The Disruptors (The Gatherer Series)
by Colleen Winter

Published: 2021-07-03T00:0
Paperback : 284 pages
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Maria Kowalski made a promise to do what Storm Freeman, the inventor of the Gatherer, couldn’t. Destroy the device that brought an energy revolution to the world and stop it from spreading a plague across the globe.

But not everyone wants the Gatherer stopped. The military, and the ...

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Maria Kowalski made a promise to do what Storm Freeman, the inventor of the Gatherer, couldn’t. Destroy the device that brought an energy revolution to the world and stop it from spreading a plague across the globe.

But not everyone wants the Gatherer stopped. The military, and the commander she once answered to, are experimenting on the Gatherer to turn it into something larger and more dangerous than it was ever intended.

In a race where she will have to choose who to trust and betray those she once stood beside, she sets out to destroy the Gatherer before it has a chance to destroy them all.

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The porch light was out, the space beneath the canopy dark, and the glow of the moon on the house turned the windows darker. Compared to the brightness of the streets and the blazing storefronts Maria had travelled past, it was a welcome haven. And yet she would have liked to be able to see further into its shadows. She crossed the road, her face tucked into her collar, grateful for the cover of the porch. ... view entire excerpt...

Discussion Questions

1. Storm decided to return to Rima and the corporate headquarters, to stop The Gatherer. Was there ever a time when you had to fix something that you had done wrong? And was there more damage at stake than just your ego?

2. Electromagnetic Hypersensitivity (EHS) is an actual condition that has been acknowledged by the World Health Organization. They are currently coordinating a world-wide program of Electromagnetic Field (EMF) studies. Do you think the condition is real? Have you ever been aware of a field, for example when talking on your cell phone? As more sources of EMFs enter our lives, such as video display units, mobile phones and cell towers, should we be doing anything to protect ourselves?

3. As our technology and energy dependent society has developed, it has required us to make difficult choices between the harm we do to the environment and our growing need for energy. Is there any way that we as individuals can influence these decisions? What do you see as the solution? Can we rely on technology to save us from a finite supply of energy resources? Or does it require a complete re-thinking of our society and how we live on this planet.

4. Maria continues to try to help Storm stop the Gatherer at great personal risk and consequence. Can this be attributed to her being a soldier or is it just who she is? What would you do in the same situation?

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