The Green Beach File
by A. K. Perry

Published: 2020-07-07T00:0
Paperback : 272 pages
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A funny, engaging legal mystery for all those who love and enjoy nature—and reading at the beach.

Jenn isn't the perfect clever attorney. She doesn't love her job, has no innate ability to solve mysteries, no superpowers, and no awesome legal skills. But she does have her love and ...

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A funny, engaging legal mystery for all those who love and enjoy nature—and reading at the beach.

Jenn isn't the perfect clever attorney. She doesn't love her job, has no innate ability to solve mysteries, no superpowers, and no awesome legal skills. But she does have her love and respect for nature—which tends to distract her from her legal work, yet still somehow guides her. Along with her entertaining family, Jenn weaves her way into the midst of a clever environmental thriller that will keep you turning the pages into the night.

The Green Beach File touches on the solace we as humans get from time spent outside in nature, the social pressure of today's environmentalism, and our culture's continued quest for meaning through overt consumption and the acquisition of wealth—all while remaining a light-hearted summer read for those who love nature, the outdoors, and relaxing on the beach!

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Discussion Questions

1. Are certain parts of the earth, and beaches in particular, so beautiful that they should be accessible to everyone?
2. Many folks get respite from time spent in nature, and in Japan, it is called forest bathing. Do you as a reader become centered or restored from time spent in nature? During the covid pandemic, folks seemed to return to spending time in the great outdoors. Is time spent in nature an underutilized coping mechanism for handling life’s stresses?
3. The main character, an environmental attorney, notices nature in every scene, almost more than she notices the people around her. Is this an atypical behavior or one you can relate to?
4. Were you able to guess who committed the murder or murders in the novel?
5. Did you like the romantic interactions between the main character and Officer Matt?
6. What is the play on words, from the title, that is revealed in the last chapter of the novel?
7. How do you do your part to protect the environment, and are we each accepting enough responsibility in this global endeavor? Recall that the author is an environmental attorney, but readily admits she hates washing out the peanut butter jar.

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