? Was it healthy or selfish?

Do you understand Tom's hatred, and can you feel sympathy, even for him?

Who was your favorite character and why?

What did you think of Roger by the end of the story?

In the end, Somebody's Home is about belonging, a common human feeling. Who felt at home by the end of the story?

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