You Have The Right To Remain Silent
by Mark Bello

Published: 2022-04-20T00:0
Paperback : 328 pages
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Conservative talk-show host Mia Folger is in therapy with Dr. Harold Rothenberg. Mia and her husband, progressive Congressman Bradley Crawford, are not getting along these days, personally or politically.

When Crawford is found brutally dismembered and murdered, the evidence points to ...

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Conservative talk-show host Mia Folger is in therapy with Dr. Harold Rothenberg. Mia and her husband, progressive Congressman Bradley Crawford, are not getting along these days, personally or politically.

When Crawford is found brutally dismembered and murdered, the evidence points to Mia as his killer. While the prosecutor pushes for a murder indictment, Dr. Rothenberg, convinced of his patient’s innocence, turns to an old friend—high profile attorney Zachary Blake, Detroit’s self-proclaimed ‘King of Justice.’

Blake will do anything for Rothenberg, the man who successfully treated his kids in their battle with a predator priest. Zack takes Mia’s case, but has his work cut out for him because Mia has been hospitalized, shocked into a catatonic state at the discovery of her husband’s mutilated body, unable to assist in her own defense.

Sensing he must prove Mia’s innocence to avoid an eventual life sentence, Zack enlists the aid of his crack investigator, Micah Love, and Micah’s cyber-specialist, Reed Spencer to dissect and poke holes in the case. But, for this case, Micah in convinced that Zack needs more—he recommends beautiful, sharp, brash, foul-mouthed, cocky-confident New York based jury consultant extraordinaire Shari Belitz and her team of mock trial/focus group gurus.

Shari is the best of the best. Her assignment in the Folger case? Flyspeck the evidence and unleash her arsenal of psychological techniques and predictive skills—use focus groups or mock juries to determine what evidence or circumstances would cause the real jury to declare Mia Folger innocent of all charges. Zack wants no part of Shari; one cocky lawyer-Zachary Blake-should be sufficient to prove Mia’s case. Blake knows what he needs for an acquittal; a brash jury consultant from NYC will only get in his way. But Micah persists and persuades Zack him to give Shari and her team a try.

Zack, Micah, Reed, and the irrepressible Ms. Belitz join forces in an all-out attack on the evidence, while evil characters lurk in the background, engaged in a sinister plot to assure Mia’s demise.

Expect the unexpected in this whodunit legal crime thriller, the 8th installment of the Zachary Blake Legal Thriller Series, featuring all your favorite series characters and one brash, exciting newcomer who gives Blake all he can handle.

"Zachary Blake has become one of the greatest leading men in a series in my own personal library. Considering I read too many books to name, that's saying something. With this latest and greatest suspense, I once again got to sit on the edge of my chair and enjoy Zack, his adventure, his need and passion to see justice served, and the charismatic cast that appears every time I pick one of these up. If You Have a Right to Remain Silent is representative of the quality of books coming in our future, 2022 is going to be one heck of a year for readers.” Amy Lignor— The Feathered Quill

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Blood trickled from the man’s mouth. He sat on a hard, concrete floor, back against a black basement post, naked, blindfolded, hands bound with zip ties, mouth gagged. Down below, blood spurted from an empty space in the middle of his body. The swift swipe of a large, sharp object had separated him from his private parts. He could not see the blow coming, nor observe the result, but the excruciating pain told him all he needed to know. He could feel blood oozing down both legs, trickling to his feet, onto the cement floor. He understood that if his blood continued to gush at its current level, he would soon be dead. He was terrified, mumbling pleas for his life—silently begging for compassion, mercy, or, if neither was forthcoming, a quick death. Was she seeking only to torture him or was she a sadistic killer? ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. In this divided country, are still interested in assuring liberty and justice for all and/or the health and safety of your fellow man?

2. How do you view lawyers in your community? Are the important members of society or do they deserve to be the butt of jokes? (Why do they bury lawyers 20 feet under the ground? Because deep down, they are really nice guys!)

3. When you read a legal thriller, do you prefer total fiction, far-fetched from legal or political reality? Or would you prefer to read a legal thriller that provides an acurate depiction of either the criminal or civi justice systems and the people who participate daily?

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